Printed Fanzine Story Index

Incomplete but helpful for those times when you can’t remember where one of your favorite fanzine stories lives. Some of these were the trailblazer zines before personal computers were invented, others are more recent. Current contact info may be outdated and/or  unavailable.

A strike-through line indicates that the author does not wish to be contacted regarding the fandom, nor the story to be available for any future consideration either as a printed zine nor online.

This table did not convert to html very well, and I apologise for it looking like a monkey typed it.



Zines                                                             Zinemaster


AA=Anchors Away                                        Pat Ames

BTS=Below The Surface                               Kathy Agel

Convention Fiction 94/97                              Claire Saunders

Crash Dive                                                    Mike Adamson/Entropy Express/EE

Dive!Dive!Dive!                                            Betty Cole

Depth Charge


Leftovers Again                                             Duffle Bag Press/Knight Writer Press

Remote Control                                              Kathy Agel-Criterion Press

Seaview Log                                                   Carole Whittaker/Sue Trent

Seaview Sextant                                             Linda Adams

Seaview Shanties                                           Carole Whittaker

Sonar Readings                                             Linda Chapple/Emprise Press

SR==Silent Running                                      Wendy Karmell/Cathouse Press

Tales From the Seaview


                                Story Title                             Author/s                                                Publications





Act of Compassion                                              Pendrey, Pauline                                  AA1

Adjustments                                                         Kachmar, Diane                                    AA3

Admiral or Captain                                               Hassell, Sandra                                     Convention Fiction 97

Admiral Nelson?                                                  Bottomely, Ann                                    Convention Fiction 97

Aftermath                                                              Edwards, Jackie                                    AA2

Aftermath                                                              Lindar                                                     Tales of the Seaview

Aftermath                                                              Smithson, Cris                                      BTS1

Afterwords                                                            Parkinnson, Helen                                              Seaview Log 4

Against the Wind                                                                Agel, Kathryn                                       AA2

The Age of Reason                                              Wilcoxon, Rita                                      Sonar Readings 2

All in a Day’s Work                                             Kachmar, Diane                                    SR2

All Work and No Play                                         Rivers, Anne                                         Seaview Shanties

Alternate Comedy                                                              Chapple, Linda                                       BTS4

Always                                                                  McIntyre, Scott                                    BTS10

The Anderson Papers                                         Goad, Donna                                         AA2

Application for Transfer                                     Smithson, Cris                                      BTS7




Banshee                                                                 Heston, Jack                                         Crash Dive 2

Baptism of Fire                                                     Rancourt, Cindy                                   BTS1

Beginning Somewhere                                        Kayes, Deborah                                   Seaview Sextant 4

Beginnings                                                            Fisher, Judy                                          AA1

Beginnings                                                            James, Sue                                             SR4

The Bet                                                                  Karmell, Wendy                                   SR2

Beyond Cyborg                                                    Owers, Pauline                                      BTS5

The Big Day                                                          Foss, Carol                                            AA4

Blood Relation                                                      Foss, Carol                                            SR3

Blue Fire                                                                Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 10

Boomerang                                                            Clarke, Yvette                                       Crash Dive 1

On Borrowed Time-An Evening with RB         Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 5

Boys Will Be Boys                                              Karmell, Wendy                                   SR1

Breakdown                                                            Hackett, Linda                                      BTS5

Breaking the Rules                                               Wilcoxson, Rita                                    Sonar Readings 1

Business as Usual                                                             Field, Angela                                          Sonar Readings 2

But I Was Only Doing My Job!                        Adams/Dufour/Farnsworth                              Seaview Sextant 5




The Captain                                                           Karmell, Wendy                                   BTS4

A Captain’s Calling                                              Fitts, Ginger                                          BTS1

Captain Crane and the Professor                       Bottomley, Ann                                    Seaview Log 3

Captain’s Courageous-(DH Bio)                       Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 1

