This is a third season story inspired by the expired story challenge, Making Waves. What will Lee do when a short-sighted command decision leaves Harry in enemy territory...
Twelve Hours
by Lynn
Admiral Harriman Nelson sat in the cold flying submersible with the blackout shutters closed over his windows to keep even his red emergency lights from giving away his position. He couldn't have been in a worse location for FS1 to malfunction sending him hundreds of miles off course at Mach speed. By the time he regained enough control to crash land in the lake, he had found himself on an island belonging to the People's Republic. There was no subterfuge, no secret mission just plain bad luck landing him in unfriendly territory.
He managed to put the flying sub down in the lake in a hard landing that left him with a compound fracture of his left forearm. The bone protruded through his shirt, though he had been able to stop the bleeding. He was able to make a short transmission relaying his coordinates and FS1's probable malfunction through a secure channel but he couldn't risk any further communication. A United States Admiral would be a fine prize for the People's Republic, even if he was retired.
Harry leaned back against the headrest and allowed a moan to escape. He had taken the mild analgesics in the first aid kit, but they just weren't cutting it. He'd been here for hours and at this point he wasn't sure who would find him first, he wasn't even sure if there was going to be a rescue party. He shook off that thought, the last person he talked to was Lee and if there was one thing he could count on was that the Captain of his fantastic submarine the Seaview, would find a way. That thought brought both comfort and trepidation at the same time. The last thing he wanted was for Lee to be caught in the middle of this unfortunate situation.
Harry moved in his seat in an effort to get comfortable, but even with the sling from the first aid kit, the pain irradiating from his arm was too intense to ignore. He took a deep breath and wondered, not for the first time, why he didn't have the spare part for the simple control mechanism on board. He shook off the thought realizing that he couldn't prepare for every contingency or freak failure and sat back with a sigh. There was nothing to do but wait.
* * * * *
Lee Crane crawled through the ventilation shaft stealthy. He knew every bit of this boat, from bow to stern and that included her many shafts and service ducts. He approached the vent cover he needed and watched carefully; finding the way clear he climbed out and successfully made his deck change. He followed the companion way where the lights were already turned low to simulate evening aboard the boat. As expected the companion way was quiet and empty as he rounded the corner and entered the room he was seeking.
Inside was the moon pool. He couldn't risk using any scuba gear, as the missing gear would surely set off an investigation. Instead, he opened a supply cabinet and pulled out an emergency rebreather, Seaview was sitting in shallow waters at sixty feet and he would need the added air to make the surface. Then it was a long swim to shore. All this subterfuge a risky but necessary venture to save both Harry and his career. He checked his waterproof dive watch; he only had twelve hours to reach Harry, make the repairs to FS1 and make it back to Seaview before he would be missed and subsequently secure a court martial for gross insubordination and refusal to follow a direct order.
He donned the rebreather and slid into the waters. Though tropical the waters were cold at this depth, still Lee was an experienced diver and he couldn't rush to the surface. It would do him and Harry little good to get the bends. So he swam upwards, concentrating on his ascent at the proper speed. As he broached the surface he took several long breaths then discarded his nearly spent breather. He instinctively felt for the plastic bag in his pocket. All this would be for nothing if he lost that. He was relieved to feel the bag safely ensconced and began making his way to shore. He took long powerful strokes, pacing himself for the long one mile swim. He was a strong swimmer, but a mile without a flotation device was just plain crazy. Still, he was sure he could make it, just as long as the sharks didn't spot him as a possible meal. Lee thought he'd rather not think of that possibility as he had no shark repellant, so he busied himself instead recollecting the events that had led to this little adventure of his.
* * * * *
Lee greeted his guest as the Admiral was piped
aboard. Admiral Jonathon Striker had
been delivered via a helicopter straight to Seaview's deck.
“Good Morning Admiral and welcome aboard,” Lee offered
with full military decorum.
“Thank you Captain.
This is my aide, Lt. Commander Jordan,” Admiral Striker added, turning
toward the shorter man behind him.
Lee nodded to Jordan at the introduction. “Glad to have you both aboard,” he added
“Yes, well you might not think so when I'm through with my
evaluation,” his statement tempered with an easy smile that Lee appropriately
“Right this way Admiral,” Lee said indicating the way to
the sail hatch.
“When is Harriman scheduled to dock?” Admiral Striker asked matter of factly.
“In a few hours, Sir,” Lee replied, secretly wishing Harry
had been here to greet Striker. Though
he had been quite agreeable thus far, Striker's reputation preceded him. He was a no nonsense officer with a gift for
finding dark clouds on a perfectly sunny day.
This “gift” made him the perfect choice to perform Seaview's combat
readiness evaluations for her Reserve Status with the US Navy, at least that's
what Washington thought.
Lee followed his “guests” down the sail hatch and ushered
them forward toward the nose.
“Secure the deck and prepare to submerge, Mr. Morton.”
“Aye Sir,” Chip answered in complete XO mode.
The necessary orders were given and Seaview slipped
effortlessly into the depths.
