A Christmas Trip.
By Gennie Seaview
( An inspired by story for A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words-Snowfall)
Christmas at the Nelson Institute of Marine Research (NIMR), is always a special time of year for all employed there; be it aboard Seaview or part of shore operations, no one was left out. Admiral Harriman Nelson, owner and creator of both, always made sure everyone had Christmas off, and that Seaview was home at base as far as possible, (barring any government interventions,) he never took any research cruises on over the festive period.
This year he had lined up a festive surprise, especially for the children of NIMR staff and the crew of the Seaview. The admiral had chartered a plane to take them all to Denver, Colorado and had taken over a hotel for two nights for everyone to stay at. He wanted the children to be able to go on a search to find Santa in his traditional log cabin in the middle of a snowy forest, riding in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, he had also arranged lots of other activities there for everyone. Many of the children had never seen real snow, especially the young ones. He picked Denver as the flight was not to long for some very excited children, the last thing he wanted was parents pulling their hair out, trying to keep them occupied on a very long flight, especially in front of the boss! Plus, the chance of it having snow when they went just before Christmas was very high, almost guaranteed.
The great day had arrived and everyone was onboard flight number, ‘Santa, Ho Ho Ho’(especially arranged flight code*), the plane having been festively decorated by Angie, Lola and other volunteers. The admiral was standing at the front of the main cabin on the plane, along with Lee and Chip. The children were very excited as the admiral had just read out a letter to them from Santa, to say that he had taken time out of his very busy schedule and was looking forward to meeting them all in his log cabin there.
The children asked why Santa had a log cabin in Denver, when he lived in the North Pole, it was Lee who surprised everyone when he answered before the admiral, who looked flummoxed for a moment.
“Well children, you know that everything about Santa is magical, don’t you?” he looked at them with a big smile and looking very Christmassy wearing a red Santa hat and a Christmas sweater, instead of uniform, as were the admiral and Chip.
A big “Yes,” came from the children, all eyes agog, eagerly awaiting Lee’s answer, as was everyone else.
“Well, his cabin can appear whenever Santa wants to visit children that are unable to visit him at the North Pole. But there is also something all the children who want him to come and visit with his magical cabin have to do.” Lee looked at the children waiting in anticipation for the next bit.
A child's voice came from the middle of the plane,
“Tell us Captain Crane,”
A chorus of “Yes, tell us Captain Crane,” came from the rest of the children.
“Yes, please do tell us Captain Crane,” came from Chip Morton, who then whispered to him, “Kids don’t forget you know, so be careful what you say.”
“Well, you all have to close your eyes and wish very hard that you would like Santa to come to Denver along with his magical cabin. Can you all do that?”
“Yes Sir,” came from the children.
“Okay then, let’s all close our eyes and everyone, children and adults, have to say, ‘I wish for Santa to come to Denver, with his magical cabin.' Okay, let's all do it after three,” Lee told them, “One, two, three.”
Everyone on the plane said the magical words, but Lee didn’t think it was loud enough.
“That was good everyone, but I think we can all do better. Let’s say it again, but louder, so we know Santa will hear you up at the North Pole. Can you remember the words?”
“Yes,” came from everyone.
“Okay, after three again. One, two, three,” Lee said again.
A very loud chorus of the magical words were said, but Lee was still not happy, so he repeated his order.
“Still not quite loud enough, one more time, as loud as you can. One, two, three.”
This time they raised the roof.
“You trying to deafen us all Lee?” Chip whispered to him.
“Grinch,” Lee threw back at him.
“Well done everyone, I think Santa heard that wish. Mr Morton is going to go and ask our pilot if he has received any radio messages from Santa to say he has heard your wish.”
Chip smiled at Lee and disappeared off towards the fight deck. After a few minutes he came back and said that the pilot had heard, and that Santa was looking forward to meeting everyone at his cabin. To which there was a big cheer from everyone.
A little while later the admiral, Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola, were sitting up in the business class section at the very front of the plane,(so the children would not overhear them,) going over the schedule for all the activities and the time slots for all the children to meet Santa. It was almost as big a logistical nightmare as getting ready for a cruise.
“Well, that gives every family at least five minutes with Santa and it allows a big leeway for those with more than one child to talk to him or those that take a bit longer,” Angie explained to them all.
“I think that was a good idea Angie, to get a professional Santa with a real beard to play him rather than one of us. Some of the children who are a bit older are beginning to suspect it’s one of us playing him, and it would be nice to keep the magic going a bit longer,” the admiral said, as he looked at the paperwork that Angie had given him. He looked up and over to Lee,
“Where did you get that idea about a magical cabin Lee? It worked a treat with the children. As my mind went blank for a moment,” the admiral asked.
“From when Jeannie was little. I took her to see Santa at the mall while Mom was shopping, and she kept asking how could Santa be in a log cabin in the North Pole and be in one in town. So I just came up with a magical cabin, and told her that you had to wish really hard for Santa to turn up with it, and guessed that all the children in town had wished really hard so that he arrived in his cabin. It worked and stopped her asking any more questions. But I could see she was trying to work it out though,” Lee explained
“From what I’ve heard your sister is very like you in analyzing things Lee,” the admiral replied, raising an eyebrow, and eyes sparkling.
Lee smiled, he was proud of his kid sister and to hear that the admiral had heard about her from others, made him all the more proud. He thought about how she would have loved to have been with them on this flight, she loved children and always helped with the childrens parties wherever she was based. But she was on a temporary duty as an admiral's aide at the Pentagon.
Lee laughed, “As long as that’s all you've heard about her Sir.”
“Oh, I know she can be like you Lee in other ways as well. Ruffled a few feathers along the way, as you probably know,” the admiral laughed.
Lee looked a bit sheepish as the admiral said that, knowing that she had indeed ruffled a few feathers. The pilot came over the tannoy to announce that ‘Santa Flight Ho Ho Ho’, was getting ready to descend and that everyone who did not have their seatbelt fastened, should do so ready for landing as he switched on the seatbelt sign.
As the plane landed on the icy runway and came to a halt, they could hear the cheers and claps from in the main cabin.
“I wonder if that is for landing safely on the snowy runway or because they are excited,” Angie said to no-one in particular.
“Probably a bit of both Angie, if you have never landed on an icy runway before, it can be nerve wracking if you look out of the window and all you see is a snow covered runway,” Lee replied.
“Well, I for one am happy we are here. The coaches should be ready and waiting outside the terminal to take everyone to the hotel. There will be a car for the five of us Admiral, Doc Jamieson is going on the coach to stay with Marc Smithson as he is still suffering from air sickness.”
“Thank you Angie. It sounds like the children can’t wait to get off either."
“I just hope that the Elves that we have arranged to meet them are ready and waiting to take them to the coaches.”
“Angie, no Elf worth his or her salt would argue with you. Don’t worry so much, between you, Lola and Penny (Chip’s secretary,) I am sure the schedule will go just right. Now let’s get this show on the road,” the admiral replied.
