You can send your story by attached file in an email, but you need to contact me first! There have been a few problems getting in touch with my hotmail account especially if you have AOL. But you can use the Tripod Mailer on my page for preliminary contact and I'll get back to you. I have also just discovered a problem with some folks getting through to my yahoo account. Still trying to figure out that problem. Please make your font Times New Roman and you've saved your file in Rich Text Format as my system cannot read the newer docx. or mhtml. Sometimes the current and latest versions of Word aren't compatible either. I have Word 2003 but I do have a converter that works with some version 7 documents. Whatever the problem, we'll work around it until we can get your story posted.
Well, that's a matter of opinion. Yes, I will offer suggestions/changes for flow, but am very light with the 'red pen' in most cases, and the author will always have the final say. I will place the story in a systems Spell Check, and offer a few grammatical changes if necessary. This does not apply to Challenge Stories, where no editorial comments are given and the stories are posted as sent with the exception of word art which is not compatible, and sometimes a conversion to html spacing problem will be rectified.
Seaview Stories will accept almost any tale and or project as long as it falls within a few reasonable parameters established by the site and by Tripod. If there is a problem accepting a story the author will be informed as soon as possible. There are currently three divisions or areas where a story or project may be placed. 1.General (family rated) type stories are immediately clickable, and suitable for all ages. (PG 13-R) may fall within this catagory but are noted as such. 2.Mature Themes (These stories vary,from a PG rating to an R), these may contain mature topics and/or heavier violence. These are not clickable from the main page and are indicated by an icon as a restricted story. 3.After Dark (These stories may contain erotica-style fiction. No pictures or photos are allowed. These are not clickable from the main page and are indicated by an icon as a restricted story. Slash stories(same-sex orientation/relationships)are not accepted however I can refer you to Yvette's page which does.
For further info contact:
Main email address