Catch Me if You Can                                           Hornlein, Mariann                                             BTS10

Catsiting Blues                                                     Chapple, Linda                                     BTS6

The Cave                                                               Smithson, Cris                                      BTS5

A  Chance to Meet David Hedison (Bio)          Yarborough, V.                                     Seaview Sextant 8

Chemical Persuasion                                           Plater, Clare                                           Seaview Log 3

Cherished Memories                                           Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 11

Chip’s Revenge                                                    Young, Claire                                        Seaview Shanties

Chip’s Song (Song)                                             Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 6

Chocolate Chip                                                     Smithson, Cris                                      BTS6

Choices                                                                  Karmell, Wendy                                   BTS5

Choke Chain Blues                                              Chapple, Linda                                     BTS4

Command Recriminations                                   Chapple, Linda                                     BTS5

A Compact Image                                               Pendry, Pauline                                      AA2

The Connection                                                    Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS9

Constantine                                                          Kays, Deb                                             BTS3

Contingency Plan                                                                Klein, Isabell                                         Seaview Sextant 12

CPU                                                                        Hackett, Linda                                      BTS6

The Crash                                                              Goad, Donna                                         BTS8

The Crush                                                              Goad, Donna                                         Fathom

The Crustacean Petard                                        Field, Angela                                        SR2

Crisis                                                                      Kachmar,D./Carr,L.A                           Anchors Away Sp.Ed.1.5

Culture Clash                                                        Aldridge, Alice                                     AA2

The Cyborg Nobody Saw                                   Abbs, Carole                                         Seaview Log 1



Damage Control                                                   Kachmar, Diane                                    Fathom

Dark Angel                                                            Wolfe, Dee                                            SR6

The Dark Side                                                       Hackett, Linda                                      BTS9

David Hedison (Bio)                                            Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 3

A Day in the Life                                                  Westcott, A.                                         Seaview Shanties

The Day Irwin was Ringside (Bio)                     Phillips, Mark                                        Seaview Sextant 10

Daydreams                                                            Owers, Pauline                                      BTS5

Deadly Liason                                                      Taylor, Colleen                                     Seaview Log 3

Deadly Oil                                                             Guasch, Elena                                       Seaview Log 4

Deadly Pawn                                                         Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 4

Deadly Pride                                                         Whittaker, Carole                                 Convention Fiction 97

Deadly Tomarrows                                              Oriti, Deborah                                       BTS1

Death Below Zero                                                Field, Angela                                        Sonar Readings 1

Death of a Dream                                                 Murph                                                    BTS10

Death Wish                                                           Kachmar, Diane                                    AA1

December Tide                                                     Treusadeau, Char                                 AA3

Deep Trouble (Novel)                                         Wilcoxon, Rita                                      Enterprise Press

Depth Sonde                                                         Martin,G./Maclaren, L.                        BTS1

The Debriefing                                                      Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS8

Del Monroe (Bio)                                                 Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 7

Derelect                                                                 Oriti, Deborah                                       Seaview Sextant 12

The Difference                                                      Chapple, Linda                                     BTS5

A Dickens of a Christmas                                   Karmell, W./Karmell,R.                        SR5

Doc’s Orders                                                        Cole, Betty                                            Dive!Dive!Dive!1

Doc’s Orders                                                        Cummings, Betsy                                 Seaview Sextant 8

Dragon                                                                   Howe, Rachel                                        BTS10




Eleven Hours to Seaview                                    Carlise, Nike’                                         Seaview Log 2

The Enemies (Script Novelization)                    Cole, Betty                                            Dive!Dive!Dive!2

The Enemies-After Effect                                    Grice, Wendy                                        Seaview Log 4

Evaluation of Priorities                                        Knights, Linda                                      BTS9

Evaluation of Priorities                                        Knights, Linda                                      Leftovers 2

The Exchange                                                       N.I.M.R.                                 Tales of the Seaview

An Executive’s Exec                                             Fitts, Ginger                                          BTS1