In the terminal the admiral, Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola watched with delight, as the ‘Elves' that Angie had arranged to meet the children, did their bit and then led them to the awaiting coaches. There was lots of singing as the children followed their Elf to their coach, much to the amusement of the other passengers in the terminal.
“See, told you not to worry Angie,” the admiral smiled at her, as they went to their waiting car.
After a fun filled drive, everyone arrived at the hotel and were checked in, the admiral was met by the manager who checked him, Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola in, before taking them to their rooms.
The admiral, Lee and Chip had a two bedroom suite, with Lee and Chip sharing a twin bedded room. Angie and Lola shared a mini suite, next door.
After checking in and the little ones having a nap, due to being at the airport for a 06.00 take off, everyone went down to the dining room, where a hot buffet lunch had been laid on. Then there was the start of the activities, all the families were split into groups who would rotate in doing the activities, except the very first one. Snowsuits and boots had been hired in for everyone in advance to be at the hotel to try on. The last thing anyone wanted was for the children to catch a chill, especially at Christmas.
Everyone was excited as they boarded the coaches to find out which activity they would be doing first. When they arrived at the frozen lake, there were cheers when they saw Ski-Doos (snowmobiles), towing sleds being driven by elves, come up to the edge of the frozen lake. There were sledges as well, which could be used between Ski-Doo rides on the small slopes to the side of the chalet.
Lee and Chip were looking forward to the Ski-Doo snowmobiles. They had a bet on which one of them would win in a race across the frozen lake, once the children and their families had had their turn in the sleds that were being towed by the Ski-Doos.
“Well Lee, you better be prepared to eat your words when I win,” Chip said as they watched the children on their rides from the veranda fence of the chalet.
“What makes you think you have the edge,” Lee turned to look at him laughing, “Remember I worked at a ski resort for a couple of seasons when we lived up in Squaw Valley, just before I went to the academy.”
“Ha, so that makes you an expert then?” Chip replied sardonically.
“You’ll see.”
“Honestly, don’t you two ever stop, could just be Lola or myself might just beat you two… If you are not scared of being beaten by a couple of secretaries,” Angie piped up, upon hearing them, as she approached them, along with Lola.
“Why Angie, are you and Lola challenging the good captain and myself,” Chip said turning to look at her with his cheekiest smile and eyes twinkling.
Angie looked at Lola, who looked at Lee, who also had a cheeky smile as he turned to look at her straight in the eyes.
“Well ladies, what’s the answer?” Lee asked.
“Of course we will,” Angie replied, “won’t we Lola?” as she hoped Lola wouldn’t back out.
“I’m in, we will have to have a side bet as well Angie. Make the two of them pay when we win, eating their words won’t be enough.”
“Oh, what’s that Lola? Chip and I only have the loser paying the others bar tab for a month, plus take outs for the next couple of shore leaves.” Lee raised his eyebrows and looked across to his on, off girlfriend and his temporary secretary at the moment, on loan from the communications department.
“Well, if we beat you, dinner is on you both once a week for a month at the restaurants of our choosing, including Penny, Chip. It’s not fair your secretary misses out, she helped with everything as well. Plus, she can’t help not being here because of the flu. She would have taken part as well, just would’ve meant one of you going twice...and…” she turned and winked at Angie.
“Lola Hale, you have an evil twinkle in your eyes. What’s the and?” Lee looked across to her.
“The and is...you both do your own filing for two weeks, plus answer the phone switchboard for a day as well the next time you are on base, or the equivalent between cruises. Think you could handle it?” she replied smugly.
“Well if we win, you can cook for us both and do the washing up, whenever we are at home for a week, or the equivalent between cruises. I think that is a fair enough deal, don’t you Chip?” Lee looked at Lola equally evil.
“Well, I think you should also add grocery shopping to that. It's not my favourite chore, takes too long, as they keep moving stuff. I mean, they have three conditions, so that would make it fair as it will be an equal bet, don’t you think ladies?” Chip added, flashing his famous smile.
Once again Angie and Lola exchanged glances and nodded their heads before saying together,
“Deal,” and they all shook hands to seal the bet.
“Be prepared to be beaten gentlemen,” Angie said.
“Famous last words Angie, famous last words,” Lee replied.
Admiral Nelson had decided to sit on the veranda of the chalet with Doc Jamieson when they arrived, so they could watch the children as they enjoyed their sled rides. There was much squealing of delight, as the elves opened up the throttle and took them whizzing across the iced over lake. Out the corner of his eye, he had spotted his two officers with Angie and Lola, and had been observing the four of them, (as well as watching the children) and guessed they were up to something. He decided to get up and go over to them to find out what was going on and excused himself from Doc Jamieson.
“Looks like you four are up to something,” the admiral said as he approached them. They turned around to see the admiral laughing, as they moved to make room for him at the veranda fence, so he could still watch the children.
“Admiral, we were just making arrangements for a Ski-Doo race between the four of us. Angie and Lola versus Chip and I,” Lee explained to him.
“I see,” and he looked at the four of them, “Well you will need a referee then; if I am I right in guessing that there is a side bet on this?”
“Yes Admiral,” they replied and then Lee proceeded to tell him what was at stake.
The admiral laughed, “I should have known it would be something like that, especially knowing how you and Chip hate filing. Anyway, when the children have finished, we will get the staff to set up a course for you, which I think should include a slalom part. Once the children have had their snacks and hot drinks, they can watch and cheer you on. We can make it Seaview verse's Admin. I’m sure they will enjoy seeing you let your hair down.”
A while later at dusk and the lake was lit by a full Moon, as well as fire torches, Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola tossed a coin to see who raced who first, then they put their crash helmets on and had a few practise runs together, to make sure they were used to the Ski-Doos.
All the families were watching from either the veranda or the edge of the frozen lake. First drawn to race was Lee and Lola, they got to the starting line and Admiral Nelson raised his arm, both Lee and Lola reved their engines, as he dropped his arm they opened up the throttle and whizzed across the ice. The children were all calling out for whoever their parents worked with, though some had a parent on shore and one aboard Seaview, which caused some friendly rivalry between the parents and children.
As Lee and Lola went down the lake which was the slalom part, Lee took the lead, as they got to the far end of the lake they turned and took the straight back. Lee kept his lead and won, he took off his helmet and couldn't help but smirk as he touched his lips with his finger and made out to chalk one up to him, as the girls looked on.
Next were Angie and Chip, for some reason Chip wanted to beat Angie as much as he had wanted to Lee, probably because he knew Lee would rib him well into the New Year if he didn’t. Plus, Angie and Penny would so save up any extra filing for him, just to prove a point.
For a while Chip and Angie were neck and neck, until they got to the turn after the slalom for the home straight, at the far end of the lake. Chip turned and misjudged it, and headed towards the other side of the lake instead; much to Angie's delight. By the time Chip had got back on course, Angie was half way back down the home straight. As she arrived back at the start, Lee couldn’t help but feel a bit smug that Chip had been beaten by Angie, though he obviously wanted to win overall. When Chip arrived he took off his helmet and looked towards Angie as she laughed, “Well Mr Morton, still think you can win?”
