Pets on Parade

Catfish's whiskers

Sharon H.'s Fins
Suellen's Whiskers
Nancy's Whiskers
Tina's Whiskers
Sue's Whiskers
Dizzy Dolphin's Whiskers
Sharon H.'s Fins
Rita's Whiskers
Catfish's Whiskers

Buttercup aka 'Kitty'

Name: Buttercup aka 'Kitty' (What else)
Born: Kansas, US
Breed: Unknown, but softest fur I've ever seen.
Residences: Kansas, England, Texas, Florida
Adoptive mother of 'Poppy', a miniature longhaired Dachshund.
My Air Force kitty was born in Topeka, Kansas while my dad was stationed there. At first he hesitated about her adoption as there was the likleyhood he might be sent to England where there was a 6 month quarentine for all animals except horses. (Go figure)
But the fates intervened and she had a happy kittenhood and young adulthood in Kansas until,well you guessed it, Dad was transferred to England. Assured that airlines had pressurized cargo bays, poor kitty was shipped, along with me at a fair expense for our passage. (I was no longer a military dependant) , accross the pond.
Quarentine wasn't all that bad, in fact ,she and the other detainees were rather spoiled lots of keeper's attention, and heaps of freshly caught North Sea codfish daily. We were able to visit, but I'm sure she wondered at times what it was all about.
Finally once she satisfied the officials that she was free of rabies despite her documented innoculation records (It's an England thing), she found herself back in the bosom of her family in a strange land. Again she could lounge on  my shoulders like a stole  as I went about my daily chores (I was taking a year long sabbatical from my college studies at Florida State-when I returned to Florida to finish up my Bachelor's Degree she stayed behind with Mom and Dad)
Having no choice but to be rather adaptable, she must have been startled when my Mom brought home a puppy, and totally surprized us by by becoming a kind of surrogate mother to it.
If 'Poppy' became too rambunctious she'd use a gentle paw on it as if to say 'that's enough, settle down.'
My 'baby kitty' had a full and well traveled life as Dad was transfered to Texas and later to Florida where she finally passed at the ripe old age of 18. I still miss her sorely. You don't own cats. They own you.

Lady Lollipop von Mildenhall aka Poppy

Name: Lady Lollipop von Mildenhal aka Poppy
Born: Mildenhal, England
Breed: Longhaired Miniature Dachshund
Residences: England, Texas, Florida
My mom had always wanted a lap dog, and in England she found one.  I had never been overly  fond of dogs, but she stole my heart and I guess you could say I'm very dog friendly now.
She, like her 'sister in kitty and canine crime', was a well traveled Air Force dog and though English, she  Americanized to her new surroundings in Texas and Florida quite well.
 Like a lot of Dachshunds, she did develop some back problems in the last years of her life, but she had a full life in a loving home.