Picture A: Red by Carol Foss Picture B: Snookumsby Carol Foss Little Friend by K. Corris *posted post contest 05 Feb. 2011 Picture D: Picture E: Castles of the Sea by Carol Foss Picture F: Sideways Through the Looking Glass by Storm Picture G: Picture H: Silent Running by R.L. Rosas Picture J: Alone (Part One) by Bookscape Part of the Crew (Part Two) by Bookscape Deep Waters by Diego is in the storyboard section.
The Comic Book Contest based on these pictures and limited to 2 pages, has ended. Seaview Stories has not had any part in the selection of the winners, which will be transformed into comic format to be present on the Irwin Allen News Network. Please see the storyboard for their transformation into comic format. And now a note from the author of this contest: "I want to say thanks to all the writers who have entered the challenge." Diego C D
*A=The NIMR undersea tunnel at Seaview's home base of Santa Barbara *E=Captain Crane of SSRN Seaview meets Admiral Crane of a future Seaview *J=Sargo, a 'Gill' man, found by the Seaview crew near ancient remains in the bottom of the sea, is a time voyager from an antique subacuatic civilisation, and is one of Seaview's crew for now.