“Just a small slip up, literally Angie,” he smiled at her as he got off the Ski-Doo and went over to Lee to talk tactics.
Lee was standing with his arms folded and watched as Chip headed over to him. “Well, well, well, ‘I can beat you Lee,’ Morton, what happened there? You seem to have lost that one. We need to win this, otherwise we will not hear the end of it from Lola and Angie.” Lee put his hand through his hair, a sign that he was getting frustrated.
“Can but try, if we win the next two we won’t have to do the relay tie-break,” Chip replied, “Do you think I fancy doing all the filing for two weeks as well? Penny will be in heaven, she says I always seem to go on a cruise leaving every bit of paper and some, for her to file. Considering I’m a neat freak, she can’t make out why my cabin on Seaview never has any loose filing out.”
“She should know you by now Chip, you are not a landlubber. For you and me to be comfortable in an office it has to at sea.”
“True Lee.”
“Come on Chip, time for round two.”
They headed back to the admiral and the girls.
“Well gentlemen, are you looking forward to the next round? I know the ladies are,” the admiral asked them.
“Yes Sir, I’m sure it will be fun and there will be no need for the tie break,” Lee replied.
“That’s right Captain, hope you and Mr Morton like filing,” Angie teased them both, as those around them laughed at their banter.
In the second round, Chip went first against Lola, beating her by quite a bit. Then it came to Angie and Lee, this time it was Lee’s turn to be beaten, as he somehow stalled his Ski-Doo, allowing Angie to overtake him on the slalom course, by the time he had started it again, Angie was on the way back down the straight. She just couldn’t resist giving him a wave as she went past him.
As Lee arrived at the finish, the admiral stepped forward guessing that Lee was going to ask for a re-run due to engine failure. Before Lee had finished taking his helmet off, the admiral started to speak.
“Before you say it Lee, you were beaten fair and square by Angie,”
“But Admiral,”
“No but's Captain, you stalled it, it was not engine failure,” the admiral told him. Lee knew that by the admiral calling him captain, it was no use arguing.
The admiral turned to the assembled families,
“Well everyone, it seems that we have to go to the tie break, which will be a relay. Each team must pass the baton (which were two sticks from the wood pile for the firepit) and if the rider drops it, they must retrieve it. If they lose it they will be disqualified,” he turned to the two teams, “Have you decided who is driving first?”
“Yes Admiral,” the four of them replied.
“Okay ladies and gentlemen, if you would take your positions.”
It was Chip and Lola doing the first leg, as they sped away, Chip took a slight lead, as they turned Chip took no chances and slowed down, allowing Lola to catch up. As they went down the straight they kept neck and neck and pulled up near enough together. At the changeover Chip passed the baton to Lee who put it in his pocket. As he went to jump on his Ski-Doo, Lola slipped as she got off hers and fell onto Lee before he could jump on his Ski-Doo, she grabbed his waist from the back, and steadied herself and apologised as Lee asked if she was okay, then he jumped on his Ski-Doo and pulled away. Angie had a slight lead, due to Lola slipping onto Lee, but Lee opened the throttle up to catch her up taking the slalom like a pro. As they turned, it was Lee in the lead, leaving Angie behind. As he came to the finish and stopped, he went to get the baton from his pocket, but it wasn’t there.
“No, no, no,” he said to himself. He stood up and felt his pockets, as Chip waited for him to hold the baton up with him. The admiral looked on in amusement as Angie came up to the finish, she cut her engine and went to Lola and they held up their baton.
“Everyone we have a winner. Miss Angie and Miss Lola from Admin,” the admiral declared.
Meanwhile Chip looked at Lee, “How did you lose it? We had the race in the bag Lee.”
“I don’t know, it must have just slipped out, but I’m sure it was well inside my pocket,” he said puzzled.
Angie and Lola came over to them, “Well guess the best team won. We look forward to our rewards, a whole two weeks without filing and dinner at ‘DeGrandos’ every week for a month sounds good to us,” Angie said. Her and Lola watched Lee and Chip’s reaction, as ‘DeGrandos’ was the most expensive restaurant in town.
Angie kissed Lee then Chip on the cheek, “Don’t be sore losers,” and walked away. Lola kissed Chip on the cheek and smiled at him, “Never mind Chip, I’m sure Lee won’t be upset that you lost to me. He doesn’t hold grudges, do you?” and she looked at Lee.
“No, he doesn't Lola, he will just want a full report on it and in triplicate, won’t you?”
“Of course Mr Morton,”
Chip took the hint that by calling him “Mr Morton’, Lee wanted to be alone with Lola and walked off, leaving them. Lee looked around to realise that everyone else had gone inside to get ready to go back to the hotel. He turned back and looked at her, she was smiling, almost smirking.
“Lola Hale, why do I suspect you have been up to something?"
“Me, Lee, why? We beat you fair and square,” and she went to kiss him.
As Lee put his arms around her waist, he felt something in her jacket pocket. He stepped back and looked at her, as he put his hand into her jacket side pocket and pulled out a stick that just happened to look like the one that was his baton.
“Why you little minx Lola Hale!”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the baton that Chip and I had. How did it get in your pocket Lola?”
“It’s our baton, Lee, they all look the same, it’s just a stick. You’re just mad because you lost,” she teased.
“No Lola, it’s not just a stick, it’s our stick, see the knot in it? That’s how I know, plus you are blushing and Angie had your baton just now. You took it out of my pocket when you fell on me, didn’t you? You cheated Lola,” he said trying not to laugh.
“Prove it Mister, I know nothing,” she grinned at him, “You say that to everyone, it will sound like sour grapes, with no proof.”
Lee sighed and started to laugh, “Lola with tactics like that you should be a ONI operative. Now come here,” and he started to kiss her.
They were not aware that the admiral had just come out onto the veranda, before he coughed, to let them know he was there.
“Admiral, sorry Sir, we didn’t realise that you were there. Lola and I were just…" Lee said as they seperated.
“I am well aware of what you were just doing. I just want you to know that we are just boarding the coaches,” he turned to go, then added, ”And Miss Hale, if you would like a job in sabotage, do let me know, but just get rid of the evidence next time,” the admiral added, laughing to himself as he walked away.
Lee and Lola looked at each other and burst out laughing, “He must have heard what you said Lee.”
“More likely saw you do it.”
“As I said, I know nothing!” and they carried on laughing as they headed back to their coach, arm in arm.
Back at the hotel, everyone enjoyed a hot buffet dinner. Then there were games for the children, but before long, everyone headed back to their rooms, as it had been a long day, and the tiredness had caught up with them. No one wanted to be tired for the next day, as it was the big one, the hunt to find Santa.
The next morning everyone was awake early and down to breakfast, by 09.15, they were boarding the coaches to take them to the chalet at the lake for the rest of the activities and the hunt for Santa’s magical cabin in the woods.