Lee finished his next course correction and handed it off
to Chip as Striker and Jordan sat in the nose enjoying their first ride in what
naysayers used to call “Nelson's Folly”.
“Captain Crane to the radio shack,” Sparks' efficient hail
was heard.
Lee set down his pencil and headed aft toward Sparks'
“What do you have Sparks?”
“Admiral Nelson on the line for you,
Lee let loose a small smile and reached for the mic that
Sparks offered in one hand while dialing up gains in the other.
“This is Crane.”
“Lee, are our guests aboard?” He heard Harry answer in
“Aye, Sir. Should
we close the distance on your position?” Lee asked casually.
“No, I don't think that's necessary. I'll be traveling at Mach speed for another
fifteen minutes and then I'll ease her back.
ETA...” Harry did some fast calculations and then finished. “... in another
forty-five minutes.”
“Aye Sir,” Lee answered and started to hand off the mic
when he heard an unusual noise and then Harry's calm voice turned sharply
“Lee! I've just had
a malfunction and have lost guidance control.”
Harry's voice indicated he was fighting with the control sticks as he
“Do you have his beacon Sparks?” Lee asked in controlled
“Aye, Sir. But his
course is erratic. He's all over the
place,” Sparks answered as he honed in on Harry's ELT, Emergency Locator
“Admiral, what's happening?” Lee asked, desperate for
The sound of emergency beeps and warnings were heard in
the background as Harry answered, “I can't control her, Lee.” There was a short delay as Lee hung on every
word feeding through the com system. “I
was finally able to power down out of Mach but the controls are downright worthless. There's an island below, I'll make for it,”
Harry answered in calm control of the emergency on board.
“An island?” Lee thought
out loud. “Sparks give me the Admiral's
vectors,” Lee said knowing Harry shouldn't be near any islands on his original
Sparks scribbled out the coordinates as Lee looked it over
and handed it off to Chip who had by this time made his way over as well as
Admiral Striker and his aide. Chip and
Lee shared a knowing glance as Lee raised the mic back to his mouth.
“Admiral, you're in PR territory,” he said matter of
factly on the outside, but inside Lee's words were dripping with concern.
“I know Lee, I've got no choice. I'm making for a shallow lake below.”
The concern in the Control Room was palpable; the normal
hums and soft voices of the ratings were quiet as they strained to hear the dilemma
playing itself out at the Radio Shack.
“Lee, I'm pretty sure it's the Stabilizer Control
component!” Harry fired off as he was
obviously crash landing. The entire
Control Room heard the impact as the flying sub hit the water at too high a
speed and waited to hear the Admiral's voice in great anticipation.
“Admiral! Can you read me? Admiral?” Lee said,
barely avoiding yelling into the mic. He
waited a few moments and then heard the radio crackle with life.
“I'm here, Lee.”
Lee could hear the pain in Harry's voice and knew he was injured.
“Admiral, are you alright?” Lee answered calming his
“I'm fine Lee. Do
you have my coordinates?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Alright, I'm powering off my beacon.” Harry's labored breaths could be heard over
the com system as he continued. “I
suggest we sign off before my signals are tracked. I'm powering down to emergency power,” his
took a deep breath that Lee could hear.
“I'm convinced it's the Stabilizer Control I'll need a new one to fly
“Alright, Admiral. We'll get it to you.”
“Nelson out.”
“Seaview out,” Lee answered, hating to sign off but
knowing it was prudent for Harry's safety.
Lee turned and walked with purpose to the chart table and marked out a
new course handing it off to Chip.
“Make it so Chip, flank speed. I'll contact ComSubPac.”
“Aye Sir,” Chip answered efficiently as Lee walked toward
the video com and picked up the mic.
“Sparks, get me Admiral Starke at ComSubPac and put it
through to the nose monitor.”
“Aye Sir.”
Lee took a breath as Admiral Striker settled in alongside
him and readied himself to report Harry's predicament to Admiral Jiggs
* * * * *
“Very well, Captain Crane. Maintain your present course and speed and
I'll report the situation to Washington,” Jiggs said with his usual no-nonsense
command approach.
“Aye Sir,” Lee responded as the monitor went black.
Lee turned toward Chip, “Mr. Morton, how long till we
reach the island at our present speed?”
“Four hours, Sir,” Chip replied.
Lee nodded in response.
There wasn't anything else to do but get there.
* * * * *
Harry powered down FS1, using only his emergency lights
inside the cabin. He moaned as he
reached across to toggle the switch to close the black-out shutters. Even harnessed in he hadn't been able to
avoid the injury to his left arm. He had
been reaching for the console when he hit the lake hard and jammed his arm with
considerable force resulting in the compound fracture to his radius.
He unharnessed and made his way over to the first aid kit
bringing it back to the pilot's seat.
Harry loosened his tie, unbuttoning his top collar and sighed as he
began to treat his arm. He stopped the
bleeding with gauze and pressure and splinted it as best as he could then sat back breathing deeply to rein in the pain. It throbbed with every heartbeat, so he
reached for the hated sling to raise his arm at his heart's level and adjusted
it painstakingly around his neck. Then he
reached for the analgesics and took three dry.
