Kowalski's sketch of Lee by the Mini Sub |
Kowalski sketchified a publicity portrait the Navy sponsored as a recruitment picture. I think Ski got some
of Lee's broodiness, but it's a bit dark. Lee liked it a lot better than the poster the Navy published.

My two boys, what more can I say. They're sometimes at odds with each other, and other times you have to watch out for
their high jinks, but the fact remains they're the best damn command team ever.
I've known Chip since he entered the Academy. Is it any wonder I offered him the post of XO for my 'folly', the Seaview.
Jones always threatened the crew with him if they didn't tow the line. So does Lee. But Chip knows and I know he's really
a pussycat. A great big pussycat with sharp fangs and claws.