When they arrived, Angie and Lola sorted everyone into their groups for the activities. The first group boarded the reindeer drawn sleighs to go and search for Santa in the forest. The sound of the sleigh bells adding to the magic as they went off into the snow covered forest, lanterns lighting the way, with everyone singing ‘Jingle Bells’.
On the frozen lake, the groups were having dog sled rides and reindeer sled rides across it, then into the forest, though in the opposite direction to Santa’s cabin. There was a section of ice that was for ice skating, they even had a Lapp style Teepee up with a fire inside, with an elf reading Christmas stories for the children in it.
Outside, there was a big bonfire for people to sit by and get warm, plus the adults could toast marshmallows, hot dogs or kebabs for themselves and the children. There was plenty of hot chocolate, hot non alcoholic punch, tea and coffee for everyone along with hot food inside. It seemed that the North Pole really had come to Denver.
As the last of the sleighs with families went off to search for Santa, there were two free, so the admiral and Doc Jamieson went in one, and Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola jumped in the other one, to go to the cabin, instead of walking to it, to see what it was like. They had seen the webcam pictures, as they had arranged for everyone to be filmed if they agreed to it, to make a dvd of the whole trip as a souvenir for them all.
The sleigh pulled away at a gentle pace, as they followed the lantern lit trail through the snow covered forest to find Santa's cabin. When they arrived the families were already going in. They jumped out of the sleigh and a very excited three year old Rosie (daughter of Spark’s), followed by her six year old brother Joey, came running over to them.
“Admwal, Capten Cwane**, Miter Mowton, have you come to see Santa? We finded his cabin,” she said excitedly.
“It’’s Admiral, Captain Crane and Mr Morton, Rosie, and it’s found, not finded,” Joey corrected his little sister as he caught up with her, she turned around and blew a raspberry at him, causing the group to laugh.
“We know what you mean Rosie,” the Admiral said. They were all used to the slight problem she had with her speech, especially when she was excited, “Are you both having a good time?”
“The best Admiral,” Joey answered.
“The bestest, he gisd us a pwesent. Said we can open it now, as he gisd us it,” Rosie added.
“I’m pleased to hear it,” and smiled at the little girl whose red cheeks matched her name.
Spark’s and his wife Dani, came over to join them. “Thank you Admiral, they will never forget this, nor will we. It really is a dream come true, especially after Rosie was so ill,” Spark’s said to him. Dani added, “Yes, thank you Admiral, from the bottom of our hearts. We never thought that...that she...” she started to tear up. Lola and Angie also started to tear up as well, the men swallowed the lump that was in their throats. They all knew it was touch and go when Rosie picked up a serious viral infection when she was just eighteen months old and her immune system wasn’t strong enough to handle it.
The admiral reached out and touched Dani’s arm “My pleasure, the only thanks I need is to see everyone, especially the children having a good time,” the admiral replied. A small hand tugged at his sleeve, he looked down to see Rosie looking up at him.
“Admwal, you have to see Santa. Do you know his cabin is mac…mac... macigble. Capten Cwane says so.”
“Why, of course we will Rosie, but only after everyone has had their turn,” he replied as he smiled at her.
“Can I come in with you Admwal? You and Capten Cwane, Miter Mowton, Miss Lola and Miss Angie, has to tell Santa what you like for Cwismas,”
“Rosie, I think the Admiral, Captain Crane, Mr Morton, Miss Lola and Miss Angie, will be okay seeing Santa on their own,” Sparks said, and bent down to pick her up.
“But, I wanna see, plees, can I come with you plees?”
“Tell you what Rosie, how about you come in with Miss Lola, Miss Angie, Mr Morton and myself. I think the Admiral has a secret wish to do with the Institute. Now we can’t have everyone hearing that can we? It’s like when Daddy comes home and can’t always tell you what he has done at work, because it’s a secret. Do you understand Rosie?” Lee said softly to the little girl.
She thought for a moment then replied, “Okay, Capten Cwane,” she looked to the Admiral, “Sat okay with you Admwal, you won't be afwaid, will you?”
The admiral smiled, “No I won’t be afraid Rosie, I’ve met him many times, so I’ll be alright. Thank you for asking.”
A voice came from the elf outside the cabin, “Who is next to see Santa?”
Rosie shouted over, “We are,” much to everyone's amusement.
They walked over to the cabin and Sparks put Rosie back down, she tugged Lee’s sleeve, “I’ll hold your hand, so you don't get scared Capten Cwane.”
Lee took the little hand that was offered to him, “Why, thank you Rosie, what about Mr Morton, Miss Angie and Miss Lola?” he asked the little girl.
“Say can old each udders hands," she looked behind her, “Sat okay with you Miter Mowton?”
Chip gave her his famous Morton smile,
“Sure is Rosie, it’s Captain Crane who needs you to look after him, don’t you Sir. I’ll look after Miss Lola and Miss Angie.”
“Tankx Miter Mowton.”
“You’re welcome Rosie.”
The group followed the elf into the cabin and Rosie introduced them all. Santa looked up at the group, then back to Rosie.
“Do you know if they are on the naughty or nice list Rosie?” he asked.
She thought for a moment, before answering.
“Say all on nice liss, but say are nawty sumtimes. Miss Lola pwetens she makes Capten Cwanes cupaches* but she don’t, she buys them,” she said innocently.
Santa looked to Lola, who was going red, as Lee turned to look at her with raised eyebrows.
“What do you have to say for yourself Miss Lola?”
“I’ve never said I made them Santa and he never asked. Lee, I mean Captain Crane just assumes I make the cupcakes, so I just let him carry on thinking that.”
“Really,” Santa replied.
Rosie carried on, “Then Miss Angie teld Miss Lola, that she tinged Capten Cwanes dwess whites, not Miter Mowton,” again said in all innocence, as Lee looked to Angie.
“You blamed Chip, said he must have had the new iron too hot!” Lee said.
“Told you it wasn’t me,” Chip said and grinned.
“What’s your story Miss Angie?” Santa asked.
“It was an accident Santa. Captain Crane was in a hurry and needed his dress whites ironed, as the cleaners were closed, so I offered to help. When I realised what I’d done, I swapped it with his spare set that he had just put in his office from Seaview ready to go to the cleaners to be refreshed and re-pressed. So I said to Chip that Captain Crane had asked me, to ask him, to iron them for him to save time. Then when he put it back, I swapped them back over, so Lee thought that Chip had scorched it. Sorry Chip,” and she held her head down.
“And I saw Miter Mowton, take sum cookies, before the buff...buffa food was open,” this time Chip went red.
“Mr Morton, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Sorry Santa, I was just walking past the dining room and saw them in the buffet and they smelt and looked so good I couldn’t resist sneaking in and taking some.”
“I see,” Santa shook his head.
“And Capten Cwane,” they all looked at Rosie with bated breath to find out what she had on Lee.
