Welcome to Seaview! Let's examine what it's like aboard 'Nelson's Folly'.(*clipart-picture) For those of you with Navy backgrounds it won't be all that different from active subs, however, you will find Seaview has her own little nuances... (*sound) * As you probably already know, the SSRN Seaview was designed by Admiral Nelson...
(statue picture)(sound big ben) Oops, sorry. Not that Nelson. Besides, that statue's in the wrong country... * We mean, of course, Admiral (Retired) Harriman Nelson, a man of great vision and even greater persistence. (bw nelson//cheers nelson)(sound clink)
* As a member of Seaview's crew, you might find the cruise length will vary, depending on the mision and whether she's on a private or government contract at the time. Sometimes you'll find yourself serving shore duty at NIMR. That's short for the Nelson Institute of Marine Research, Seaview's home port.
* That's Marine as in (picture underwsater/happy whale). Be it charting the sea floor*, exploring and discovering new species or sources of food and energy or highly advanced technological research and testing, Seaview does it all... *see 'Mermaids Are Lousy Housekeepers'
(picture omposite and sound) * Of course, as a Navy Reserve vessel, being drafted to Active Duty Status is not uncommon, though infrequent. If it does happen on your watch, remember Navy rules and regulations apply. The standard chain of command for any quesiotns or complaints will then prevail.
sorry,wrong chain.. * As in the Navy any questions or complaints should first be taken to the chef...(picture frying.sound frying) Uh, sorry. We meant 'Chief'...
(picture chief)
The currently assigned Chief of the Boat, Francis E. Sharkey,holds a very important place aboard Seaview, and is highly respected for his skills. *see 'Lady Luck -wardrobe guidelines. (picture cards/picture chief) sound cards shuffle.) * After the Chief, the next step up the chain of command should be the Officer of the Deck.
This will vary upon duty schedules. Sometimes it's easier to go straight to the top and that usually means the XO. (pictuer group sound kiss) Uh no, the XO aboard Seaview is not short for the kisses and hugs you wrote to your grandma... * picture chip sound voisce) The EXecutive Officer. That's Lt. Cmdr. Chip Morton.
The XO is the all important go-between...
to the next level in the chain of command-the Skipper.
* That's Skipper as in Captain Lee Crane-(pcit.manbeast)
especially when he's having a bad hair day. *due to budget cuts, the barber is only aboard Seaview 4 times a year.. * Going to the Skipper is sometimes a last resort option when he's possessed or transformed by an alien or ghost of some weirdo creature including demented enemy brainwashing experts.*
Moving along... You'll have spacious, dorm-like accomodations and recieve the latest in submarine grooming tips from your shipmates.
(pict.equat)(pict crane bed) Your quarters are coneniently located away from the captains. (sound salty crew)
*Everyone aboard may freely indulge their spare time with a wide assortment of board and arcade games the Admiral has installed to help you relax. (pict.checkers/nelsfs)sound ding.. *Or if you prefer, there is an extensive livrary of recorded documentaries unsurpassed for stimulating your mind..pict baywatch and red light)
*For your culinary palette (pic)aboard Seaview...sorry wrong palette. Anyway, Cookie, our Master Chef, is known for his quiet and gentle demonor and is an expert in prepareing Spam more than a hundred ways for your culinary delight.(burp, pic. table, picture groan sound clatter. Ahem, moving on...