He could have gotten a flask of water from the emergency supplies, but
he just didn't care to move anymore at that point. So he sat back doing some quick estimates to
Seaview's arrival.
What a mess! All this over a small electronic component that could be changed
out in ten minutes flat. He was
sure that the “symptoms” the controls were exhibiting were rooted in the
troubling component and vowed to commission a quality control inspection of his
manufacturer as this was the second time the component failed in three
years. Unless there was an unknown
variable adding strain to the component it should have had a working life of at
least five years.
Harry leaned his head back and sighed yet again. What a lousy place to crash land. He had flown without directional control for
over ten minutes at Mach speed and now found himself over 200 miles off course
and off an island claimed by the People's Republic. If they had spotted him, which he was certain
they surely had, then it would only be a matter of
time before the Republic sent a welcoming committee out to meet him. Hopefully, he wouldn't be quite so easy to
find in the lake and with his emergency beacon turned off perhaps he could keep
his hiding place stealth. He was ten
feet under the murky waters, and Harry doubted he could be seen from any
aircraft above. He made sure to power
down about twenty feet off shore and had piloted the submersible to rest partly
ajar a rock formation to allow boarding from the belly hatch.
Harry blew out a disgusted breath as he thought of his
rescue party coming. It would be Lee,
without a doubt he knew that, and the last thing Lee Crane needed was to be
roaming about in PR territory. Still, he
knew Lee wouldn't hesitate to come, that thought brought an inward smile
tempered with an outward grimace for the pain.
He and Lee might not “talk” about their strong friendship, but there was
no doubt in his mind that Lee would always come for him... just like he'd
always be there for the man he had long since regarded as a son. Oh, he and Lee never talked about it, but men
just don't do that, Harry reasoned. When
the feelings are real and strong, they don't need words. Harry nodded to himself on his last thought
and closed his eyes to rest.
* * * * *
Seaview was sitting a mile off shore at ninety feet and
awaiting orders from Washington. Lee had
already been planning out the rescue having retrieved satellite photos of the
lake matching Harry's coordinates. He
had the sat photos and the map splayed out on the conference table as Admiral
Striker looked over the maps as well.
“Video call from ComSubPac, Captain
Lee reached for the mic, “Put it through to the monitor in
the nose Sparks.” Lee reached for the
monitor switching it on and seeing a look on Jiggs Starke's face that
immediately sent chills down his back.
“Captain Crane,” Jiggs greeted without emotion. “Washington has been fielding threatening
calls from the People's Republic since they spotted his craft on their
radar. They are convinced that an
American spy plane crash landed on one of their islands.” Jiggs solemn look was
all military, and without an ounce of the trepidation he had so openly
displayed when Harry was thought to be lost at sea when the Neptune went down.*
“The Republic has warned Washington that any attempt to
recover the craft on their territory will be deemed an act of war. You are hereby ordered to stand down and make
no attempt to rescue Admiral Nelson.
Washington is still hoping for a diplomatic end to the standoff, until
then we will not start an international incident.”
Lee's eyebrows tightened in concern. “And just how long will that be Sir, because
the Admiral isn't working off an endless air supply at the bottom of that
lake?” Lee asked barely within naval etiquette.
Jiggs recognized Lee's tone and pursed his lips
tightly. “Captain Crane, you have your
orders.” Jiggs let that last stinging
statement hang for a moment and then continued.
“Washington has agreed to allow you to monitor the situation from your
current position as long as you stay stealth.” Jiggs said in an unusual tone of
understanding, but then he straightened his shoulders and bellowed out, “Do I
make myself clear, Commander?”
Jiggs' use of Lee's naval rank giving a clear indication
that there would be no negotiations.
“Aye Sir. I am to stand down and make no attempt to
rescue Admiral Nelson,” Lee dutifully repeated as Jiggs Starke nodded
approvingly and signed off hastily.
Lee's eyes dipped, the People's Republic didn't know they
had Harriman Nelson on their island.
Once they found him Harry's life would be a living hell. They would feign his death and use all their
means of persuasion of glean every bit of information they could from
Harry. Harry would fight and in the end
he would be dead. And here he was a
seasoned ONI operative who had extracted many a men in just as politically
charged situations, sitting just one mile off shore and he was being ordered to
stay put. The look on Lee's face gave
away his anger as he momentarily forgot the presence of Admiral Striker. He composed himself and ordered Sparks to
monitor all transmissions and issued additional housekeeping orders for station
keeping as Striker watched him closely.
“Captain Crane, a word with you if you please,” Admiral
Striker ordered.
Lee followed him over to Seaview's windows where Striker
stood in the standard Admiral pose with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Aye Sir,” Lee said having closed the distance to hear
Striker out.
“Captain, I'm well aware of your association with ONI, and
with your considerable skills in effecting extractions,” Striker's tone
indicated that Lee wasn't receiving compliments for his skills, but was leading
up to something else.