“Captn Cwane said he was the one who put titchin powda in Miter Mowton’s socs and shoos”
“I knew it,” Chip said as he turned to look at him.
“Well Captain Crane, what’s your excuse?” Santa looked at him, trying not to laugh, as the little girl revealed all these secrets in total innocence.
“Well, I er…” he looked down to Rosie who was looking up to him. He felt a pang of guilt, then carried on.
“Well, I was getting even with Mr Morton, over something. So I put some itching powder in his socks and shoes one day, when I knew that he wouldn’t be able to change them,” he turned to Chip, who glared at him with the famous ‘Morton Stare’.
“Sorry Mr Morton. Guess that puts us all on the naughty list then Santa. We should know better and be setting a better example,” Lee said.
Santa looked at the four of them, hanging their heads in shame, then he looked to Rosie, who was still holding Lee’s hand.
“Well, that's some really naughty things you four have been doing. Tell me Rosie, how do you know all of these things?” Santa asked her, his curiosity growing, along with everyone else's.
“I was pwaying hide an seek wit Joey an I hid under the tables, just before they came in for dinner last night an, he didn’t look under that one as they are Daddy’s bosses. Then I heard them talking, Miss Angie teld Miss Lola about the dwess white and thens Miss Lola teld Miss Angie bout Capten Cwane cupaches, when Capten Cwane and Mr Mowton left the table to get drinks. Then, when they came back, Capten Cwane teld Miss Angie an Miss Lola bout tichin powda, as Miter Mowton went to get sum more food before they all got up to dance. That's when I got out and teld Joey I was the winner as he hadn’t foun me.”
All the adults had a job trying not to laugh, at how easily they had been caught out by a child, playing under a table. They knew she had been safe in the huge dining room, as the doors to it had NIMR security check everyone in and out. The children were used to the security checks and the parents appreciated it.
“Well I think that definitely puts you on the naughty list, so I don’t think I will have a present for you here; But I think that you are all really sorry enough for being naughty, so if Rosie agrees, I think you will be getting a visit from me on Christmas Eve. What do you say Rosie?”
Rosie looked at Santa, then she looked at the four of them.
“Tay may be weally nawty, but they are weally more nice than nawty, and I like them. So plees go to them,” she said to Santa smiling.
“I agree with you Rosie, let it be a lesson to the four of you. No present today for you because of your naughtiness, though you done the right thing and apologised to each other.”
A chorus of “Thank you Santa,” came from all four adults. Rosie led the way out to where the admiral was waiting as Chip whispered to Lee, “Told you, kids don’t forget things.”
“Your turn Admwal.”
“Thank you Rosie, I thought perhaps you had gone on a sleigh ride with Santa, as you were quite a while,” the admiral said to her.
“I was tellin Santa bout the nawty things they all done,” and she nodded to the four of them.
The admiral looked at his two officers and his two admin girls, who looked highly embarrassed.
“Really, you will have to tell me all about it later Rosie,” he laughed and turned to go in to see Santa.
Sparks and Dani came over with Joey to get Rosie,
“I bet she told on you all to Santa, if she knew anything, she did me!” Joey said.
“Did not,”
“Did so,”
“Did not,”
“Did so, sisters yuk,” Joey poked his tongue out at her.
“Joey, that’s not nice, say sorry to your sister,” came from Sparks.
“Sorry,” Joey said, then poked his tongue out at her again when his father wasn’t looking. Lee saw it and bobbed down to the little boy, “Joey, I have a sister, who is a lot younger than me and I used to say yuk, because she used to tell on me, she also used go yuk about me as well. But do you know what? I wouldn’t swap her for the world and I am very proud of her. Though, she still tells tales about me to our Mom sometimes.”
“What does she do Captain Crane?” the little boy asked.
“She is a Lieutenant in the navy.”
“Will you take her to see Santa?”
Lee smiled as he tried not to laugh at the thought of taking Jeannie to see Santa at her age, “I don’t know yet, it depends on her orders. I am sure that she will see Santa, even if I can’t take her. But you are a big brother as well and I know you will look after your little sister, even though you will have days you go yuk! Just be good then she can’t tell tales on you,” Lee told him and winked at him, before standing back up.
“Sorry Sirs, ladies, if Rosie embarrassed you at all,” Sparks apologised to them.
“No, she didn’t Sparks, in fact she made us all laugh, by straightening a few mysteries out,” Lee said laughing along with everyone else.
A few moments later the admiral came out of Santa's cabin and joined the group. Rosie asked him if he was on the naughty list like Lee,Chip, Angie and Lola, which made the admiral laugh.
“Rosie that would be telling. Now, we better make our way back to the chalet, I think we should all have a big snowball fight before we leave for the hotel, as we won’t be able to have one there, the grounds aren’t large enough for everyone,” the admiral said.
When they got back to the chalet, everyone came outside to join in the snowball fight. There wasn’t any particular teams, if someone was near, they got a snowball. Though Lee and Chip seemed to have it in for one another. Over an hour later some very tired, happy children and adults went to the coaches to go back to the hotel.
Back at the hotel, the children had a hot buffet meal and a party with entertainers and games, while the adults got ready to have a semi formal meal. The admiral had arranged for registered babysitters for the children after the party, or when they got tired, plus security on every floor.
In the admiral’s suite, the men had changed into their khaki uniforms to wear for dinner. As they are the command team, the admiral asked Lee and Chip to bring theirs to wear as well for the dinner. He didn’t want the dinner to be stuffy with everyone in dress uniforms. The rest of the crew just wore regular suits, as it was meant to be a relaxing evening.
While they were waiting for Angie and Lola to finish getting ready, the admiral, Lee and Chip were discussing how the trip had gone so far. The following day was free time for the families to do as they pleased in town, before having a late lunch and the flight home.
“Well, I think everything has gone very well Admiral, don’t you? Everyone seems to have had fun and the children are just glowing from all the fresh air, and their smiles at having met the real Santa,” Lee said smiling.
“Yes Lee, the children's smiles says it all. Moments like Sparks and Dani’s little Rosie, makes every moment of planning worthwhile,” the admiral replied. “Talking of Rosie, what were the naughty things that she told Santa about the four of you?”
Lee and Chip looked at each other. At that point there was a knock on the door, Lee got up and went to answer it, thankful for the timing of it, not that the admiral didn’t have a sense of humour, but it was just the embarrassment of having to explain it all. He opened the door to see Lola and Angie standing there looking very elegant in their long evening dresses.
“Are you just going to stand there with your mouth open Lee?” Lola asked.
“Sorry, you both look very elegant.”
“Why, thank you kind Sir,” Lola replied and made out to curtsy.
The admiral and Chip came to the door to join Lee in escorting the ladies down to dinner.
“I have to agree with Lee ladies, you both look very elegant,” the admiral said. “Now let’s go down for dinner.”
After the meal and a very short speech by the admiral, the dancing started, with some fun games in between, like ‘pass the parcel’, pass the balloon without using your hands and ‘musical chairs’, causing much hilarity.
