Letters Home - 3 rd Mail Call

By Lillian H


June 21st


Lt. Ralph Bishop

SSRN Seaview


Santa Barbara



Hi Honey,


We’re shoving off on a routine mapping mission soon but I just had to get the news to you as I know you’re en-route to your parent’s place and I can’t tell you by phone -- Morton’s not coming with us this trip!  There’s a snafu with the diving bell repairs in New London and he and Chief Jones are staying ashore with it!  You know what that means?  I will be acting exec for this mission! 


This is my big chance sweetheart.  I finally get to show Nelson and Crane what I can really do!  I’m going to have this boat running like clockwork!  I’ll teach this goldbricking crew that I’m no pushover for slackers and informality.  Admiral Nelson likes efficiency, well; I’ll show him that Morton isn’t the only officer aboard his boat that can provide that.  I’ll bring a little precision to things around here in no time; they’ll have to notice my skills then!


It won’t be easy, the crew have been used to an easy ride most of the time. Curley Jones is a seasoned CPO but past his prime… he would’ve been beached before now if it weren’t for Nelson.  Morton is good at the paperwork and organization but mostly green when it comes to military discipline in my opinion. He listens to all the crew’s gripes too much; doesn’t he know sailors are always griping about something?  I don’t want to hear about their broken hearts and emotional problems --- this is the Navy, you sign up to do you duty and serve your country anyway an officer decides, not to fly home every time a kid grazes his knee! I get the feeling he doesn’t agree with my way of dealing with the men but I rely on my years of experience to handle them!


Morton’s just too young and untried for active duty in the position he’s in; he still has a lot to learn about leading men into battle.  He may think they’ll follow him because they think he’s Mr Nice Guy but a crew looks to officers who know what they’re doing when the chips are down-- that’s got be why Admiral Nelson didn’t promote him when Captain Phillips got killed…not enough command experience in emergencies, he knew Morton wasn’t ready to step into a captain’s shoes.  Well, he may have seniority thanks to a lot of luck but I have had command experience and I don’t care if a crew likes me or not as long as they snap to and obey my orders! 


I’m going to make sure Nelson and Crane notice that I can do the job just as well if not better than our esteemed exec!  I know all the scuttlebutt about him and Crane being big buddies means that Morton is pretty secure aboard Seaview for now but he must have some ambition for himself, he can’t want to stay in Crane’s shadow forever! When he does go after his own command, I don’t want there to be any doubt who the next XO should be.


After all, Crane is off boat as much as he’s on for ONI, so when our captain is off playing hero, the XO’s in charge, I can live with that for a while.  Who knows, Crane is in a dangerous line of work, if anything should happen to him it’d be only natural for the right exec to step up and take charge.


Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to the guy, he’s an okay skipper and we all know Nelson’s pleased to have him so he might take too many personal risks for the admiral’s liking but the guy’s just a natural hero type. He’s Navy and seen a lot of action but he’s just as soft on the crew most the time!


The command staff maybe set tight but when it comes to commanding Seaview, but a man can have expectations can’t he?  I just have to make sure I’m in the right place at the right time to take over.


You’d like that wouldn’t you sweetheart, being married to Seaview’s skipper?  Just think of the prestige that would get you. We’d be calling the shots then.  That would impress all those officer’s wives that you think ignore you now and your father would have to stop harping on about my lack of rank then would he? 


This has to go into the mailbag.  I’ll let you know all the details when I get back honey - I just have a good feeling about this cruise, this is my chance to get noticed and I’m going to make it count!


Love you,






July 15th


Dear Mrs Blake,


It is with deep regret that I enclose the unfinished letter of your son Seaman Alan Blake. It was found in the crew’s quarters after Seaview was raised and returned to port for repairs. As it was addressed to you I am sending it for him.


You will already know of the circumstances surrounding your son’s bravery.  He gave his life to help his boat and friends and I would personally like to add that I consider it a selfless act of courage that saved the lives of everyman aboard and that his record will reflect the valor he displayed!


The full circumstances of the incident preceding the accident have been investigated and minimum blame attached to your son.  It was an error of judgement that he bitterly regretted and considered himself solely responsible for but that was not the case and I’m sorry that I cannot tell him that personally.


Yours truly,


Captain Lee Crane.




Dear Mom,


By now you’ll have heard the bad news and be worrying worse than you normally do about me.  I wish I could call you or talk to you somehow to tell you it’ll be okay but I can’t -- things are real bad here Mom, and I’m more scared than I’ve ever been. 


Mom, you remember how you used to tell me wishes are just dreams that haven’t come true yet---- well, I wish this weren’t happening.  I wish none of those guys was dead and most of all I wish I was coming home on leave again to find you fussing over me cos you think I haven’t been eating right!