“But I want to reiterate your orders point blank. There's no room for a gray area here,” he
continued in full Admiral, three star tone. “You have been ordered to make no rescue
attempt and this submarine will not move from this position until further
ordered. Do I make myself clear?”
Lee squared his body standing at attention and answered,
“Aye Sir, perfectly clear Sir.”
“Very well. Now I know the events of this day have your
attention, but as we have nothing to do but wait I suggest we begin the
evaluations tomorrow morning at 0800 hours,” Striker stated making his
“suggestion” a clear order.
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied still at attention and operating in
strict Naval decorum. Lee was still
standing with his shoulders squared when Striker left the Nose for his
quarters. Lee heard his clicks round the
spiral stairs and then turned and approached the chart table.
“Mr. Morton, bring this vessel to sixty feet until further
orders,” Lee ordered without emotion.
Chip's eyebrow rose in question, but receiving no answer
for why Seaview needed to station keep at sixty feet answered appropriately.
“Aye Sir.”
“Have Cookie prepare a state dinner to be served in the
Nose this evening at 1730 hours and inform Admiral Striker's aide of dinner
arrangements. Dress is formal.” Lee ordered without emotion, taking care of
the expected events that followed a visiting Admiral on board.
“Aye Sir,” Chip replied, and then added softly, “I'll take
of it, Lee.” Lee looked into Chip's
eyes, but he didn't want to give away his intentions. He would risk his own life and career, but no
one else's. So Lee diverted his eyes
“Very well, I'll be in my cabin if I'm needed,” Lee said
without emotion and left the Control Room.
Chip watched his commanding officer leave the Control
Room. They had been friends far too long
to not know that Lee Crane was up to something.
It was true that most Naval subs ran at sixty feet to allow
communications from their radios at VLF, Very Low Frequencies, but Seaview's
radio was quite possibly the most powerful radio on earth and Seaview typically
ran at ninety feet with full radio capability. Then there was the dinner time, usually served
closer to 1900 hours not at 1730 hours as Lee had ordered. Lee was up to something and though Chip
followed his orders to a “t” he couldn't help but be ticked off because it
looked like Lee was going to “Lone Ranger” this rescue. Still, he knew Lee was protecting him as Chip
had heard the not so discreet orders given by Admiral Striker as he made his
point to not only Lee but the entire Control Room. So he'd give Lee what he needed, and when the
Admiral was safe back aboard he and Lee were going to have a nice little talk.
* * * * *
Harry sighed again and looked at his watch. Even with Seaview's previous position he
thought Lee would be here by now. The
lake was only about five miles inland; a walk in the park for the experienced
operative Lee was. He figured Lee
wouldn't bring a full detail with him onto PR territory, but he hoped he'd at
least consider bringing Kowalski or Sharkey along. He got up and pulled a flask of water out of
the supply cabinet and took another three pain pills, though it didn't keep him
pain free they made it bearable.
He had already busied himself with the diagnostics and had
satisfied himself that a new Stabilizer Control component would do the
trick. It wasn't cold inside the
submersible as the lake was warm at this depth, and he had enough power to keep
air revitalization running for the next twenty four hours, but he sincerely
hoped he wouldn't need to abandon the Flying Sub here on this island. He'd have to destroy FS1 if he abandoned the
vessel to keep her technology safe. The
best thing to do was to stay as long as possible in the safety of the flying
sub. Something told him, Lee would find
a way.
* * * * *
Dinner that evening was everything Lee expected it to be. Long, boring and without any real purpose as
Lee went through the motions to entertain the visiting Admiral as if his best
friend wasn't stranded in enemy territory.
He rubbed his eyes, in an unusual move of his weariness as Lt. Commander
Will Jamieson looked on, not missing the move.
As Jamie got up to excuse himself from the dinner he leaned over and
discreetly offered Lee a sedative to help him sleep this evening.
“Thanks Jamie, maybe I'll take you up on it,” Lee
acquiesced without a fight.
“I'll drop by your cabin in a half hour,” Jamie said pleased that his Captain might actually allow him to help him through this stressful situation.
Lee nodded, the whole exchange not missed by Admiral
The dinner came to a close as the stewards cleared the
dishes away. Lee excused himself, ran a
circuit around the Control Room and then ascended the spiral stairs. Admiral Striker pursed his lips and followed
about ten minutes later. He spotted Dr.
Jamieson leaving the Captain's quarters and stopped him.
“Did I hear you suggest a sedative for the Captain?”
“Aye Sir, nothing that will incapacitate him should he be
needed, just something to help him sleep,” Jamie answered.
“Very well, you administered the drug yourself?”
“Aye Sir,” Jamie answered not comfortable with the
Admiral's questions but under obligation to answer. “Not an injection, but he took the pills I
“Very well, Commander.
I won't keep you any longer,” Striker said effectively dismissing
Seaview's doctor.
Striker looked over at the Captain's cabin door and noted
the light extinguishing from under the door.