As Lee, Chip, Angie and Lola sat down at the table, they couldn’t resist checking underneath, just incase.
“Would you ladies mind if I just go outside for some fresh air, seems to be getting a bit hot in here,” Lee said.
“I’ll come with you Lee, it is getting rather hot,” Chip added.
“No, that’s fine, guess you are used to it being a bit cooler on Seaview. It will give Lola and I a chance to think, what we can have at ‘DeGrandos’ when we get back,” Angie said laughing.
“Just remember what they say Angie, ‘He who laughs last!” Lee replied, as he rose from his chair, picking up his jacket from the back of it, to head outside with Chip.
They took their leave and headed outside to the balcony that had steps down to the garden, which was empty, due to it being cold. As they stood looking into the gardens and tree lined paths with benches at the side, lit with old fashioned lights that led to the otherside of the hotel, the subject of their original bet between them came up.
“It’s good that everything turned out so well Lee, shame we didn’t get to complete our bet though. Guess we will have to do something when we get back,” Chip said to Lee.
“Guess so Chip,” Lee replied as he stared into the garden and then turned to Chip with a grin and a glint in his eyes, “Perhaps not Chip.”
“What have you thought up now Lee?” Chip asked as he knew the look his friend had on his face.
“A straightforward timed race, from the bottom of these steps, down that path to the other side and back,” Lee looked at his friend, who pursed his lips as always did when thinking something over, especially if he thought was a bit iffy.
“Well Chip?”
“Lee, are you mad, in these shoes, we are liable to go head over heels and break our necks!”
“Are you afraid Mr Morton?” Lee teased him, knowing that his friend was just being logical, “You used to play ice hockey sometimes, like me.”
“Yeah, but that was with skates on Lee and padding! If we both end up in hospital, I don’t think the admiral will be none too pleased.”
“We won’t, we just run at the speed we feel safe at. Come on,” Lee cocked his head to one side and grinned.
Chip sighed, he knew Lee would not rest until he said yes, “Okay Lee, you win.”
“I intend to,” and smiled at his friend who just shook his head.
A voice came from behind them,
“Now what are you two scheming?”
They turned to see Angie standing there.
“Nothing,” they said in unison.
“Sure I believe that...not! Out with it,”
“What’s going on Angie?” Lola asked as she joined them.
Angie folded her arms and stared at Lee and Chip, “They were just about to tell me, weren’t you?”
“Okay, it’s our new bet,” Lee answered.
“I dread to ask, but do tell. We are all ears,” Angie said, still glaring at them.
Lee went on to explain their new bet to them.
“ What!! Are you mad? What if you break something, the admiral will be none to happy and it will be me who has to keep him from firing you both,”
“Angie’s right, why don’t you forget this silly bet?” Lola added.
“A bet was not so silly when you thought you could win, was it Lola? No, Chip and I have made up our minds.”
“Well, we may as well watch, but first I think Lola and I better go and get our Pashminas to wrap round, as it’s cold. We aren’t used to it like you two,” Angie said.
“No need to, you can have our jackets to put round you, we won’t need them running,” Lee said as he started to undo his, then took it off and wrapped it around Lola’s shoulders, while Chip did the same and gave his to Angie.
“Right, you can use my watch to time us, as it has a stopwatch on it. That’s if Chip has no objections?” Lee offered.
“Fine by me, they are both standard issue navy ones, unless it’s your James Bond lookalike one,”
“Chip you know I only use that at certain times. Right let's do rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to choose if they want to go first or second.”
They proceeded to do the game and Chip won. He decided to go first, he would rather get it over and done with. He took his place at the bottom of the steps, while Angie counted down “On your marks, get set, go!” she clicked the stopwatch and they all watched Chip race down the path to the other end, where he turned and started back. He slipped quite a few times, but managed to keep his balance.
When he got back to the bottom of the steps Angie stopped the clock. “Well Mr Morton that was an impressive 3.05 minutes, well done. Your turn Captain,” Lee took his place at the bottom of the steps, Angie counted down, as she got to go, Lee raced down the path, like Chip he too kept slipping, but kept his balance, he got to the bottom and turned. At that point he was ten seconds ahead of Chip.
As he raced back down the snow covered garden path, he hit a bit of loose ice about ten yards from the finish and slipped, falling down on his right side. His head hit the edge of the snowy path, luckily it was only soft snow from when it was cleared to make the pathway earlier.
“Lee!” Chip shouted and ran towards him as best as he could.
“Lee!” Angie and Lola shouted, hanging onto each other, trying not to fall as they tried to run in their heels following Chip running towards him.
“Don’t move Lee,” Chip said as he arrived at Lee’s side.
“I’m okay Chip, just winded and a bit bruised,” Lee replied.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, just help me up.”
“Oh Lee, are you alright? Lola asked before Angie could, as they arrived next to them.
“I’m fine, just winded. Wasn’t as bad as it must have looked.”
As Chip helped him up, he looked at Lee,
“Guess that means I’ve won the bet then,”
“Chip Morton, how can you say that! Lee could have been seriously hurt!” Lola scolded him.
“He wasn’t though, was he? Besides, he would do the same. The only thing hurt is Lee’s pride, so the bet is valid,” Chip answered.
“Chip’s right, I’m okay and a bet is a bet,” Lee smiled, though it was more like a grimace.
The girls shook their heads, as they headed back into the hotel, once inside they gave Lee and Chip back their jackets. They slipped them back on, luckily the lights had been dimmed right down in the ballroom when they entered, so the damp patches on Lee’s trousers that weren’t covered by his jacket couldn’t be seen as they went back to their table.
A while later the admiral and Doc Jamieson made their way over to them. Lee and Chip went to stand up as they arrived at the table, ”As you were,” the admiral told them and they sat back down.
“Admiral, Doc, would you care to join us,” Lee asked.
“Thank you,” he sat down along with the Doc and looked at the four of them, especially Lee and Chip, “Where did you all disappear to?”
“Oh, we just went out for some fresh air, then Angie and Lola joined us, as they thought we were taking a bit too long,” Lee explained.
“I see. I just thought you may have been doing something like racing on the icy path to settle the bet that you and Chip have,” the admiral said smiling.
Lee and Chip felt themselves going red,
“Getting hot again gentlemen, your faces looked quite flushed.”
“Guilty, as charged Sir, how did you know?” Lee asked the admiral, as he was sure that no one had seen them.
“I didn’t, until now. I was just guessing. I didn't think you would both be so reckless, as to do something like that. You should know better, if you had both broken something and left Seaview without her captain and exec, I would have been tempted to fire you both. It’s bad enough when you do ONI missions, but at least that is work related.”
“Sorry Admiral,” Lee and Chip said together.
“No wonder Rosie said you are on Santa’s naughty list. You are not midshipmen anymore. Any more stunts like that and I will be having words with Santa myself...Understood?”
“Aye Sir,” the two officers replied.