Executive Stress                                                   Wilcoxon, Rita                                      BTS5

Exerpts                                                                   Phillips, Hannah J.                                             SR4




Faded Glory                                                          Strong, Elisa                                          SR6

False Image                                                           Field, Angela                                        Depth Charge 2

A Few Moments of Your Time                           Rogers, Gerrie                                       SR1

It’s A Fine Line                                                     Hackett, Linda                                      BTS7

It’s A Fine Line                                                     Hackett, Linda                                      Seaview Shanties

Fire Two                                                                Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 5

Fire Two                                                                Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 7

First Kids                                                               Klein, Isabell                                         SR4

First Time for Everything                                    Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 4

The First Trip                                                        Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 4

Fishing Expedition                                                             Harding, Margie                                     SR3

Fragments of Fear                                                Owers, Pauline                                      BTS7

Free At Last                                                          DKH                                                       Convention Fiction 97

Fresh Faces                                                           Bradley, Laura                                      SR2

From the NIMR Mailbag                                     Falcon/Kozak                                        BTS7

From the Sea to the Stars                                    McCurry, S.                                           BTS7

Four Squared                                                        Westcott, A.                                         Seaview Log 3

FYI                                                                          Turner, Meg                                          SR3




Ghost Story                                                           Cornish, Wendi                                    Seaview Shanties

Girl Talk                                                               Wells/Palmer/Dodson                           BTS8

In God’s Good Time                                            Sterling, Jane                                        Crash Dive 1

Goliath Mission                                                    Heston, Jack                                         Crash Dive 1

Greatest American Sub                                       Mater, Barbara                                      AA1

Grenada (Novel)                                                   Wells, L.C.                                             BTS Special Edition




The Happiest Place on Earth                              Edwards, Jackie                                    BTS9

The Hatch                                                              Hackett, Linda                                      AA1

The Haunted Submarine                                     Parker, Sue                                            Seaview Log 4

Hazel Eyes (Song)                                                Farnsworth, Diana*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 3

Here Be Dragons                                                  Chapple, Linda                                     Sonar Readings 1

Heart of the Matter                                              Agel, Kathryn                                       AA1

Hell in Paradise                                                     Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant

Hero’s Song                                                          Aldridge, Alice                                     AA1

Hide and Seek                                                       Hornlein, Mariann                                              SR4

Hidden Contact                                                    Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 4

Holding Out for a Hero                                       Cummings, Betsy                                 Seaview Sextant 10

Home From the Sea                                              Jameison, Karen                                   Crash Dive 2

Homecoming                                                         Goad, Donna                                         Fathom

How it All Started                                                              Crane, Lee B.                                           Seaview Sextant 7




If Chip Were Captain                                           Fisher, Judy                                          AA1

If Only                                                                    Adams, Linda                                       AA4

If it Wasn’t for Bad Luck                                    Cole, Betty                                            Dive!Dive!Dive!1

Illusion                                                                   Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 10

I’m Only Obeying Orders                                   Bottommley, Ann                               Convention Fiction 97

Images Painted in Moonlight                             Terrell, Linda                                         BTS1

Infinite Possibilites                                              Fisher, Judy                                          AA1

Inside the Reef                                                     Perry, Hilary                                          Convention Fiction 97

Interlude                                                                              Smithson, Cris                                        AA4

Interlude-Journey With Fear                              Smithson, Cris                                      Sonar Readings 1

An Inhuman Experiment                                      Field, Angela                                        Depth Charge 2

Invasion                                                                                Chapple, Linda                                     BTS5




Just a Loan                                                            Turner, Meg                                          SR1

Killer on Board                                                     Allen, Chris                                           SR5

King Pearl(Script Novelization)                     Cole, Betty                                            BTS1




Laughter and Tears                                             Geddes, Anna                                       AA3

Last Thoughts of a Dead Man                          Churm, Ang’                                         Seaview Log 1

