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SSRN Seaview -Medical Files 2

Cruise: 1:2

Incident Brief

Name:Crane, Lee B.
Incident:Battered as prisoner of Zeraff's city under the sea.
Treatment:X-rays to determine severity of the bruising and concussion. In addition, checked blood profile as he was incarcerated 3 days. Concussion mild and should not have any permenent effects.
Moderate bruising requiring heat release ointment, and possible pain killer.
Blood, pulse and pressure profile normal.
Discussed the possibility of decafinating as he's been without coffee 3 days and now would be a good time to complete the process.

Incident Brief
Name: Adams, Adam
Rank: Seaman
Incident: Killed in destruction of mini-sub aka Atlas on exploration of city beneath the sea.
No body recovered.

Incident Brief
Name:Baker, Bobby
Rank: Seaman
Position: Crewman
Status: USNR
Incident: Killed in destruction of mini-sub aka Atlas on exploration of city beneath the sea.
No body recovered.