I screwed up!  I screwed up so bad and because me a lot of my friends are dead already and the rest of us could be that way real soon.


I love you Mom. I know I never said it enough before but when Dad walked out on us you were the strong one and I guess I took everything you did for granted. I don’t think you ever knew how proud I was of you. The way you never gave up, the way you kept a roof over our heads, made sure there was food on the table, clothes on our backs. YOU did that Mom, only you.


I know I wasn’t much help, I was real a wild, stupid kid growing up and gave you a lot of heartache and still you never gave up on me and I never stopped loving you for it.  I felt like I was going nowhere and needed to get out to make something of my life before I ended up in real trouble!  You thought I was just running away but it wasn’t like that, honest, none of this is your fault, the Navy was what I wanted and the Navy’s been good to me Mom; it made me grow up. I like having friends like Evans and Ski and Patterson that I can rely on and having a job where guys respect what I could do…till now anyway.  I’d do anything to put it right again!


I know if the worst happens you’ll be hurting but you gotta promise me Mom, you’ll get past it!  You’re still young enough to have a decent life …I know you and Barney are close so why don’t you up and marry the guy like wants you too and let someone else take care of you for a change?  I know you aren’t waiting to get my permission exactly but if you ever needed it, you got it. I should’ve said something sooner but I figured there’d always be enough time; you deserve some happiness Mom -- take it.  Remember I’ve always loved you and I’m sorry for all the bad stuff I did, it was never meant it to hurt you.


… geez, the air down here is foul, it’s making me all light headed … I’m sure the boat just moved again, I can hear some of the guys talking, I better go see what the problem is……








July 17th


Hi ya Sharkey,


Hehe, I just found out why you only get called by your surname  -- Francis.  That’s one heck of a fancy name for a crusty old sea dog like you bud! I’m just glad I lived long enough to laugh about it with you. I’ll just stick with Curley thanks!


I tell you Sharkey this mission was a doozy! I must be getting old – I used to enjoy a little excitement but I guess you can do without it when you know the lives of all your buddies depend on you getting them out of a fix!


When we got word Seaview had gone down with all hands, it was like a punch in my guts – they needed help and we were stuck in New London with a busted diving bell!


When Mr Morton got back from talking to them on the emergency phone I knew it was bad.  He don’t like to show what he’s feeling much— he kinda hides behind military discipline most the time but I’ve got used to reading those blank looks of his and I knew he was real worried. He was as antsy as I’ve ever seen him and if you knew this guy you’d know that weren’t good!


We worked on that guidance system for hours but couldn’t find the bug in it!  Finally Mr Morton just up and ordered the bell loaded on the carrier and said we was going to try getting to them by controlled descent!  To his credit he said he wasn’t going to order me along –he gave me the out if I wanted one but I wasn’t about to let him go it alone, he’s got guts alright but he needed help and they were my friends down there too for Pete’s sake!


It was pretty hairy, maneuvering through an abandoned minefield without

guidance control ain’t my idea of fun.  I thought we’d bought it when we tangled with one of them and it exploded just above us; that shook us up pretty good I can tell ya!


I still remember the look of surprise when I called Mr. Morton ‘skipper’ just about then, it just sort of slipped out but that’s what he was in my book. He’s going to make one fine captain some day; I can always spot the good ones!


You shoulda seen the guys’ faces when we got there – and the admiral, he was smiling like he was fit to bust!  It weren’t all good news though, we lost some real good guys – I guess you heard all the poop that’s been going round over what caused the accident – I tried to tell the admiral Mr Bishop wasn’t right for Seaview but I guess he just wanted to give the man a fair chance.


Blake made a bad mistake for sure and I guess it coulda happened to any of us but he sure made it right for the guys. It was a crying shame it happened that way at all!


Now Seaview’s all raised again and the repairs are about done.  Mr Bishop has left us. The Doc said it was because of his injuries but the guys think different – they could be right.  The admiral ain’t saying nuthin but I reckon he knows who was really to blame for the foul up.  He won’t ever say it but I figure he knows Mr Bishop was a rare mistake for Seaview --- the guy just didn’t fit right.


Did you hear Bull’s in town?  We met up last night and sank a few beers together – he sends his regards and wants to know what happened with the little redhead you were keeping company the last time we saw you –  he reckons she had the eye for him all night and wouldn’t mind renewing aquaintences he says!


Be seeing ya around Francis Ethelbert Sharkey --- he he, no wonder you kept a name like that to yourself!





Any comments always welcomed : Ladibug@talktalk.net