Lazarus                                                                  Wells, L.C.                                             BTS7

The Letter                                                              Ames, Pat                                              AA4

The Letter                                                              Karmell, Wendy                                   BTS6

The Letter                                                              Martin, Gina                                          Tales of the Seaview

Lessons Learned                                                  Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS3

Life, Death, and Burnt Cakes                             Bottomley, Ann                                    Sonar Readings 2

Life on a Raft                                                        Goad, Donna                                         AA4

Lifeline                                                                   Cally                                                       Seaview Log 3

Limericks                                                               Sachsen, Nik                                         AA2

Lived a Man Who Sailed the Seas                    Timms, Philippa                                    Convention Fiction 97

Log Entries                                                            Woldow,Cathy                                     Seaview Sextant 7

Mr. Logan’s Return                                             Hornlein, Mariann                                              BTS10

The Long Weekend                                             Greco, Loretta                                       AA2

Lords of Misrule                                                  Whittaker, Carole                                 Convention Fiction 97




A Man With No Name                                         Cole, B/Rhine,P                                    BTS1

Marina                                                                   Kays, Debbi                                          Seaview Sextant 10

Marooned                                                             Pendrey, Pauline                                  Anchors Away Sp.Ed.2.5

A Matter of Trust                                                 Frankel, Kelsey                                     SR1

Meeting Del (Bio)                                                              McDonnell, Margo                                Seaview Sextant 7

Mercy Mission                                                     Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS9

Memory in the Folds                                           Adams, Linda                                       Seaview Sextant 1

Memories                                                              Bradley, Laura                                      SR6

Memories                                                              Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 11

Midshipman’s Dream                                          Fitts, Ginger                                          Seaview Sextant 7

Mission Accomplished                                       Pendrey, Pauline                                  AA3

Mission to Seattle                                                              Bradley, Laura                                        SR5

Missing                                                                 Klein, Isabell                                         BTS6

A Mistress for You                                              Goad, Donna                                         BTS8

A Mistress For You                                             Goad, Donna                                         Fathom

Mist of Fear                                                          Trent, Sue                                              Seaview Log 1

A Moment Shared-Secret Loves                       Rhine,P./Olive,S.                                  Seaview Sextant 8

More in Heaven and Earth                                 Rhodes, Karen                                      AA1

The Morton Conspiracy                                     Cornish, Wendi                                    Seaview Shanties

Morton’s Folly                                                     Chapple, Linda                                     BTS7

My Captain, My Friend                                      Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 5

My Friend                                                             Goad, Donna                                         BTS8

My Friend                                                             Goad, Donna                                         Fathom

My Secret Diary                                                   Cornish, Wendy                                   Sonar Readings 1




Nameless Fears                                                    Field, Angela                                        Sonar Readings 2

The Nelson Chronicles                                        Foss, Carol                                            AA4

A New Begining                                                   Adams, Linda                                       Seaview Sextant 1

New London                                                         Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 2

New London                                                         Kachmar, Diane                                    SR1

Nightime is for Sleeping                                      Goad, Donna                                         Fathom

Nightmare                                                              Karmell, Wendy                                   SR3

Nightmare                                                              Karmell, Wendy                                   Anything Goes 3

Nightmare Man                                                    Adams, Linda                                       Seaview Sextant 6

A Nightmare for Sharkey                                     Young, Claire                                        Seaview Shanties

No Island is a Man                                              Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 6

No Longer a Loan                                                Turner, Meg                                          SR2

No Excuse, Sir                                                       Chapple, Linda                                     BTS3

Not Just Fun and Games                                     Riley, Stuart                                          Seaview Sextant 4

Not the Marrying Kind                                       Klein, Isabell                                         BTS9

Now for Something Completely Different        Hackett, Linda                                      AA4




Ode to Voyage                                                     Trent, Sue                                              Seaview Log 2

The Old Order Changeth                                     Rancourt, Cindy                                                 BTS1