“Good. Now, all day tomorrow from breakfast, until we get back to the Institute, you can dress as elves. That does not just mean wearing just an elf t-shirt, you can wear the whole outfit, shoe covers, tights, top, hat and ears. I will arrange outfits to be delivered first thing in the morning. Oh, you can have rosy painted cheeks too, which I am sure Angie and Lola will delight in doing for you. If you want to go into town before we leave, you can go as elves,” the admiral told his officers as he looked at them.
“Aye Sir.”
Angie and Lola were trying their hardest not to laugh without too much success.
“Now, let’s enjoy the rest of the party.”
The next morning there was a knock on the door of the admiral's suite. Lee went to open it and the manager of the hotel stood there with two suit bags.
“A delivery for yourself and Commander Morton, Captain Crane, Sir,” the manager said.
“Thank you,” Lee said as he took the suit bags, then closed the door.
“Is that what I think it is?” Chip said as he came into the living area of the suite.
“Guess so. Suppose we better get changed into them. I would like to know how the admiral managed to get two elf suits in our size just like that though?”
“Let’s just say I’m very good friends with Santa and his elves,” the admiral said as he came out of his bedroom grinning.
“Good Morning Admiral,” they both acknowledged.
“Good Morning gentlemen,” the admiral replied.
“Now, I trust you are all packed up, ready to put your case into the luggage storage ready for check out.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good, are you getting changed into your outfits for the day, breakfast will be shortly.”
“Yes Sir,” and Lee and Chip headed to their room to change into their outfits. As they did so, they couldn’t help but laugh at each other.
“If any of the crew make any jokes, they will be swabbing the decks with a toothbrush,” Chip said.
“Bit harsh Chip.”
“You think so? Dressing up for the children is one thing, but to have to wear it all day, even to town, is a bit much Lee...and we only ever wore the tops and hat. Never the full works...and tights,” Chip griped, as he sat on the edge of his bed to put his shoes back on, then the elf overshoes.
“Ah well, at least the children will enjoy it.”
“That’s the only thing that stops me from committing mutiny Lee.”
“Why are you being such a grinch, you aren’t normally like this?”
“If you must know, I was forced to wear an elf costume when I was little in the school play, when I wanted to be a toy soldier. Not just once, but two years on the trot and I have disliked them ever since.”
“Well you aren’t alone in wearing it, just think of it as a fancy dress party. I have to go into town dressed like it to get Jeannie part of her present,” Lee explained.
“Can’t they deliver to here?”
“Yes, but I want to check it out first and make sure the engraving is correct,”
“What have you got her?”
“I’ve ordered a handmade glass ornament in the shape of a pair of figure skates for her, think I told you she collects unusual glass ornaments. Why don’t you come with me?”
“Think I’ll pass thank-you.”
“Time to get over your fear of elf costumes Mr Morton, if I have to do it, so do you!” Lee looked at his friend and laughed.
“Don’t think so Lee.”
“I could make it an order.”
“You wouldn’t, would you?” Chip looked at Lee, who raised his eyebrows, “give the wrong answer and you will find out.”
“And I said you don’t hold a grudge,” Chip muttered and picked up a pillow and threw it at Lee, who promptly threw it back, before heading out of the bedroom.
The admiral managed to stifle his laughs when they came out of their room into the living area, where Angie and Lola had arrived to make their cheeks red with their lipstick.
As they entered the dining room they could see the crew trying to hide their laughs, along with everyone else, though the children burst out laughing.
“Capten Cwane, Mr Mowten,” Rosie shouted and came running over to them.
“Did Santa make you elves cause you on his nawty list?” she said and there was more laughter.
“No, he didn’t Rosie, it was the Admiral,” Lee answered.
“Why Admwal?” she turned to look at him.
“Because they were behaving like naughty elves, while wearing their Seaview uniform. So I thought they should wear the elves uniform for the day, so they behave next time,” the admiral explained to her and he winked at her.
“Ooo, do you do that to Daddy if he is nawty admwal?” Rosie asked.
“I haven’t done yet Rosie, but I am beginning to think it might be a good idea near Christmas for the crew if they are. After all Captain Crane and Mr Morton lead by example, don’t you gentlemen?” he looked at his officers.
“Yes Sir,”
Rosie turned towards her parents and shouted across to them,
“Daddy, did you ear that if you are nawty like Capten Cwane and Mr Mowton, you all ave to be an elf for a day?”
This time everyone burst out laughing, with everyone wondering what Lee and Chip had done, to be made to wear a full elf costume.
Angie and Lola had gone to sit down at their table (again they had checked under it, just in case) and were watching from it, laughing.
The men finally sat down to have their breakfast with the girls.
“I must say you two look very fetching in your outfits. Angie and I were just saying you have given us an idea for the next year's Christmas childrens party,” Lola said.
“Oh, and what might that be Lola?” Lee asked, dreading what she had in mind.
“If it’s Elf, I’m going on leave,” Chip stated.
“No, but that’s an idea, or Grinch, as that would suit your mood. No, we could do a British Pantomime***. Lee would make a dashing Robin Hood in his green tights, or Peter Pan and definitely Prince Charming,” Lola said as she eyed Lee up and down.
Chip coughed
“Oh Chip, sorry, so would you,” Lola added.
“One problem Lola, they are traditionally played by girls normally, but I think that is changing. Pantomimes are very confusing to us, but very funny, once you understand the principles of it. I saw one with Jeannie in London, when she was invited to skate in a competition there with the junior team. I went with her and Mom as it fell during the Christmas holidays at the academy. The hosts had arranged the trip to it, but Mom came down with a cold and didn’t feel up to going to it, so I went to see it instead as Jeannie’s chaperone,” Lee explained.
“Well, I still think we should think about it, I can look it up on the internet, but I’m sure I read that men now play them,” Angie said.
Lee and Chip just shook their heads and laughed, hoping that by next Christmas the girls would have forgotten all about it.
Admiral Nelson, just sat and listened to the banter between his employees, they were very entertaining at times.
“What do you think, Admiral?” Angie asked him.
“I think we should certainly keep it as a suggestion and look into it more, it could be fun,” the admiral answered.
Lee stood up, “Well if you will excuse us, Chip and I have to go into town for a while, don’t we Chip?” and grinned at him
“Yes, we do,” Chip replied less than enthusiastic, as he stood up.
“Would you and Angie like to join us Lola? I know how much you enjoy shopping,” Lee asked.
“We do, but we have some bits to do first, plus you two don’t like the shops we do. So we will see you later,” Lola looked at him and winked.
With that they took their leave of them and the admiral.
“I think Chip has been ordered to go into town by his reaction Admiral,” Angie observed.
“I think you may be right Angie. Sometimes I could keel haul the pair of them when they act like youngsters with their pranks; but I think that is what makes them so well liked and respected by the crew, as well as being trusted by them. They are not afraid to let their hair down in front of them and bounce well off each other… sometimes literally; they are definitely new navy and they get away with a lot more on board Seaview and at the Institute than they would in the navy. I may threaten to fire them every so often about it, but that is just to keep them on their toes. Just don’t either of you tell them that, and, that is an order ladies,” the admiral said and looked at each of them.
