Preliminary Costume Party VIP  RSVP List/Special Arrangements


Harmon, Betty (Miss)

Make reservations for round trip airline tickets and hotel accomodations for two weeks, including area and distant attractions. All expenses to be charged to VIP account.

Obtain all Seaview signatures for special presentation by Capt. Crane and Adm. Nelson.


Can   NIMR employees can sign the document as well?


     Yes, of course my dear, anyone who wishes to be included  may sign. HN.

Don't forget to include Chief Sharkey to represent the crew. L. Crane.


Bryce, Ellen (Dr.)

Make reservations for hotel accomodations. Charge to party fund.

Reserve the best suite at the Seacliff Bed & Breakfast for the entire weekend. HN.

Ps. Charge to my personal account.


Starke, Jiggs (Adm.)

Make reservations for hotel accomodations. Charge to party fund.

        Hilton, one week, with a bar cash voucher for up

          to $1,000 for the weekend.

And a round trip airline ticket. Charge all to my personal account. I'm good for it.  HN


Park, Roy (Adm.)

Make reservations for hotel accomodations. Charge to party fund.

        Hilton okay but not same room as Starke. HN.

     PS. Better give him a $1,000 bar voucher as well. He'll be arriving in San Diego for an official function so will only need transportation here and back for the weekend. Use the motor pool's best staff car. Make sure the driver doesn't 'join' him for a nitecap.


? Maria (Miss?)

Get surname, courtesy title, address, and phone number. Need to know status of the invite.

I'll take care of all the details.. L. Crane

 If confirmed, charge to VIP account. Round trip tickets, one week all expenses paid vacation as well. By the way, Lee, what is her name?  HN

          I’m not really sure, but  I think the bouncer said it was  'Amore' . L.

          Amore hmm? No wonder Kruger selected her for Lani.I hope you'll be able to control yourself, lad. H.

She was very understanding about the entire incident and she was very kind  to me while I recuperated. L.

       As I recall, she was very VERY kind to you in Sick Bay. Anything I should be aware of? H.

      Boys, we're getting off topic here. Shall we continue? Your favorite and underapreciated Administrator.

       Sorry. Hey, how about dinner with me aboard Seaview tonight? L.

          The boat's in the middle of refit! Not fit for man nor beast, except maybe for her hairy Captain. H.

          Just what did happen on that cruise, Lee?

                   It's a long story. And  the view in the Nose still takes in some of the evening lights. L.

       We'll fill you in later Angie.  Sorry to grab the clipboard out of his hand, but  I really need to talk to the Captain about the apparent need for classes in remedial dating. Perhaps some lesssons from Chip. H.

          Admiral I'm crushed. And I don't need ANYONE'S advise regarding the fairer sex. L.

              Only trying to help, son. H.

Interfering more like. I'm sorry sir, but my love social life is nobody's business. L.

          By the way, if you're calling me son,  I could sure use a raise in my allowance.


Hansjourg (Dr.)

Will use his own transportation from Santa Barbara  University.


Gounaris, Molina (Miss)

Is this the correct spelling ? Need address, phone number.

     Let me make that call, but plan on round trip air fare from the Grecian isles. Charge to my personal account. I'll make all the accomodation arrangements as well as any other details.

L. C


Penfield, Tippy (Miss)

          Is that her real name?

     Just send the invite. Charge any of the weekend's  expenses to the party fund, including a hotel, as she may be only able to visit as a layover. H.N.

      Really? Who'd have thought it? L. Crane.

Get your mind out of the gutter, Captain. You know damn well that's not what I meant! H.N. That's Harriman Nelson as in 'Admiral' aka 'The Boss who signs your paycheck'!)

   Yikes! Does that mean I don't get to borrow the Flying Sub on a Saturday Night? L.

Ps. Since your humble employee's are required to accept  direct deposit, I've never actually seen one, a check, that is. Gee your hand must get awfully cramped every month! No wonder you get so grumpy when you're ashore.

       Gentlemen, do you mind not cluttering up my worksheet with your petty squabbles and joking around? Hmm? Pretty Please? Sirs?

  Well, he started it. H. But I won't digress further my dear.

Ah, gee, just when things were starting to look up...oops, sorry. L. :  )))

Lee- cease and desist!! H.

I live to obey. Sorry Ang. Soooorrry Sir. L.

Next time I'm going to ask Chip to help me! Now, return my worksheet and  oh, never mind!


Fraser, Patrick (Ensign) √√

          NIMR Guest Suite   Round trip air fare.

I think he was promoted last month. Check with   Navy personell. L.


Jones, 'Curley' (Chief (Ret.))

          NIMR Guest Suite B. √Round trip air fare.

Add $500  bar voucher for 'Pirate Pete's Bar & Grill. HN

                Absolutely NOT!  Remember what happened last time! L.

       He's a good and loyal member of the 'family'. He's entitled to a little 'extra.'H.

I meant the food! Never seen Chip so angry about missing his Tee time the next morning. L.

If I recall it was you who was stuck in the head the next norming, not him. He just didn't want to leave his poor sick Captain all alone. And it was your fault for having all those helpings of buffalo wings. You know you can't handle the spicy stuff. H.N.