“Good.” He was well aware that
Lee Crane was a highly skilled operative whom Johnson touted as the best
extraction expert he had. But orders
were orders, and Striker was satisfied that Crane would be secure in his cabin
this evening, and with the evaluations he scheduled for 0800 hours in the
morning, he'd be able to insure that Lee Crane wouldn't be planning a
rescue. It wasn't that he didn't want to
help Harriman Nelson, but no one man was worth a possible war. Though it all made perfect sense to Striker
he made no connection to the years of national security knowledge Nelson had
accumulated and followed his present orders with blinders on to the potential
harm Nelson's capture could mean to America.
* * * * *
Lee sat on the bunk as Jamie shook out two pills and
offered it to him.
“Will they leave me drowsy in the morning?” Lee asked
“Not at this hour, it's early enough to completely work
out of your system by then,” Jamie said, still pleased that Lee was going to
listen to him this time. He knew that
Lee and Harry were close, and this situation was weighing on Lee heavier than
just having his commanding officer in danger, as if that wouldn't be enough. But he was well aware, that the two men held a
close bond of friendship that was closer to family than anything. He watched Lee take the pills with one gulp
of water, nodded approvingly and then turned to leave.
“Goodnight, Skipper.”
“Goodnight, Jamie,” Lee offered as Jamie closed the door
behind him.
Immediately Lee spit out the pills he hid under his tongue
and went to the head to wash out his mouth.
He'd get a residue of the drug, but not enough to affect him. Then he took off his tie, and walked toward
his desk pulling open the drawer. He
pulled out the Stabilizer Control component and insured the bag was sealed
tight and then slid it inside his pocket.
He didn't have time to even change, his khaki
uniform would have to do. He turned off
his light, stuffed his pillow under his blanket to make a lump and headed for
his vent, easing himself up with ease and pulling the vent closed behind him.
He made his way to the moon pool, and checked his watch
one last time before lowering himself down into the waters. He had exactly twelve hours reach to Harry,
repair FS1 and avoid a General Court Martial.
* * * * *
Lee's steady strong strokes were finally helped by the ocean tide that dragged him gratefully closer to shore. He was winded, but in good enough condition to make the one mile swim and thankfully without any sharks as company. The last tide brought him in close enough to stand as Lee perused his landing zone. There was no cover on the beach, but it looked as though everything was clear so he stood and walked the rest of the way to shore resting his hands on his knees and recovering his breath for a few minutes. He patted his pocket, relieved to still feel the component and started inland for the lake. He resisted one last look out to where he knew Seaview was submerged, he might just be walking away from his career if this didn't work out. Lee squared his shoulders and moved forward, there were no second thoughts about his decision. There was no way he'd leave Harry to the likes of the People's Republic, Court Martial or not.
* * * * *
Lee checked his watch again, 2040. He was a strong swimmer and made his swim an easy 2 miles per hour, and including his ascent from Seaview's position had made shore in forty minutes. He was on schedule and moved quickly into the cover of the dense island foliage.
Lee couldn't ensconce a GPS device, as this too would have set alarms off to Admiral Striker, but Lee was used to memorizing maps and had a pretty good idea where he was heading. Harry's emergency beacon indicated about a five mile hike, so he moved ahead purposefully but carefully as he was aware that he might not be the only one trying to reach Harry's position. He carried no equipment or weapons and traveled only with his experience and ingenuity to guide him. He wished he could have let Chip in on his plans, but he saw it in his friend's eyes; Chip knew exactly what he was up to. Still, Chip could honestly answer that although a few unorthodox orders were given, there was no clear indication that Lee was planning an “off boat adventure.”
The last thought brought an inward smile to his face as he walked along. His last “off boat adventure” had occurred courtesy of a mermaid's wooing.** The beautiful siren had his head so messed up he was surprised he was able to function at all. According to Harry, he was completely out of it once he got the mermaid aboard. That's when everything went extremely fuzzy as he was content to just stand and watch her lying in the oversized aquarium, that is until the sea creature that he understood to be her guardian came aboard. Boy, the stories he could tell if he ever wanted to write a book, he mused to himself.
He moved forward and stopped sharply to listen to the rustling of ferns up ahead. Lee squatted down to hide his position and listened as a party of unfriendlies passed by his location. This island wasn't a military post, so Lee could only assume they were looking for Harry as well. An aerial search would show no debris path for a crash landing so it looked as if the PR had projected the flying sub's path and had resorted to combing the jungle for the craft.
If they had gotten any view of FS1 they would have recognized the yellow flying wonder from their own Intelligence. FS1's technology was as much in danger as Harry. Lee had been making good steady progress and should have breached the trees to the lake in an hour from the beach, but now he had no choice but to hunker down and wait for the patrols to clear his area. He was well hidden as he reached down to the rich dark clay and scooped some dirt to rub on his face. The darkness was upon them now, and the last thing he needed was for the moonlight to glisten off his face.