“Yes Sir,” they replied.
“Yes, Lola,”
“Lee and Chip were wondering just how you managed to get two perfectly fitting elf costumes for them at such short notice. Come to that, so was I, what about you Angie?”
“It’s alright Angie, I will explain to Lola and this is between the three of us for the moment. I had already arranged the outfits for them, Angie had to look up their uniform measurements for them to be made, then ordered them, so she has been in on it from the start.
I had a bet with Doc and Admiral Stark, that other than giving an outright order or getting them drunk, I would find a way to get them to wear them all day. So when they walked into my little trap, it fell into place nicely, quite literally,” the admiral explained.
“So you did see them on the path, or did Angie tell you Sir?” Lola asked.
“Neither Lola, I just took a guess that they had been up to something. Luckily I guessed right and they fell right into owning up.”
“But Admiral, you still ordered them to wear the outfits though,” Lola added.
“No, I didn’t. I only said they can wear the outfits and that if they went into town they can wear them. Never at any point did I say you will or gave an order for them to wear them. All I said was, you can wear the outfit. Not my fault they didn’t check if it was an order or not. Even when Rosie asked, I only said I thought they should,” the admiral laughed.
“Oh Admiral,” Lola was laughing as she spoke, “When are you going to tell them, I can’t wait to see their faces when you do,” Lola said.
“Nor can I,” Angie added.
“We will see ladies. When they stop moaning between themselves and put their officer heads on, they may just realise that they have been had. Still, meanwhile I collect a bottle of a good single malt Scotch from the Doc and dinner in San Diego on Admiral Jiggs at ‘La Parisian,’ Grande’ plus a bottle of vintage single malt Scotch,”
At that point the four of them burst out laughing.
After the flight back to Santa Barbara, everyone got off the plane and collected their luggage, before getting the awaiting coaches. The flight had been quite quiet, after the initial sing song at the beginning, as many of the children fell asleep, worn out by an exciting weekend of fun filled activities and the fresh mountain air.
Lee and Chip were still wearing the elf costumes as they, the Admiral, Angie, Lola and the Doc, walked through the terminal, causing people to do a double take when they saw them. Doc said his goodbyes and jumped into another car to take him to the local hospital, so he could visit one of his friends, before going back to the Institute. They got to the other NIMR staff car and jumped in, ready to head back to the Institute.
“Well once we get back to base, we will be able to change out of these costumes. As you only ordered us to wear them until we got back to the Institute Admiral,” Lee said.
“Won’t be a moment too soon for me. That certainly has been one of the strangest orders I’ve ever had to carry out. Even more so than some as a Plebe” Chip added.
The admiral looked across to his officers who were sitting facing him, Angie and Lola, who somehow were managing to keep a straight face.
“What order Chip?”
“The order to wear these costumes all day until we got back to the Institute Sir,” he replied.
“That’s right Sir,” Lee said to back Chip up.
Angie and Lola were struggling now to stop themselves laughing. The admiral was grinning as he replied,
“No, I gave no such order to either of you,”
Lee and Chip looked at each other puzzled,
“But Admiral we both heard you,” Chip said.
“Yes Chip you did hear me say you can wear the outfits all day until we got back to the Institute, but I did not order you,”
Lee and Chip looked at one another and slowly realised that they had been played by the admiral.
“You said ‘can’, not have to and we just
assumed it was an order,” Lee said with a sheepish grin, then burst out laughing, as did Chip.
“Well played Admiral, was this payback for something Sir?” Lee asked.
“Not really, like you I had a side bet. Admiral Stark and the Doc bet that I couldn’t get you to wear them without getting you drunk, or actually ordering you to. I never thought I would be able to do it, but you walked straight into it, due to you feeling guilty over your bet,”
“So you really didn’t see Chip and I on the ice?”
“No, I didn’t Lee, but I still would’ve found out this morning though,” the admiral replied.
Lee and Chip looked to Lola and Angie.
“Don’t look at us,” Angie said.
“No, it wasn’t the ladies, but it was a young lady, who couldn’t sleep and was looking out of her window, watching the snowfall. She told me that you two were playing in the snow and running and did I think you were being naughty again,” the admiral explained.
Lee and Chip looked at each, other turned back to the admiral and said together smiling,
The five of them burst out laughing and continued giggling all the way back to the Institute.
Author’s Notes.
*When charities over here in the UK, run flights to Lapland, the flight code comes up as something like my flight number (normal number in brackets.) Even when I went on a day trip geared mainly for adults to find Santa in Lapland, our flight number came up as Santa Special. Keeps the magic going for the children.
**I would like to give credit to my Godson for the words ‘cupaches’ and Cwane as that is what he called cupcakes and cranes, due to his speech problems when he was little, before having speech therapy at school. He also gave me the inspiration for how Rosie's would say certain words.
***Pantomime is a very British tradition over the Christmas and New Year holiday. Theatres all over the country, from the famous London Palladium to the smallest town theatres, put on a traditional Panto (as they are affectionately known.) They are based on fairy tales and nursery stories.
They are aimed for family entertainment and include, dancing, singing, slapstick comedy, exaggerated characters (especially the pantomime dame, who is always played by a man), topical jokes, (you could go to the matinee show then the evening show, on the same day and hear different jokes, depending on the news that day), plus chase and fight scenes.
There is always lots of audience participation in them, usually there is a lot of booing at the villian, cheering for the hero/heroine, or the old favourite when the villain is behind the hero or heroine you shout out “He’s behind you”, and the hero/heroine goes “O, no he’s not,” you reply, “O yes he is,” or vice versa, and this goes on for a bit, it is also used at other times in it.
The tradition used to be a lady would play the main male character like Robin Hood, Peter Pan or Prince Charming. Now though they are more commonly played by men, though many local theatre companies still use ladies to play them (often a shortage of men in the company.)
There is also a lot of innuendo in them, that normally goes over the heads of children, they hear the clean version while the adults get the rude meaning. Many adults also go to the panto without children, as you always come away laughing, they are a real tonic.
Some companies now do adult pantomimes, still based on the original stories, for example ‘Cinderella’ it became ‘Sinderella’ and was strictly for the over eighteen's. All the rules of panto apply to it, but the jokes and costumes are definitely adult content.
If you are ever in the UK over the Christmas and New Year period, try and go to a Pantomime (though many sell out months in advance, often the next year’s one goes on sale as last year's closes). As I have Lee saying in my story, they can be confusing to some visitors, but once you get them, they really are funny. If you don’t get it, you will end up laughing anyway at the children and adults shouting at the villains. It’s the only time you are positively encouraged to shout and boo in a theatre. So you will still come away smiling.
*The term ‘coach’ refers to tour busses.
*Ski-Doo is a brand name of several types of specialty vehicles, such as snowmobiles.