Wilson, Fred (Dr.)

NIMR Guest Suite. Round Trip air fare. Some confusion as to which account to charge it to.

Needs a 'keeper' according to staff. See if anyone can keep an eye  on hm at the party.

Reserve Fishing Boat for Sat. AM. Unavailable. Will try for Sunday morning. Unavailable.

          Just tell him not to come to the party as a giant squid!

Lee  C.    : )

You should talk, I've seen your costume! H.

       Ps. Just charge to party fund.


Speical Agent Katie

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

Make that for a week. She just got off assignment and could use a little R&R.

  L. Crane

          Make sure there's a swimming pool. Oooh la la!

I second that, the R&R, I mean. Not the Captain's inflated libido. H.

       And I didn't mean it like that! Say one word Lee and I'll personally see to it that you have to enter the talent constest as a singer!

          I'm not that bad.  Joe's dog sings along with me. L.

              Need I say more? H.

Special Agent 'K'  aka Diane (Ms.)√Use Agency Address

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

    I think I recognise this name. Check with Capt. Crane to see if she's one of the ringleaders of the covert group called the 'hens'.HN

Sure is. Use caution , esp. since they're on our   side. L.Crane

Ps. They like me wayyy too much! They ruffle my hair and everything.

          What do you mean by 'everthing'? I hope you haven't forgotten  the NIMR/ Seaview rules of engagement especially regarding joint operations...don't you dare say anything Lee. I meant our cooperative engagements with those agencies, nothing else. H.N.

Oh that word! No,no, no! I'm not ready to be engaged. Besides this one is already married. Whew. Reprieved.

Perhaps Agent K would be the ideal keeper for Fred? H.N.

Absolutley not! You have no idea how he behaved when you let him off the leash! He even grabbed me! Hard!

Go ahead and 'suggest' it to her. I'm sure she'd like a challenge. L.

I'm surprised you can be so heartless Captain.

Just Part of my job description. L. An d your'e the one who suggested a 'keeper'. L.

Enough! Despite either of yoru grievances, Dr. Wilson is going to be a guest at the party and will be treated with respect. And yes, if necessary, a keeper. Go ahead and suggest 'hazard pay' to Agent 'K'. H.N.

That poor girl!


Special Agent 'K', Sue (Ms)

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

   ALERT SECURITY! This  is one of the hens too! Make sure they don't congregate at the party or things could really get out of control. L. Crane

          Relax, Lee. I checked her dosier, she's harmless. In fact, I'm sure you'll enjoy dancing with her. She's expressed an written interest in seeing how well you move.

          Do I have to? L.

              Part of your job description, as fellow host to make our guests feel welcome. H.

       As long as she doesn't 'feel' me! L.

I don't care if she grabs you in a passionate embrace! You will be polite and ignore any untoward advances. Is that clear? H.

The things I do for my  country! L.

She's one of us too, you know. I think you're just plain scared.

Damn right! If I wasn't so courageous I'd turn tail and run from this assignment. L.

I know you're joking Lee, but honestly, it won't be that bad. Tell you what, I'll even take her for a spin on the floor. H.

       PS. That is, if you let me off the hook about that raise.

Decisions, decisions. L.

Speical Agent  Lin (Ms)

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

   Another hen! Now, I'm becoming concerned. Just who invited these agents? HN.

              I met the hens at a convention. I think you're all taking this way out of proportian. They're all sweet 'past it' type ladies. Cut them a little slack. Lola.

Speical Agent 'Q', Kim (Ms.)

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

I'll take care of Agent Kim's arrangements personally. Chip.

PS. And they're NOT 'past it'!

But Chip, she's one of the hens! You're in mortal danger! Don't even get close to her! Lee

                   So what's she going to do? I don't mind if she ruffles my hair, unlike you, I think it's kind of sweet. And sexy. Chip

           But he's right, lad. Once one of these hens get's their talons in you, you're lost. H.

       Well, some of us like being 'lost' for awhile. Chip.


Special Agent 'F','  Carol (Miss)

          Round trip air fare. Hotel accomodations for weekend.

AGGGHH! NOT THE 'CATFISH'!! Doomed!! We're all doomed! We'll spend the entire party with her AND them drooling all over us! L.

          Maybe the Admiral can invent some kind of  drool repelent we can put on our costumes. Or hair. Or other stuff. Chip.

              Not enough time. Unless you want to start sporting adverse reactions to an untried formula, like    skin rashes, etc. H.

              I'll try it! Might even scare her and all her fellow hen's away. L.


Boys! Boys! Enough! You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!

These are sweet old gals and they wouldn't harm a fea let alone lure you to some dark romantic corner. What egos you three have! 

You can't honestly think that  you're  all these highly intelligent and respected women think about?  Now, if you're all quite finished with my notes, I have to make some final preparations-and I don't mean this party will be the death of me, but sometimes I wonder~.


Angie? Just how does one become a 'hen' anyway. I think I'd like to join the flock. By the way, who did invite them? Tish


No idea. Wouldn't be surprised if was Adm. Starke. Something about teaching our boys a 'lesson'.