Once Upon a Time                                               Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS1

One Summer Day                                               Klein, Isabel                                            Seaview Sextant 11

One Voice                                                              Adams, Linda                                       AA4

Only a Voice to Cry                                             Hackett, Linda                                      AA3

Operation Corporate (Novel)                             Wells, L.C.                                             BTS Special Edition

Operation Deep Freeze                                        Rhine,P./Cole,B.                                   Dive!Dive!Dive!2

Options                                                                  Pendry, Pauline                                    AA1

The Ordeal                                                             Penderson, Mary Ann                        SR1

Other People’s Dreams                                       Klein, Isabell                                         BTS5



Paper Wraps Stone                                              Wozniak, Julianne                                             AA4

Perchance to Dream (Novel)                              Carlise, Nike                                          No

The Phantom’s Return-Expansion                     Rancourt, Cindy                                   BTS3

The Phantom Strikes Back                                  Kachmar, Diane                                    Dive!Dive!Dive!2

The Phantom Strikes Back                                  Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 6

Phase Lock                                                            Hackett, Linda                                      BTS8

Picnics                                                                   Renner, Debra                                       BTS7

Poetry Corner                                                       Owers, Pauline                                      BTS6

Power Trip (Novel)                                              Ames, Pat                                              *See AA

The Powers of Darkness                                     Owers, Pauline                                      Sonar Readings 2

The Price of a Dream                                            Paul, Barbara                                         Seaview Log 3

Prisoner                                                                 Farnsworth,Diane*(Kachmar)            Seaview Sextant 3

Project Neptune                                                   Field, Angela                                        Depth Charge 2

Puppets and Puppeteers                                     Henderson, Susan                                             BTS10     

Puppy Love                                                          James, Sue                                             SR5




A Question of Scale                                             Mortimer, Judy                                     Seaview Log 1

Reality                                                                    DKH                                                       Seaview Log 4

Reason to Believe                                                              Agel, Kathryn                                         BTS4

The Red Dawn                                                      Field, Angela                                        Convention Fiction 94

Reflections                                                            Sacksen, Nik                                         AA4

Renascence                                                           Chapple, Linda                                     BTS1

Reprise                                                                   Karle, Theresa                                      AA3

Return from Darkness                                         Kaufman, Beth                                      SR3

Reunions                                                               Kays, Debi                                            BTS4                                     

Requiem                                                               Agel, Kathryn                                         BTS1

Return of the Phantom-Epilogue                       Cole, Betty                                            Dive!Dive!Dive!2

Return of the Phantom(Script Novelization) Cole, Betty                                            BTS3

Resurrection                                                         Taylor, Colleen                                     Convention Fiction 97

Revenge                                                                                DKH                                                       Seaview Log 4

Revenge                                                                                Karmell, Wendy                                   BTS7

The Ring                                                                Hawkins, Lorelei                                   BTS10

Of Ripples and Men                                             Pendrey, Pauline                                  Anchors Away Sp.Ed.2.5

Risen From the Depths                                       Kipper/Adrian/Oldbering                   BTS8

Risen From the Depths-The Caves                   Kipper/Adrian/Oldbering                   BTS9                     

Roar                                                                        Jenson, Adam                                       Crash Dive 2

And the Rocks Shall Speak                               Kaufman, Beth                                        SR5

Rough Diamond                                                   Owners, Pauline                                   SR6




The Saboteuer (Script Novelization)               Cole, Betty                                              Dive!Dive!Dive!1

Sarcophagus                                                         Parkensen, Helen                                 SR2

The Search for U-236                                           Hartsook, Peggy                                  Tales of the Seaview

Seamew View                                                        Torres, Carmen                                     Convention Fiction 97

The Sea Change                                                   Carlise, Nik’e                                         Seaview Log 3

A Sea Child Dies on Land                                   Cummings, Betsy                                 Seaview Sextant 7