He stayed in place for another hour waiting for the patrol to move sufficiently away and for the rear guards to spread out. They were laying down a perimeter, signaling their belief that Harry was nearby. Lee found his window of opportunity and moved forward, it was nearly 2400 hours, his twelve hours now dwindling down to eight hours. Lee moved forward and made it past the perimeter guards, expecting to see the lake in about fifteen minutes. His forward motion was stopped however when he spotted another patrol, this group moving in much closer to his position than the last patrol. Lee hunkered down ready to fight if necessary. He was in uniform, at least he couldn't be tried as a spy, little good that would do him. The PR would never admit to capturing him and he'd be dead meat in their hands. Lee shook off that thought as he watched another half hour tick away from him. A perimeter guard had been left pretty much in his path of advancement so Lee moved forward deciding to take the guard out silently.
Lee moved stealthily up to the guard and grabbed him from behind effecting a strong choke-hold that cut off his ability to speak as well as to breathe. Lee pulled him to the ground so the struggle couldn't be seen from afar and held him until he passed out. He could easily have broken the guard's neck, but Lee never killed mindlessly. If there was a way to get around taking a life he did so, still there had been times when it was unavoidable.
Lee took the guard's belt and tied his hands behind his back and a handkerchief around his mouth as a gag. Then he took the guard's jacket and cap he had earlier removed, slung the gun over his shoulder and nonchalantly wandered forward. Unfortunately the guards were everywhere so this was the best he could do to further his advance. He wore his cap deep on his head covering as much of his face as possible and moved toward the lake.
“Hey! Why are you leaving your post?” Another soldier asked in the local language that Lee knew all too well.
Lee indicated he needed to relieve himself using coarse slang words, jerking his head to the dark jungle ahead of him.
“Okay, but be quick about it before the Captain sees you gone,” his “fellow” soldier warned as Lee nodded and moved ahead. He ducked at an appropriate distance and began making faster tracks to his destination. Lee was discouraged, his easy fifteen minutes to the lake had now taken him an hour as he neared 0100, (oh' one hundred hours). He approached the trees and squatted down looking for more perimeter guards and slid the rifle off his shoulder. He checked both sides of the beach again and made a running dive for the lake descending underwater immediately. He was only guessing at this point where the flying sub might be based on his best estimate as he was operating on dead reckoning. The water was murky and he had to come up for air and then lowered himself once again to search the bottom for FS1.
He repeated this procedure over and over, trying to be as systematic as possible; he was a professional who navigated by the stars and he was sure he was in the right area. So he continued on until he bumped up next to the smooth hull of FS1. He'd been down too long and had to ascend one more time before trying to crack the hatch. He took a long deep breath and dove straight down careful not to splash on the surface and kicked powerfully down feeling his way to the bottom hatch. He turned the hatch with everything he had as his lungs burned. He was about to give up when the hatch was opened for him and he felt a hand reach down to meet him.
* * * * *
Harry had fallen asleep in the pilot's chair but pain marred his sleep and kept him from slumbering deeply. He heard something bump against FS1 and sat up. It was quiet and he was about to chalk it up to a dream when he heard someone try to access the bottom hatch. He didn't have time to reason anything out. If it was Lee he needed in, if it was the PR he was in deep trouble. Harry moved to the hatch and fumbled with the inner hatch one handed, standing to lift it into the open position and then leaned down to help open the lower hatch.
He barely had the hatch open when he grabbed for the dark green fatigue jacket and pulled what looked like a PR soldier up. But every bit of his instinct said to help him and his decision was rewarded as he spotted the gold onyx ring on the soldier's hand. Harry heaved his load upwards as Lee cleared the water gasping for air while Harry sat back on the deck recovering from the pain irradiating itself from his arm.
Lee recovered his breath enough to pull himself up and dogged both hatches behind him. He was breathing hard and Harry thought he looked as exhausted as he had ever seen him. Lee took an appraising look at Harry and smiled.
“Hello, Sir,” he breathed out in between deep breaths.
“Lee, you're a sight for sore eyes. Where's the rest of the detail?” Harry wondered when it dawned on him that Lee had no gear whatsoever, and was uncharacteristically dressed in uniform, not in his black “spy-wear”. Lee quickly shed the cap and fatigue jacket and reached into his pocket retrieving the component, holding it in his hand.
“I'm afraid I'm it,” Lee said with a small half smile.
Harry was beginning to get the picture, and went to the supply cabinet grabbing a flask of water which Lee took gratefully and downed completely. They both sat on the deck recovering as Harry spoke.
“Alright, what's the scoop?” Harry said playfully.
“I'm AWOL and if we don't make it back to Seaview in plenty of time for me to shower, shave and change before my appointment with Admiral Striker you'll probably be looking for a new Captain,” Lee replied with a wider smile.
Lee stood and took the component over to the already opened access panel and began replacing the small electronic part as he fully briefed Harry on his orders and how he bucked them to get here. Harry was completely touched, but he was also terribly angry.
“How could you have been so reckless as to risk your life, not to mention your career in this plan of yours, Lee?” Harry bellowed out trying to pace in the small confines of FS1.
“You think it was reckless of me, Admiral? Tell me which part of the plan you would have done differently if it were me here instead of you?” Lee challenged just as loudly.
“That's different, Lee.”