Sea Sick                                                                 Hassell, Sandra                                     Convention Fiction 94

A Seaview Carol                                                   Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 6

A Seaview Carol                                                   Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 8

A Seaview Christmas                                           Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 5

Seaview Down                                                      Manners, Carla                                     Crash Dive 2

The Seaview Holiday Camp                                Cornish, Wendi                                    Seaview Shanties

Second Chance Cruise                                        Ames, Pat                                              BTS6

Second Fiddle                                                       Fitts, Ginger J.                                       AA3

Self Preservation                                                  Wells/Palmer/Dodson                         BTS8

Sending the Old Man Home-RB tribute           Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 5

Shadows                                                                              Smithson,Cris                                         BTS3

Shadows Past                                                       Klein, Isabell                                         AA2

Shake, Rattle, and Roll                                        Moore, Kirby                                        SR5

SSSH                                                                      James, Sue                                             SR6

Shanghaied                                                           Casey, Amanda                                    SR2

Sharkey’s Lament (Song)                                   Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)           Seaview Sextant 6

Shore Leave                                                          Hadow, S.                                              SR1

Shore Leave                                                          Rancourt, Cindy                                   BTS4

Signs                                                                      Ames, Pat                                              Fathom

The Skipper’s Open Door Policy                       Adams, Linda                                       AA4

Sky All Diamonds                                                              Chapple, Linda                                       BTS5

Skyfall (Novel)                                                      Conrad, G.W.                                        Entropy Express

A Slow Friday Afternoon in a Bar                     Smithson, Cris                                      Sonar Readings 2

A Small Problem                                                    Hassell, Sandra                                     Seaview Shanties

Smoke                                                                    Wells, L.C.                                             BTS9

So Many Doors                                                    Smithson,Cris                                       AA4

Son of the Indestructible Man                           Ames, Pat                                              BTS5

A Song for Linda                                                  Kachmar, Diane                                    Anchors Away Sp.Ed.1.5

A Spray of Stones                                                                Hackett, Linda                                      AA2

Spirit of the Seaview                                            Carlise, Nike’                                         Seaview Log 2

Stage Fright                                                          Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS10

Sting in the Tail                                                    Field, Angela                                        Sonar Readings 1

Stolen Moments                                                   Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS1

Suffer the Consequences                                   Taylor-Johnson, E.                              SR2

The Sum of All Fears                                           Owers, Pauline                                      BTS8

Summer Camp                                                       Klein, Isabell                                         BTS8

The Surfers (Script Novelization)                    Cole Betty                                             BTS1

Surprise!                                                                              Farnsworth, Diane*(Kachmar)             Seaview Sextant 5

Surprise!                                                                              Field, Angela                                          Depth Charge 2

Surprise                                                                 Karmell, Wendy                                   SR4

Surprise                                                                 Karmell, Wendy                                   Anything Goes 5

Surprise Package                                                  Kays, Debra                                          Seaview Sextant

Suspicion                                                              Oriti, Deborah                                       BTS3

Sweet Dreams and Sunshine                              Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 3




Take Her Up, Mr. Morton (BD Bio)                  Mortimore, Judy                                   Seaview Sextant 2

Tangled Web                                                        Smithson, Cris                                      BTS4

Tears of Stone                                                      Foss, Carol                                            AA4

Teething Troubles                                                             James, Sue                                               SR3

Tell Me a Story                                                     Agel, Kathryn                                       BTS5

Terry                                                                      Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 7

Testament                                                             Jenson, Adam                                       Crash Dive 1

A Test of Fear                                                      Farnsworth, Diane *(Kachmar)          Seaview Sextant 1

Test of Friendship                                                             Rhine, Pam                                              Seaview Sextant 5

That Old Black Magic                                         Smithson, Cris                                      BTS1

There are More Things                                       Pendry, Pauline                                    AA4

These Voyage Things                                         Whittaker, Carole                                 Seaview Log 2