“How so?” Lee answered back, expending way too much energy as he was working on reserves from his sixty foot dive ascent, one mile swim, five mile walk, “bobbing” for FS1, not to mention the subterfuge involved.
“I don't know, it just is!” Harry bellowed back, not having any better answer and in too much pain to think straight.
The two men just stared at each other, and then simultaneously let out chuckles, until Lee answered quietly and in control.
“Admiral, I infiltrated two lines of perimeter guards around the lake. They know you're down here, they were just waiting for daylight to come get you.” He sighed and then continued, “I know what the PR is capable of Admiral, and if it cost me my career to get you back home then so be it,” he answered with complete sincerity and honesty.
Harry sighed and nodded not really able to speak at the moment, and knowing full well that if the situation had been reversed he too would have done whatever it took to insure the PR never got their hands on Lee again.
“Alright Lee. Let's get FS1 out of here because it's going to take more than a three minute shower to get you cleaned up in time.”
Lee smiled and Harry returned it with a hand on his shoulder.
“And thank you, Lee.”
They took just a moment for the sincerity to sink in and then Lee looked down at Harry's sling.
“I thought you said you were fine?” Lee said with a smirk. “Should I look at it?”
Harry waved off Lee's concern. “Nothing you can do for a broken arm, let's just get back and let Jamie have at it.”
Lee smiled as he headed to the co-pilot's chair.
“Have you thought about how you're going to reappear on Seaview?” Harry asked as he opened the shutter doors.
“I have a few ideas,” Lee answered with a grin as he did most of the switch flipping to power up the flying sub with Harry's left arm in a sling.
In a few minutes the flying sub was skimming the water and rising in a fantastic take-off straight up and over the island in no time.
* * * * *
“What now?” Chip grumbled as he rolled over reading 0530 on his alarm clock. He pulled his legs off the bed and padded over to the private intercom on his desk.
“This is Morton.”
“Sir, I have an important message for you,” Sparks answered.
Chip's eyebrows sharpened, What was Sparks doing at the radio shack this early?
“Go ahead, Sparks,” he replied now fully awake.
* * * * *
The entire Control Room was busy but no one sounded out about the blip making its way near Seaview. The profile confirmed the identity of the blip moving in behind Seaview, as if it were hiding in some imaginary baffles. In less than ten minutes the blip moved away from the submarine as Chip looked up at the chronometer; 0600.
* * * * *
Chief Sharkey stood by watching bubbles rise to the top of the moon pool and reached down to help Captain Crane up. He had a tank and flippers from FS1 making his re-entry easier than his exit as Sharkey helped to relieve him of the gear. He was dripping wet, dirty and looking extremely tired, but he was still a sight for sore eyes.
“Come on, Sir,” Sharkey said wrapping a wool blanket around Lee. “We're clearing the corridors for you,” Sharkey explained, to which Lee was grateful. He didn't know if he had it in him to crawl through the ducts again.
“Thanks Chief,” Lee offered with a small smile as Sharkey returned the sentiment and then began ushering the Skipper to his cabin. Up ahead Kowalski was standing at the corner motioning to them the way was clear. Lee's adrenalin was all that was keeping him going at this point as Sharkey moved him forward. They changed decks and Lee looked up to see Patterson giving the all clear for his assigned corridor as Sharkey moved him into Officer's Country. As they walked by the guest corridors the strawberry blond head of Stu Riley nodded the way clear and Lee was ushered safely into his cabin.
“Thanks Chief, I'll take it from here,” Lee said as Sharkey looked on wondering if the Skipper was really going to be able to play out the rest of his part.
“Really,” Lee assured him, giving him that winning smile that exuded confidence.
“Aye Skipper,” Sharkey said as he left to secure the “Welcome Wagon Detail.”
Lee went straight for the head for that long shower Harry assured him he needed and soaped off the remains of the jungle, lake, salt water and dirt from his body. He leaned a hand against the shower wall allowing the hot water to soak some of the soreness away and turned off the shower. Fifteen minutes later he emerged shaved and quickly changed into his uniform. He looked longingly at his bunk and headed to the Control Room to finish the dramatic finale he and Harry had arranged.
Lee entered the Control Room and took a circuit around the room. His tiredness fell off him as he walked the deck of his Grey Lady, making sure everything was ready. He heard the sound of multiple oxford clicks sounding down the spiral staircase and casually glanced at the chronometer; 0700.
Right on cue, Lee thought as Chip had made sure to entertain Admiral Striker through breakfast.
“We missed you in the Wardroom, Captain Crane.”
“Yes Sir. My apologies. I had some details to work out before the evaluations begin.”
Striker nodded approvingly, He always did appreciate a hard working officer.
All of the sudden the excited voice of his radio operator filled the boat com system.
“Captain Crane, I've got Admiral Nelson on the radio!”
Lee smiled inside at Sparks' play acting, as if he hadn't been talking quietly with the Admiral for the last few hours over in his secluded shack.
Lee allowed his smile to reach his face as he too put out the appropriate emotions for the occasion. “Put him through, Sparks.”