Three Days After Zero                                        Timms, Philippa                                    Seaview Log 3

Thoughts of a Child on the Sea Shore             Crice, Wendy                                        Seaview Log 2

Through the Eyes of a Friend                            Edwards, Jackie                                    Tales of the Seaview

‘Till Death Do Us Part                                         Paul, Lisa                                               SR1

Time After Tomarrow                                          Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 3

A Time for Consideration                                    Mortimore, Judy                                   BTS1

Time Out                                                                Geddes, Anna                                       AA1

Times Two                                                            Emery,Herme’                                       Seaview Log 3

Today’s Dream-Tomarrow’s Reality                 Dufor,C./Adams,L.                               Seaview Sextant 3  

A Touch of the Blarney                                       Jenkin, Sarah                                         Seaview Log 2

In The Town Where I Was Born                       Timms, Philippa                                    Seaview Log 3

Traitor                                                                    DKH                                                       Seaview Log 4

Traitor’s Gate                                                        Klein, Isabell                                         BTS4

The Treasure                                                         Rhine, Pam                                            Seaview Sextant 2

Troubled Waters                                                  Owers, Pauline                                      Sonar Readings 1

True Heroines                                                       Adams, Linda                                       Seaview Sextant 8

The True Test-Meeting David Hedison(Bio)  Richards, Judy                                      Seaview Sextant 5

Turning Point                                                       Toohig, Michelle                                  BTS10

20,000 Leauges Under Fox                                Kachmar, Diane                                      AA2

The Two Bags                                                      Brown, Carolyn                                    Convention Fiction 97




The Ultimate Take-Over Bid                               Anon                                                      Seaview Log 4

The Underwater Miracle                                     Guash, Elena                                         Seaview Log 4

Unexpected News                                                Rogers, Gerri                                         SR3

The Unofficial Seaview Blueprints (tech)         Dufour, Christopher                            Seaview Sextant 3




The Value of Friendship                                      Samuels, Barbara                                  SR1

The Vampire                                                          Hassell, Sandra                                     AA4

Vengence is Mine                                                              Pendrey, Pauline                                    AA4

Vigil                                                                        Chapple, Linda                                     BTS5

Visons From the Past                                          Karmell, Wendy                                   BTS8

A Voice From the Shadows                                              Kaufman, Beth                                        SR4

Voyage to the Bottom of the Ratings                             Lewis, Anne                                            Seaview Log 1

The Voyage Home (Film based)                         Koening, Bill                                         Remote Control

Voyage Memories                                                Dufour/Phillips                                     Seaview Sextant 5

Voyage to a Silent Sea                                        Symes, Fay                                            Seaview Log 2

The Voyage of Quixote                                       Chapple, Linda                                     BTS8




The Weakest Link                                                Kachmar, Diane                                    BTS4

Welcome Home                                                    Bottomley, Ann                                    Convention Fiction 97

White Gold Highway (Novel)                            Conrad, G.W.                                        Entropy Express

White House Wedding                                       Fitts, Ginger J.                                       Dive!Dive!Dive!2

Who on Seaview                                                  Rhine,P./Olive,S.                                  Seaview Sextant 6

Why                                                                       Smithson, Cris                                      BTS5

Will O’ the Wisp                                                  Jameison,Karen                                    Crash Dive 1

Winning                                                                                J.L.S.M.                                                  Seaview Sextant 2

Wipeout?                                                              Parker, Sue                                            Convention Fiction 94

With Apologies to the Beatles (Song)                           Trent, Sue                                                Seaview Log 1

Woman’s Watch on the High Seas                  Fitts, Ginger                                          BTS1

World’s Greatest Thespian-(RB Bio)                              Adams, Linda                                         Seaview Sextant 1

The Wrong Place at tthe Same Time               Ames, Pat                                                BTS4






You Know You’re a Voyage Fan When           Whittaker, Carole                                 Seaview Log 2