“Lee, I made the repairs with a spare part. I had to circle wide to re-enter stealthily and keep Seaview's position secure. I'm on my way in, ETA fifteen minutes.”
“Aye Sir. Good to hear your voice, Admiral. We've got the lights on and waiting,” he added and then shipped the mic with an even broader smile as the entire Control Room let off an excited whoop and holler.
“Attend your stations men,” Chip said, characteristically playing the XO even though by now, every man in the Control Room already knew that the Admiral was vectored not fifty feet off their port bow.
Fifteen minutes later Seaview's magnetic arms were bringing in FS1*** as Lee let out an audible sigh. Doc Jamieson was present in the nose with his medical bag as Sharkey undogged the hatch and Lee resisted the urge to help Harry since he wasn't supposed to know he had a broken arm. Sharkey was there at any rate to lend a helping hand at the hatch as Jamie converged on his patient as well.
“Welcome home, Sir,” Lee said with real emotion as he caught Harry's eyes.
“Thank you, Lee. It's good to be home.”
Harry was whisked away to Sickbay as Lee stayed in the Control Room to supervise Seaview's quiet retreat from PR territorial waters. When Seaview was twenty-five nautical miles off the island Lee felt satisfied enough to turn over the Con as Seaview continued moving away from the island. He headed to Sickbay and found Harry sitting on a gurney with a cast now fit on his forearm telling Admiral Striker all about the spare part he found and how he replaced the part one handed.
Lee stood at the door, listening to Harry's story and completely satisfied with the outcome of his unofficial rescue.
“Well, you should know that if I hadn't laid out the 'law' in pretty strict order, I think your Captain here,” Striker said pointing toward Lee in the doorway, “would have gone off half-cocked to rescue you, Harriman.” Striker and Harry shared a laughed as Harry shot a knowing glance Lee's way.
“Well he is a bit impulsive at times, Jonathon,” Harry said chuckling and getting a good laugh off at Lee's expense.
“Well now, you see Captain? When you follow orders it all works out fine,” Striker added as Lee acquiesced as any junior officer should in the presence of flag rank.
“Aye Sir,” Lee said, barely holding back his grin. To be truthful, his tiredness had set in and he was feeling slightly euphoric at the moment.
“Have you made your call to ComSubPac yet, Captain?” Striker asked back to business.
“Aye Sir, and Admiral Starke is looking forward to a report from you Admiral Nelson,” Lee answered.
“That will be after he gets the rest I'm prescribing,” Jamie chimed in, trying to take control over his Sickbay once again.
Harry started to protest, but decided to let it go. Besides, he planned on sacking out now that his pain was under control.
“Well Captain Crane,” Striker said jovially as he followed Harry out the Sickbay door. “In light of Harriman's return, I suggest we forego the evaluations today and begin fresh tomorrow morning.”
“Aye Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Lee replied, relieved that Admiral Striker had changed the plans.
Lee was about to follow the Admirals out the door when Jamie called him back into the room.
“Captain Crane, may I have a moment of your time?”
Lee stepped back in and allowed the door to close behind him.
“Is Admiral Nelson alright?” Lee asked worried he had missed something.
“Yes, he'll be fine. I have a little something for you,” Jamie said turning his back and speaking as he busied himself and then turning around with a syringe in his hand.
“The next time you 'palm' my prescription I'll give it to you in a needle. At least then I can be sure you've taken them,” he said waving the syringe in front of Lee's line of vision.
“You knew?” Lee said with a half-smile.
“Well, not at first. But I gave you some pretty strong sedatives and I'm quite sure you wouldn't have been able to do what I think you did if you had taken them.”
“Sorry, Jamie,” Lee said rubbing the back of his neck in weariness, the last twelve hours now catching up with him big time. “I needed to convince Striker I was going to stay put last night.”
“I understand. But right now Skipper, you're dangerously close to exhaustion. And I 'unofficially' order you to stand down until tomorrow.”
Lee didn't bother to protest, he knew Jamie was right. “Alright Jamie. I'll 'unofficially' hit the rack.”
Jamie nodded his approval and Lee headed out the door taking the time to look down at his watch; 0800. His twelve hours was up. He smiled to himself and walked the corridors of his beloved submarine satisfied that Harry was safe, and his career aboard Seaview was still secure. With the last twelve hours behind him, Lee looked forward to the next twelve hours.... in his rack.
The End
Twelve Hours
* See First Season episode, Mutiny
** See Third Season episode, The Mermaid
*** I've used magnetic arms to
dock FS1 in most of my docking sequences as it just makes sense that to
properly berth the submersible requires that extra precision help. But I do admit I have a slight problem as
titanium (which I assume FS1's hull is also made of) is non-magnetic. However, like all good science fiction, even
my technology holds a little truth as titanium is paramagnetic, which means it
is weakly attracted to magnetic fields but does not hold onto magnetic
properties once the field is removed. At
least that's what Yahoo Answers! says, and since it
supports my fictional technology, I'll just continue to go with the magnetic
arms. ; )
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen