A Fourth Season Story...
In the Shadows
by Lynn
Chip Morton entered the aged Catholic Cathedral built over four hundred years ago on the large island of San Burro* off the Spanish/Portuguese coast line. The sovereign island nation had been through several changes of hands between the Spanish and Portuguese governments in the early years of exploration and colonization but had found its independence by the late 1700's, though it was richly influenced by the culture of the Spaniards.
The cathedral was the largest of the churches on the island and had seen many changes over its 400 year history with many side rooms in the cross-shaped architecture, most rooms weren't of use any more as the aging building had not been fully restored. Mostly only the main cathedral and the priest's quarters were utilized, as the cruciform architecture was largely in a state of arrested decay.
Chip was dressed as the other parishioners dotted throughout the cathedral praying independently as there was no Mass scheduled at present. His dark suit was very much like the others gathered here, but his blond hair distinguished him from the native islanders proclaiming him to be a tourist, no doubt visiting from a cruise ship excursion ferried over by boats as the island's port was hardly large enough for the ocean liners. Many tourists visited San Burro as according to legend, descendants of the donkey that Jesus rode through the streets of Jerusalem had been transported to this island by the early church, thus the mission builders had arrived centuries later to commemorate the donkey's deeds by building the Cathedral.
Chip perused his surroundings and picked a pew away from the other visitors as he sat down and bowed his head, keeping his eyes and ears open as he “prayed”. He'd been there for a while but couldn't leave just yet as a priest dressed in a dark hooded robe walked by and placed a fatherly hand upon his bowed head.
“Bless you my son,” he heard in an airy mysterious voice as the priest proceeded down the aisle before exiting out a side door in the rear of the cathedral. Chip waited for about thirty seconds and then followed, making sure his exit was undetected. The hallway was dark save for the sliver of light following the movements of a door swinging closed up ahead as he followed deeper into the labyrinth, each turn taking him into a part of the Cathedral obviously not in use any longer. The musty smell of a building that had not been aired out in years greeted him as he moved along careful not to touch the dusty rails, not wanting to give away his or the priest's presence.
His forward motion stopped as he entered a large hallway with classic arched architecture, sporting a grand stairwell reaching several stories high. Chip blinked as the sunlight penetrated through the large window offering the only luminescent in the dark room. His vision returned from the temporary flash blindness produced by the sudden filtered light as he saw the priest a few feet from him, standing in the shadows with his hood still covering his head.
“You had a tail, but he's been neutralized,” the hooded man said in a low voice, a voice that reeked of pain as well as danger and intrigue.
“Do you have the device?” Chip asked, needing to take care of business first.
The priest's hands were folded across his mid-section with his hands hidden inside the folds of his robe's sleeves. He nodded and pulled his hand out of the sleeve, taking a step forward out of the shadows and handing over the small transponder sized device as Chip noted the dry blood on the priest's hand.
“It was verified as uncompromised. Take it back to the Boat and head to sea. Drop someplace deep...I don't want to know where... and wait for my call, if you don't hear anything in two days, contact Johnson... ONLY Johnson and Chip... don't trust anyone.”
Chip nodded, holding the device in both hands protecting the precious object that had caused so much trouble as the priest raised his face enough for the light to reveal the weary face of Lee Crane under the hood.
“I'll take care of it... how are you doing, Lee?” he asked with concern.
“It's not important right now...”
“Do you need a doctor?”
Lee nodded and stepped back into the shadows. “Can't afford to trust anyone.”
“What about the Admiral?”
“They worked him over pretty good... he's out of danger, I'll take care of him.”
“I wish you'd let me help, you don't look like you're in any shape to do this alone.”
“You're already helping, just get the device to Seaview; observe complete radio silence except for my coded transmissions.”
Chip blew out a breath of acceptance, recognizing the almost dark resolve in Lee's orders as he still needed to ferret out who betrayed them. Even then, Chip knew Lee's resolve had little to do with revenge and everything to do with securing the high level leak.
“Alright Lee. What about the Admiral, can I take him with me?”
“He can't be moved just yet...”
“Lee...” Chip interrupted in concern for Harry's well-being.
“He's stable Chip and besides... it's the way he wants it. I’ve already argued till I'm blue in the face and frankly I can't spare any more energy. He wants to see this through and I don't blame him,” Lee finished resolutely as Chip nodded his understanding.
“Now head on out. Send me a flash transmission as soon as you're safe aboard Seaview,” Lee cracked a small smile. “Probably not the smartest idea, but I'd feel better knowing.” His mood turned serious once again. “I'm going to shadow you as you make your way back... make sure the bad guys aren't around.”
“You're about done in Lee, I can handle it.”
“No arguments Chip. I've already lost one man to this operation... I'm not going to lose another.”
“Alright,” Chip replied resigning himself to Lee's 'protection'. “One more thing Lee, General Walters...”
“He was the head of the project,” Lee added.
“Yeah. He contacted us twice asking about the device. I don't know if it means anything...”
Lee nodded, taking in the information. “It might... thanks Chip.”
“You just care of yourself Buddy.”
“I will,” Lee promised then motioned for Chip to follow him. “Take that door out, I won't be far behind,” he finished with a hand on Chip's shoulder as they locked eyes. Lee gave one final squeeze then tapped his shoulder signaling Chip to get going. Chip's blue eyes told him everything he knew was true of their friendship but couldn't afford to say just now as the tall blond ensconced the device to the inside breast pocket of his jacket and headed outside.
Chip moved along with purpose to the small cove where he knew his zodiac would be waiting. He never saw Lee but had no doubt that he had indeed followed him, hopefully not having to deal with any bad guys. The motorized black rubber raft was waiting as Chip slid in while Kowalski and Malone expertly turned the raft and headed to sea. Chip wasn't at ease until he saw the bubbles of Seaview surfacing ahead of them.
He sighed in relief as Ski positioned the raft against the sub as the XO took the rungs upward to the deck, reaching the top and heading straight for the vertical Conning Tower hatch with the invaluable device safe in his pocket.
“Secure the detail and let's get this Boat stealth, Chief,” he ordered as he took the ladder down and dropped to the floor of the Control Room, heading straight for the spiral staircase issuing his orders on the way up.
“Mr. O'Brien, secure the deck, dive to 200 feet and proceed to course one-five-zero at Full. Radio Silence,” he finished as Bobby “Aye Sir'd” just as he reached the top step.
Chip headed straight for Officer's Country and his cabin. He locked the device into his wall safe and turned the combination wheel then leaned forward with his hand flat against the steel security hold. He pushed off the wall and headed for his closet, changing quickly back into his ship board khaki service uniform, uncharacteristically leaving his tie hanging about his neck as he hurried back to the Control Room to send his “All is Well” flash transmission to Lee.
* * * * *
Lee made his way back to the Cathedral and took the steps down to the basement where only a small candle was lit in the corner.
“Is everything alright?” Harry's weak voice was heard as he lay on a cot in the shadows.
“Yeah,” Lee answered moving the candle back to the crate by the cot and pulling out his transmitter. “His flash transmission should be coming through anytime now,” he said sitting on a small crate he was using as a stool and leaned over as the two men waited for the signal. A long ten minutes passed before the coded flash message was received as Lee sighed and hung his head in relief. The device was safe, now all they had to do was find out how high the security leak reached.
* * * * *
Lee checked on Harry who slid off into another pained sleep then sat down on his own bed, a mat on the floor, and raised his black knit shirt. The duct tape was still holding despite his little excursion, including the blows the bad guy had managed to throw to his injured side. It had bled through a little, but he was sure pulling the tape off would do more damage than he could afford just now so he laid down needing a rest before he started his “night work”. He was exhausted and his side was on fire so he tried to escape it temporarily by allowing himself some much needed sleep. He lost track of time as he slept deeply until he was abruptly awakened by the jiggling of the door knob. Quickly he stood up pulling his sidearm out as he moved in front of the cot ready to defend Harry and waited to greet the “guest”. The door opened wider as Lee relaxed his stance and lowered his sidearm recognizing the three and a half foot tall figure that just entered.
“It's just me,” Santiago said as Lee nodded his acknowledgement of the only person on the island he could afford to trust just now.
“I brought some supplies,” he said, lowering his pack off his shoulder and walking toward Harry and Lee in a side to side hobble.
“Were you followed?” Lee asked tucking his .45 back inside his shoulder harness.
“I'm invisible around here, have been for a long time. Everyone knows Santiago, but no one cares where I go and what I do,” he explained. “I sing for them, collect coins in my hat then disappear and that's just fine with them,” he continued. “The tourists love the little man who entertains them and the shop keepers don't mind the people I attract outside their stores, just as long as I move on so they can amble in and buy some trinket.”
Lee smiled wearily at the dwarf who had found them in the alley when Lee was all but done in, bleeding out of a straight through shot to his side tugging Harry along half dead from the beating.
“How is Rojo?” he asked tilting his head toward Harry, having named him “Red” for his auburn hair currently tousled from his uncomfortable sleep.
“Rojo is better,” Harry answered from the cot in a hoarse raspy voice. “I'm more worried about my friend here,” he said pushing off the cot and swinging his legs to the side to sit as he held his busted ribs.
“I'm fine, Rojo,” Lee replied with a slight smile, easing into Santiago's name to protect Harry's cover.
“Do you see what I have to deal with Santiago?” Harry offered with a smile that said he may be better but he certainly wasn't well. “He still has two holes held shut by duct tape and he says 'he's fine'.”
“Si, I think the two of you are quite the pair,” he returned as Harry chuckled softly, greatly appreciating the wit of their host.
Santiago reached into his backpack and pulled out first aid supplies as well as cheese, summer sausage and a loaf of hard crusted bread.
“The bread is day-old, but that way there is no aroma,” he explained as fresh baked bread did indeed give off a pleasant odor that could very well give away their hiding place. “I could not buy much more than I usually do as that would arouse suspicion,” he said clarifying why he hadn't used more of the cash Lee had given him.
Lee smiled in appreciation, as Santiago exhibited much more spy sense than some of the operatives he had worked with in the past.
“You think pretty fast on your feet, Santiago,” Lee complimented as the dwarf, small only in stature but not in heart or intellect, shook out ibuprofen into his small hand dosing out three to Lee then to Harry.
“I've been thinking on my feet most of my life,” he returned with his own smile. He tossed them each a small flask of water as Harry and Lee took the analgesics gratefully.
“I brought supplies to clean the gunshot wound...”
“No thanks,” Lee interrupted. “It’s not bleeding at this point and I think I'll just let it be till this is over.”
“Yes, but fibers from passing through your shirt may cause infection,” Santiago reasoned.
“I know, but so far it's okay.”
Santiago raised his eyebrows, looking over at Harry. “Yes, I do see what you are dealing with, Rojo,” he said with a wink.
Santiago took the small meal and spread it out on the crate, preparing the meager offerings as if it were a banquet. He lived a lonely life, a man with a sharp mind trapped in a small body that others could never see past. He had managed to keep a good outlook on life as he had been treated kindly by an old priest here at the Cathedral who taught him the virtue of forgiveness. The priest had been his only friend, teaching him to read and studying from the extensive library of the aged padre. Consequently, he was rather well read in classic literature and thought, something the town's people were unaware of as they had placed the small statured man into an even smaller box socially. So Santiago played the game, living the stereotypical life they had carved out for him to live, but deep down he knew he was something more.
His compassion for the two strangers was second nature for him, something else the Padre taught him before he died as Santiago sought to live a life the old man would be proud of, regarding him as the only father he ever knew. So he guided the two to his own little place, a part of the Cathedral that was never ventured into; a sanctuary for Santiago away from the cruelty of a world that didn't understand that his height wasn't a measure of his heart, his talents or his intelligence.
Though Santiago was far from defeated, he was indeed a lonely man especially after Padre passed on, so even in the short time the two strangers had arrived he found himself enjoying their company. If he was honest, he was also getting quite caught up in the excitement of the intrigue that seemed to surround them, though he fully understood it was dark and dangerous. Having Lee and Rojo here was like participating in a thrilling espionage story, like the paperback book he had gleaned from a trash can after a tourist had no more use of it. Still for all the excitement, he knew this was real and not some imaginary tale. The stakes were high as the bruised and broken body of Rojo proclaimed as well as the gunshot wound Lee was currently ignoring, dealing with it instead with duct tape and mild analgesics.
“Dinner is served Gentlemen,” Santiago announced, waving his hand outward toward the “table”.
Harry and Lee both took a small helping so as to not offend their host, but neither one ate heartily as they knew Santiago was sacrificing to provide for them. Still it pleased Santiago to share his meal and they wouldn't deprive him of that gesture.
“So what now?” Santiago inquired, knowing Lee had met with a “friend” while he was out.
“I'm going to get a bit more shut eye,” Lee explained, “then I'll head out tonight to do a little night-work.”
Santiago nodded upon hearing that Lee intended to sleep, he could see the weariness in his face and the flush of pink high on his cheek bones signaled that a fever was already setting in.
“Will you be alright?” Lee asked Harry, passing concern as he noted Harry cradling his rib cage.
“I'll be fine, another day to rest and I'll be up and about,” he predicted to which Lee responded with an I doubt it look. The beating he had sustained had been significant and Harry still wasn't able to stand up straight signaling possible internal injuries, indeed Lee had advised him to stay flat on his back, a “suggestion” his feisty friend was currently ignoring. But he wasn't coughing up blood or showing signs of aggravated damage and as Lee had had unfortunate experience in this arena himself, surmised that Harry was suffering from deep bruising. Dr. Crane, as Jamie would have sarcastically labeled him just now, field treated Harry as best he could but he would be a lot happier when the Admiral was aboard Seaview stuck in Sickbay or even his cabin.
“What can I do to help?” Santiago asked eagerly.
“Nothing right now, but I'll make sure to let you know if I need something,” Lee assured him as he headed to his mat with Santiago barely holding back a satisfied smile basking in the trust afforded him just now.
Harry adjusted his pillow to sit against the wall, watching as Lee lay down gingerly, protecting his right side as he carefully turned on his left side facing the wall. Santiago put away the left overs from dinner and moved to a crate in the corner pulling out a square flat box wrapped in a cloth. He unwrapped the box and rubbed an almost reverent hand over it then turned around and brought it to the crate beside Harry.
“This was Padre's,” he explained as he opened the box and pulled out the black and walnut checkered board laying it carefully on the crate then reached inside for the chess pieces made of exquisitely carved wood.
“He told me it is very old and gave it to me just before he died,” Santiago explained sadly then rebound with a small smile. “He taught me how to play and strategize with many different gambits,” he continued. “Would you honor me with a game Admiral Nelson?”
Harry's eyebrows tightened as he and Lee had been careful to keep his identity secure.
“How did you know?” he asked suspiciously.
“I read an article about you once...”
“Once? How long ago?”
“Over five years ago, right before you launched your fantastic submarine,” Santiago said then chuckled, recognizing Harry's need for more information. “Padre once told me I have a photogenic memory; don't worry your cover here was quite believable,” he assured him.
“I see,” Harry said nodding in confidence to his host and trusting his good judge of character in this case and then smiled. “Very well Santiago, let's see what the Padre taught you,” he said, fully expecting a challenging game from his host.
* * * * *
Lee closed his eyes to the sounds of Harry and Santiago's conversation as they set up the chess board. He hadn't missed the fact that Santiago knew who Harry was, but wasn't sure if the dwarf knew his identity since the article predated his arrival aboard Seaview. At this point all he could do was trust Santiago; he too was a good judge of character but would keep a watchful eye nonetheless. Besides, Santiago had more than enough opportunity to steal the device and do away with the both of them, especially in the first hours of their arrival here. Lee closed his eyes as he contemplated the events that brought them here to Santiago's hide-out looking for anything that would signal him not to leave Harry in his care tonight... the effects of his injuries took him to a light pained sleep as his dreams replayed the mission in perfect clarity...
“You'll be inserted as buyers for the device,” Admiral
Johnson explained over the video phone as Harry and Lee studied the picture
they just received via radio phone.
“You say the size is comparable to a standard
transponder?” Lee asked.
“Aye, not much bigger than a box of cigarettes and as you
said looks very similar to a transponder,” Johnson replied and then
continued. “You'll meet a contact
already established on the island, Gary Peters.” Lee nodded, he was familiar with Gary and
knew they worked well together. “He's
already got them primed and ready for the deal to go down.”
“Harriman, your role is the big boss and as such will do
all the negotiating; Commander Crane will be your hired gun, your body guard as
it were.”
Lee nodded and “Aye Sir'd,” the roles made sense and would
be believable.
“The culture is a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish but the state language is Spanish, which I know you both speak fluently,” Johnson added. “Now remember, it is absolutely vital you retrieve the device; upon choice of your fellow operative or completing the mission the mission comes first,” he clarified coldly without a hint of regret. “The prototype must be retrieved if we are to avoid an all-out worldwide armed conflict.” Johnson's face exuded the seriousness of the matter as he continued.
“Upon retrieval you must verify that the prototype hasn't
been tampered with. Do you have the
schematics in front of you?”
“I've got it right here.
Now I understand that the blue filament will turn green if the casing
has been compromised in any way,” Harry clarified.
“Yes, it's chemically treated to react to oxygen, subsequently when you open the casing you should also hear a vacuum sound indicating the seal is secure. You have sixty seconds to examine the filament before it turns green, any exposure to oxygen will trigger the reaction so once the seal is broken it will change colors. If there is any color change prior to sixty seconds the casing has been compromised,” Johnson stated, his blue eyes as steel cold as Lee had ever seen them before.
“I understand,” Harry replied. “Now Gerald, you've told us
everything but what the device is. Now
as buyers I can't see our covers working if we don't know what we're
negotiating for.”
Johnson exhaled a sigh though his lips remained tightly
closed and remained silent for a few seconds before nodding and answering.
“It's a scrambler and it's capable of accessing a Fail
Safe Unit and breaking the protocol. In
short, whoever has it could launch a nuclear missile.”
“Remotely?” Lee asked, recognizing the danger of such a
“No, the device must be connected via a wire to the Fail Safe Unit, but in the hands of the wrong people they could not only activate but choose their target with the device.”
Harry slapped his hand down on the table in disgust. “I fail to see why the US sanctioned this to
be built and how it managed to be stolen in the first place,” Harry fumed,
seeing no viable reason why America would want to fire off an enemy nuclear
missile under any espionage scenario.
“Simply put, we needed to know whether it was
possible. As to how it was stolen, a
junior assistant defected with the device.”
“Then how can we be sure it can't be rebuilt?” Lee asked wondering
how big of a problem they were actually dealing with.
“The thief made sure he had the only device to increase
its value. He blew up the research
facility and killed over twenty men to make sure he had the only one of its
kind. The schematics you have are for
the casing only, the schematics for the electronics that make it work were
destroyed in the explosion and fire.”
“And I suppose the junior assistant is incapable of
reproducing the device?”
“Not incapable... unable.
He sold the device and was killed by the buyers. Even if he had survived to spend his money we
don't believe he could have reproduced the technology. That is, I regret, the ruthlessness of the
men you will be dealing with,” Johnson stated letting his tough as nails armor
down for only a moment.
“Now it should be quite clear the importance of this
mission and why you must NOT fail!” he said with a hand slap of his own on the
desk in front of him. “The rest of the
mission parameters are in your briefing packet, if there are no more questions
I'll leave you to your planning,” Johnson said, effectively ending the
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied.
“Very well Gerald,” Harry chimed in as the screen turned
instantly black with Johnson ending the transmission.
Lee blew out an airy whistle as he shook his head in
dismay. “Looks like we have our hands
full with this one.”
Harry nodded in agreement.
“That's why we have to plan this out perfectly,” Harry said in deep
thought. “Lee, I want you turn the Con
over to Chip and put your entire focus into the mission. Let's study the mission folder independently
then get together in say... three hours to finalize the plans.”
“Aye Sir. I'll set
the course and brief Chip.”
Harry placed a hand on Lee's shoulder, words weren't
necessary... this was a dangerous and important mission they were embarking
upon. He added a squeeze then collected
his brown manila folder and headed up the Spiral Steps to his cabin without
saying a word.
* * * * *
“Come in.”
Chip entered Lee's cabin finding it dark, save for the
light in the head that spilled into the cabin in a small stream as the door was
partly closed. This was the part of a
mission he always found unnerving, when Lee would immerse himself into the role
he was playing. In this case, the Heavy
for his “Boss” played by Admiral Nelson.
Chip moved toward the desk where he recognized Lee's
outline sitting in his chair, veiled in the darkness by shadows.
“You needed to see me, Lee?”
He heard a sliding sound as Lee pushed something across
the desk and Chip took a step closer.
Lee turned on the desk lamp illuminating both the transponder and
himself. He was wearing a dark suit worn
over a black mock turtle neck shirt, dark sunglasses sat on the desk no doubt
part of his cover as well.
“I modified this transponder to a special frequency, have
Sparks and his team monitor it 24/7 while we're gone. We'll use Contingency Plan G for the codes,”
he ordered and then sighed. “I don't
have authorization to tell you what we're retrieving... but you need to know,”
he said sliding the picture of the device over as Chip reached for it and sat
down, leaning toward the desk lamp to study it.
“It can break Fail Safe and retarget a nuclear missile...”
Chip's head shot up at that last statement as Lee continued.
“There's no option for failure here, either the Admiral or I will retrieve it. There's a third man already on the island, he'll use Contingency Plan C for the transponder code that way you'll know who's calling. If we're unable to make it back to the cove I want you, and only you, to come for it. We'll meet somewhere on Main Street... I'll find you. I don't know how I'll make contact at this point, but I'll use the Code Word 'Contender' if I have to get creative. I'm sorry to drag you into this Chip, but you're the only one I trust to see this through.”
“You can count on me, Lee... you know that,” Chip said
sliding the top secret picture back across the desk and reaching for the
transponder at the same time.
Lee flashed a small smile, etched with concern. It was apparent he was in spy mode, immersed
deeply into both his cover and the parameters of the mission but allowed
himself this one last sentiment before leaving.
“I know I can... take care,” with that he reached and
turned off the desk lamp as Chip left silently, knowing Lee would spend what
time he had left aboard concentrating on the mission.
* * * * *
Harry and Lee arrived on the island of San Burro the next
day as Kowalski shuttled them over by FS1 under the cover of night to Portugal. A contact was waiting with papers and
passports to the island where they boarded the private jet in their covers as
Harold Jones and Les Ryan. Harry wore a
dark brown business suit matched with a white dress shirt and brown tie,
contrasting Lee's all black ensemble finished off with dark sunglasses making
his eyes impossible to see.
Lee carried himself in a demeanor that deferred to Harry's
authority and whose role was obviously “Security” as Harry ignored his
counterpart as if he were quite accustomed to his “bodyguard”.
They checked into their two-room suite in the island's
finest resort hotel, keeping their roles even while they were alone. The mission was too important to chance a
slip up and even if the room was swept clean of bugs there was still the remote
chance of missing one.
They settled in and received a knock on their door as Lee
answered it cautiously; his jacket lay over the wooden valet rack in his room,
so his black shoulder harness was clearly visible even over his black knit
The bell boy raised an eyebrow at the sidearm strapped to
his shoulder but wisely ignored it as he handed the message over.
“Gracias,” Lee returned as he passed the tip and then took
the note to Harry, staying deep in his cover.
Harry opened the envelope and read. “Well Ryan, looks like we'll be looking over
the merchandise tonight, Peters will meet us with the details later,” he said
“Yes Sir,” Lee replied dispassionately but sent over an
“Everything's ready” nod as well.
“We've got a few hours, let's get something to eat,” Harry
suggested as Lee nodded knowing full well this was their opportunity to get a
feel for the lay of the land.
“Yes Sir Mr. Jones,” he answered in the respect given a
mobster boss but offered a slight smile, releasing a little tension as Harry
responded with his own tight lipped smile.
Lee grabbed his black jacket and dark sunglasses and
followed Harry out the door looking exceedingly dangerous as he exuded a
definite “Mess with my boss and you mess with me,” attitude in every step he
* * * * *
Harry and Lee dined on the patio of a local restaurant in the heart of the tourist filled Main Street. The patio offered a nice view of the street as well as advertised their presence. The more comfortable the sellers were, the easier the buy would go down. They weren't here to put the sellers out of business, another Team would do that, their only concern was to secure the device; giving the Sellers an opportunity to study them now might just speed the negotiations along later tonight.
Even though Lee dined with Harry it was still apparent that his job was Protection. Their suits weren't completely out of place as many travelers did indeed come ashore in like dress. What was unusual was the beautiful tenor voice resonating through the streets just now as Harry studied the group surrounding the troubadour. He couldn't see the singer because of the crowd but was definitely curious as he sung a perfect rendition of “Ave Maria”. The tones were rich and sung with a passion that spoke of the singer's love for music as well as an intimacy with the subject. Harry swirled the ice cubes around and then downed the last of his drink as he listened to the final notes of the song. Polite applause followed as the tourists displayed their appreciation in small donations, while others raised their cameras for a picture of the singer. In a few moments Harry caught sight of the entertainer; a man of small stature standing on a crate, indeed his body proportions indicated he was a dwarf.
Harry would have liked to have spoken with the man who
obviously made his living as a street performer, yet his voice quality
suggested some formal training. It was
curious but his current cover didn't allow the luxury of a visit, so he turned
his attention elsewhere so as not to draw undue attention to himself.
“Three o'clock,” Lee said casually, if not blandly, having
replaced his dark sunglasses as he sat back waiting for his boss to signal it
was time to leave. He of course, wasn't
referring to the time but to the watcher on the street who was currently casing
the pair.
Harry acknowledged with a closed mouth “Uh-huh,” having
already spotted him.
“Leave a good tip, Ryan,” Harry said standing and leaving Lee to deal with the check as if the process was beneath him. He casually scanned up and down the street catching by chance the tenor singing on another street corner, other than that the only thing out of the ordinary was the watcher at three o'clock and the one at six. Lee joined Harry as the two headed back to their hotel passing the dwarf as he belted out the 16th Century Renaissance version of Greensleeves in perfect pitch.
They entered the hotel lobby and immediately spotted their
contact, Gary Peters.
“Good afternoon Mr. Jones,” Peters said, standing as they
“Peters,” Harry returned in a flat greeting and motioned
him to follow them up to their suite.
They entered the elevator but just as the door was about
to close a man squeezed through leaving them no privacy so they rode the
elevator in silence. They entered the
suite as Harry placed a finger to his mouth in the universal “hush” signal
indicating that their room was probably not secure as Peters nodded his
understanding while Lee moved about the room finding and pointing out several
bugs, the bad guys obviously planting them while they were at lunch and the man
riding the elevator forcing their conversation to take place in this room.
“Now Peters, is the meeting arranged? I don't want to deal with a middle man who
has get approval to act.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Jones.
You'll be dealing with the top man, Mr. Santini, and he's most anxious
to meet you.”
“And well he should; I don't usually broker these deals
myself,” Harry replied in a condescending tone.
As Peters spoke he placed a note on the table while
simultaneously giving the location and the time of the negotiations as Harry
reached for the note and placed it in his pocket.
“I intend to take the device with me, are they ready to
“I've been assured they are ready to cut a deal tonight,”
Peters finished.
“Fine, then twelve midnight,” Harry said, knowing that
Santini had picked the late hour to ensure quiet streets to move about in.
“If that's everything Mr. Jones, I'll be heading out,”
Peters said standing.
“Fine, fine,” Harry replied, waving him out distractedly
as Lee walked Peters to the door. He
nodded his goodbye with eye contact that told him they were ready and closed
the door. Lee turned around and raised
his hand displaying four bugs found in the room as Harry nodded. The Sellers weren't taking any chances, they
would have to be careful to pull off the deal and secure the device. Harry and Lee huddled over the note, silently
studying the map surrounding Santini’s warehouse and then flushed it down the
* * * * *
“It's ComSubPac, Sir,” Sparks said, informing Chip that
Admiral Starke was on the horn.
Chip raised the mic, “This is Morton, Sir. What can I do for you Admiral?”
“Commander, I have General Walters with me, he oversaw the
project that your mission now encompasses, he wants to know if you've heard
from Nelson or Crane?”
“No Sir, but we don't expect to hear from them until they
call for Retrieval.”
“Then all is going according to plan?”
“I always assume it is until I hear otherwise Sir,” Chip
answered in a professional, if not stoically unreadable voice.
“General Walters here,” Chip heard as the voice
changed. “I want to be informed as soon
Nelson and Crane retrieves the package.”
“Aye Sir,” Chip replied raising an eyebrow and finding the
whole conversation a bit odd. ONI was
usually very patient and he rarely had contact with Admiral Johnson unless the
Operatives missed their Extractions.
Starke signed off as Chip lowered the mic and rolled it
distractedly in his hand in thought, then shipped the mic decidedly.
“I want to know about all transmissions received, even when I'm not on Watch.”
“Aye Sir,” Sparks replied as Chip left the Radio Shack for
the Control Room.
Lee was always cautious but his whole demeanor spoke of
the inherent danger of the mission and as such Chip would be just as
cautious. He rounded the periscope
island and monitored Sonar seeing a clear scope then placed a hand on
Patterson's shoulder who indicated “No Contact” and nodded his own wordless reply.
Seaview was currently tucked in ninety feet of water at
periscope depth and able to monitor all frequency bands for
communications. They were stationary,
only twenty-five miles off the San Burro coast, and all stations were operating
in the green. There wasn't anything left
to do but wait as Chip headed to the Nose to fill his coffee cup. He had already drank a gallon of the strong
brew but poured another cup anyway as he looked out the window. If he knew Lee, his Extraction would be late
in the evening. It was already after
midnight so he fully expected a call soon, until then all he could do was wait.
* * * * *
Harry and Lee were escorted into an office in the middle
of the warehouse floor where boxes and crates were stacked orderly in high
“Mr. Jones, this is indeed an honor,” the man standing
behind the desk greeted as he reached across for a handshake.
“Mr. Santini I presume?” Harry replied with a firm shake
of the hand.
“Yes. I hope you
don't mind but your man will have to declare his hardware,” Santini said with a
nod toward Lee.
Harry nodded as Lee opened his black jacket revealing his
.45 tucked into his shoulder harness.
Santini's man pulled it out as Lee eyed him darkly and placed it on the
desk, still in view and as a show of respect for Harold Jones left it where it
“Now I understand you are ready to negotiate for the
device,” Santini said offering Harry a seat with the wave of his hand as he
took his own chair.
“I want to see it first,” Harry replied without emotion.
“But of course,” Santini said nodding to one of his own
men to retrieve the device in question.
The device was placed in Harry's hand as he looked it over
then placed it on the desk in front of him.
“I don't negotiate.
I'll pay you ten million in cash,” Harry declared leaning back and
folding his hands in front of him as his elbows rested on the arms of the
Santini noted they hadn't brought a briefcase for the
payoff, “And where is the cash?”
“A little matter of transferring funds. My banker works twenty-four hours for me as
I'm sure yours does as well.”
Santini kept his face even, but inside was very pleased at
the deal he was brokering.
“I was thinking more in the line of fifteen million,” he
Harry responded with disdain as he slapped his hand on the desk. “I told you I don't negotiate, ten million,” he repeated darkly.
“I may have a better offer,” Santini bluffed.
“I doubt that,” Harry said sitting back and folding his
hands once again. “I have ten million
cash in US dollars that can be transferred with one phone call,” he repeated as
Santini considered the offer. It was
several more million than he thought he'd receive given the device was a
prototype and had not been tested out of the laboratory.
“You drive a hard bargain Mr. Jones,” Santini conceded,
not wanting to offend Jones as he picked up the phone and placed it front of
Harry deferred to his “man” as if the passing of money was
below him as Lee stepped up to the phone and dialed. An exchange of information took place with
the banker obviously used to jumping at Mr. Jones' requests, as Lee set up the
ten million dollar transfer, then handed the phone over to Santini to give the
details of where to transfer the money.
They waited while Santini's man verified on a second phone
line that the money had indeed been transferred as Lee reached for his sidearm
to holster it.
Harry stood as he spoke, “It's been nice doing business
with you Mr. Santini,” he said with a smile that bordered more on the dangerous
than the pleasant side as Santini nodded.
“My pleasure Mr. Jones,” he said sweeping his arms outward
indicating to his men that they were free to leave.
They walked through the dark warehouse, lit dimly by only
a few lights hanging from the ceiling.
In the background behind them they heard the sound of the phone
ringing. Just as Lee reached for the
door a gunshot was fired ricocheting and going wide, as he and Harry rushed
Lee pulled his gun and returned fire as Santini's men
poured out of their hiding places along the dark industrial district. Gun fire erupted to his left as Lee spotted
Peters providing cover for their escape.
“Split up!” Harry ordered, sliding the device into Lee's
hand. Lee nodded and took off, knowing
full well that Santini thought Jones had the device and that Harry had just set
himself up for the diversion. As much as
Lee would have liked to have protested Harry's sacrificial move he couldn't,
the mission was too important, so he took the device and ran as Harry took an
opposite route running much slower than he was capable to make sure the bad
guys were following.
More shots followed as Lee chanced a look over his
shoulder just in time to see Peters take multiple bullets and fall to the
ground, even from where he was he knew Gary was dead. He poured on the steam as bullets found their
way his direction, kicking up dirt from the alley way he had just taken.
Lee reached the end of the alley and scaled the fence just
as another shot was fired, catching him in the side as he cleared the top of
the fence. He grunted as he landed on
the other side and ran into the darkness, by the time his pursuers caught up
with the fence he was long gone.
* * * * *
Harry heard the gunfire in the distance and ran hoping Lee
had made it away clear, he turned down an alley and saw his escape at the
end. He was going to make it, he thought
distantly as he ran forward ready to scale the chain link fence when dark
figures jumped down from the fire escape of the building flanking him, taking
positions in front of the fence effectively blocking his escape. Harry stopped and turned but found he was
surrounded as Santini's men closed in, he had no choice as he raised his hands
in surrender and was escorted back to the warehouse.
As he entered the warehouse he scanned for signs of Lee
but was pushed forward harshly by Santini's goons. They guided him to the office where Santini
stood with his arms folded in front of him.
“So Admiral Nelson, I believe you have something that belongs to me,” Santini said flatly as his men pulled his suit jacket off and patted him down.
“It's not here,” one reported as Santini stepped forward.
“Find Crane, he obviously has the device,” Santini replied
“We lost him but he took a bullet going over a fence, he
won't get far.”
“You idiot, I'm told he's very good at miracle escapes,”
Santini said as Harry realized that their covers had been blown by a very high
source evidenced by the fact that both their identities were exposed as well as
Lee's skills as an operative.
“In the meantime, perhaps Nelson here would care to tell
us where Crane's retrieval point is,” Santini declared, clearly indicating that
the mission parameters were out in the open.
“You'll get nothing from me,” he replied darkly.
“We'll just see about that,” Santini said as his men
closed in on Harry grabbing his arms from both sides.
Santini stepped back, the work of beating a prisoner to a
bloody pulp clearly beneath him as one of his men stepped forward issuing
several powerful blows that rocked Harry's face from side to side with the
“Where is Crane?” Santini asked calmly, sitting in his
chair comfortably knowing full well their exit plan included a contingency for
an agreed upon rendezvous point if they were separated.
Harry shot a glare back, not willing to give up either Lee
or the device to Santini. “I told you,
you'll get nothing from me.”
“I'll find Crane one way or the other, but I'm going to
enjoy taking it out of your hide!” he promised darkly as Santini nodded to his
henchman currently slapping a lead pipe into his open palm as the beating began
in earnest.
* * * * *
Lee made it back to where he had stashed his backpack in
preparation for the mission. He scanned
his surroundings as he knelt next to the large garbage bin and put the device
inside his pack then reached for gauze and duct tape. His orders were to secure the device first,
but he didn't trust that the mission was secure any more, someone had tipped
them off in the phone call he heard just as they left the warehouse. He needed a place to hide, but he wasn't
going to leave Harry in their hands either.
He realized he couldn't do anything bleeding out of two holes so he
prepared to field treat his injury as he raised his shirt and pressed the gauze
against the entrance wound with a silent gasp.
He added more gauze then tore off a four inch length of duct tape and
applied it tightly to the wound. He
breathed deeply waiting for the pain to subside before repeating the process on
his back, a bit trickier but manageable.
Lee sat back for a moment and gathered his strength as he
quickly came up with a plan. He stood a
bit shaky at first then reached for the backpack as he ignored the pain in his
side and back. He pulled out some things
he would need and stuffed them in his jacket pockets then searched for a place
to stash the backpack. He couldn't take
a chance of having the device on him if he were caught so he concealed his
backpack behind the garbage bin then headed back to the warehouse praying they
hadn't moved Harry to another location.
* * * * *
From a dark corner veiled in shadows a pair of eyes
watched as Lee stumbled to the garbage bin and treated his own wounds then hid
the backpack and left the alley. The
watcher moved out of the shadows to the garbage bin, reaching behind for the
* * * * *
Lee evaded Santini's men who were scouring his last known
location, unaware that he had circled back behind the warehouse, entering by a
window in the men's room. All the
activity was at the front of the warehouse as he moved in the shadows finding
plenty of hiding places behind the rows of crates. As he neared the office he could hear the
tell-tale sounds of fists connecting with human flesh and the accompanying
grunts of pain. Lee ignored the fact
that Harry was getting worked-over and concentrated on the rescue; getting
emotional could only cloud his mind and make him less effective.
He moved closer to the office door and reached into his
pocket, pulling a small breathing apparatus out and placing it over his mouth,
then pulled the tape on a cylinder and slid it across the floor of the office
as gas quickly overtook the room. Lee
barged in applying single punches taking out the men holding Harry in place as
the gas incapacitated them making them easy targets. He threw a devastating blow and connected to
the jaw of the man holding a metal pipe, obviously using it to persuade Harry's
talkability. The man fell hard as Lee
reached for Harry applying a breathing mask over his head then wrapped an arm
about his shoulder and pulled him out of the office.
“Get them...” Santini ordered in between coughs then fell
silent to the gas.
Lee stopped at the office door and pulled the tape on
another gas grenade lobbing it towards the barrage of men running toward him
then exited back toward the back door he spotted earlier. He stopped at the door and pulled another
cylinder, this time a fully armed grenade and lobbed it inside as he tugged
Harry out the door. The explosion behind
them knocked stacked crates in all directions blocking the way of any pursuers
from the warehouse. Harry's legs dragged
along barely moving obviously affected by the gas and hampered by the effects
of a beating that Lee couldn't stop and take stock of just now; his condition
making Lee's job all the harder as he winded his way back to the alley where he
left his backpack, breathing hard for the effort and the pain in his own side.
He arrived at his destination sitting Harry against the
brick wall as he reached behind the garbage bin for the backpack. Panic struck as he fumbled for the exact spot
he knew he had left the pack but found only empty space as he frantically
“Looking for this?” he heard as he spun around, out of
both energy and grenades. Before him stood
a small form holding the backpack in front of him, he looked like a child in
the shadows but his voice indicated he was a man.
“I can help you,” the small man said as Lee fell back
against the wall reaching for his gun.
“Look! It's still
here,” the man said opening the backpack and showing Lee the device.
“What do you want?” Lee asked, unsure if he was dealing
with one of Santini's men.
“Your friend looks hurt,” he said handing Lee the backpack
to reassure him of his intent. “I just
want to help.”
Lee was out of options, so he nodded. “Alright,” he conceded warily, “we need a
place to hide out.”
“Come with me,” he said as Lee reached for Harry and
tugged his arm over his shoulder with his side protesting in sharp pain. A grunt escaped as Lee bore up under the
weight of his partner as Harry moaned, nearly passed out.
“The package?” he asked airily.
“Secured,” Lee answered as he half-dragged, half-carried
Harry following their “guide” out of the industrial part of town. The back
light of the moon produced a shadowy outline of a large Cathedral up ahead as
they moved in silence following their guide through the old cemetery to an old
dilapidated gardener's hut. Lee figured
this was their hide-out but was surprised when they proceeded to the back of
the building where their host opened a wooden cellar door and guided them down
rickety steps under the church grounds to a well-constructed tunnel supported
by wooden beams and obviously built many years ago. They proceeded at least twenty feet to a door
at the end of the shaft where the little man entered.
The little man lit a candle and motioned to place Harry on
a cot on one side of the room. He placed
the candle on a crate beside the cot as Lee was able to see for the first time
the extent of the damage done to his best friend. He was marred with dark black and purple
bruises that nearly covered the entire right side of his face. One eye was
nearly swollen shut as the other side was scuffed with red scrapes and dried
blood running down the corner of his mouth.
Harry moaned, holding his mid-section as Lee loosened his
tie and unbuttoned his shirt dreading what he expected to find. Sure enough, long bruises in the shape of a
pipe crisscrossed his ribs in various shades of blue, green and red welts. Gingerly Lee ran his fingers across Harry's
rib cage as he grunted under his touch.
“I'm sorry,” Lee offered quietly, hating the pain he was
causing as he ascertained Harry's condition.
“I count two broken and two more suspect,” he said. “I need you to stay flat on your back and
give those ribs a chance to heal, we can't take a chance of one busting
completely and puncturing a lung.”
“Lee...” Harry asked barely aware of his
surroundings. “...the device?” Harry
inquired fighting to keep his eyes open.
Lee rummaged around his backpack and found an ace bandage,
a standard first aid item he learned to pack years ago. “Thanks to our host here, it's secure,” Lee
answered with a small smile.
“Harold Jones, meet...” Lee drew out his last word as the
dwarf stepped forward and finished the introduction.
“Santiago,” he said with a smile and kind eyes that exuded
trustworthiness. “But you don't look
like a Harold Jones... I'll call you Rojo,” he announced as Lee smiled figuring
their host had already decided they weren't who they claimed to be.
Harry smiled and mumbled “Rojo” to himself with a slight
chuckle recognizing the Spanish word for “red” as he allowed the darkness to
take him away from the pain of an abused body.
He felt satisfied having protected Lee by not divulging his extraction
plans and knowing the device was safe in his care he could afford to sleep away
a bit of the discomfort if only for a short while.
Lee watched Harry fade off to sleep as he applied the ace
bandage, working it under Harry's back and wrapping it a few times without him
even waking. With that complete, he sat
back and studied the damage done to his face but suddenly found himself swaying
as he sat on the box beside the cot. Two
small hands gently guided Lee to stand as he steadied himself on the man he
estimated to be less than four feet tall.
“I've made a bed for you,” Santiago said showing Lee the
mat on the floor and already knowing that Lee was injured himself.
Lee picked up the backpack with the all-important device
ensconced inside and allowed himself to be guided to the mat. He lowered himself down, completely done-in
and feeling the pain he had thus far ignored as he cared for Harry. He laid down lolling his head toward Harry,
his profile a mass of bruises.
“Take care of him, Santiago... and thank you,” he
whispered out as his eyes fluttered shut, unable to stay conscious any longer
but holding tightly to the backpack nonetheless.
“Do not worry my friend, I will take care of both of you,”
he promised with only good intentions at heart as he covered Lee with a
* * * * *
Chip made his way back to the Radio Shack having been
roused from his bed by the intercom call as the digital clock rolled over the
next minute displaying 0337 on his desk.
“Morton here,” he answered.
“This is General Walters, have you heard from Crane or
“No Sir, no word yet.”
“Hmmm, well contact me as soon as you do. Walters out.”
Chip shipped the mic and stood in deep thought then
retreated to his cabin wondering just what had gone wrong with the mission.
* * * * *
Lee groaned and opened his eyes taking in the dimly lit
room then turned his head toward Harry.
He rolled to his side and pushed himself up, walking carefully over and
settling onto the crate. Harry's face
had been cleaned and the blood blotted away as Lee noted they were alone at
present. He checked his watch noting the
time as 0612 and sighed wearily having only had a few hours sleep; when he
raised his eyes Harry was looking back at him.
“How are you doing Sir?”
“I can honestly say I've had better days,” Harry answered
with a small smile, eliciting a small smile from Lee as well.
“You shouldn't have come back for me,” Harry chided but
then chuckled. “But I can't say I'm
sorry either.”
Lee acknowledged the sentiment by lowering his head but
making eye contact through his eyelashes, silently saying what Harry always
knew; that Lee would always come for him just as the reverse was also
true. They moved on with the
conversation not letting themselves get caught up in the sentiment too long.
“Something doesn't add up,” Lee said, ignoring Harry's
reference to Johnson's orders as he opened the back of the device to the
“swish” sound of a vacuum seal being broken and verified the filament was indeed
blue. He showed the filament to Harry
who concurred the device was uncompromised as the filament remained blue for
the full sixty seconds then slowly began turning green as it chemically reacted
to the oxygen in the air.
Harry heaved an affirming sigh continuing their
conversation, “I agree. They knew who I
“But not until the phone rang,” Lee clarified, working out
the facts as they went along.
Harry nodded. “They
also know about your considerable escape skills.”
“So we have a mole,” Lee stated rather than asked.
“In high places,” Harry agreed. “What's your plan?” he asked knowing Lee
would have something planned out by now and acknowledging his own current
physical condition.
“We need to secure the device, but we also need to know who
sold us out. I'm going to call Chip
“Santini will have the entire town staked out,” Harry
reminded him.
“I know. They'll be
looking for me and you're in no condition to be up and around yet,” Lee stated.
“But no one would suspect me,” they heard as they turned toward a side door where Santiago stood. He walked toward the cot, his frame rocking side to side as his small legs carried him forward.
“I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but no one would pay any attention to me in town.”
“Santiago,” Harry said with an airy breath. “You don't know these men.”
“You forget Rojo, I live here. I know just the kind of man Santini is.”
Lee lowered is head in thought, then raised it again
having come to a decision. “We need to
secure the device, that's our first mission.
I'll signal Chip with the transponder, I told him to meet me in town,
Santiago can take a message to him to meet me.”
“Where?” Harry asked, following the plan even in his
compromised state.
“In the Cathedral.”
Harry held back a chuckle knowing Lee was working on a
plan, but he wasn't sure getting their Good Samaritan involved was the right
thing to do. Santiago seemed to
recognize the concern in Harry's eyes and spoke up.
“Do you know what it's like to live in the shadows, Rojo?” Santiago asked as Harry's forehead furled inquisitively. “I am isolated from the town's people even though everyone knows who I am. No one will offer me a job because they can't get past the fact that I am a dwarf. They're not afraid of me and yet they are most comfortable when I come and go and leave them to their world. I stay here because it brings me close to the old priest,” he continued. “When Padre died I had no place to go, but I knew of this place and being here brings me closer to him. Sometimes children try to follow me to find out where I live, it's a mystery to everyone, but I've learned how to slip in and out without anyone knowing,” he said detailing his own learned skills. “And do you know what? They're fine with it, as long as I return to my world and leave them in theirs. That is what it's like to live in the shadows; always underestimated, underrated, miscalculated and under-valued. But I assure you, I can walk anywhere in town without the slightest bit of suspicion. 'Hello Santiago, goodbye Santiago' and the town's people have satisfied themselves of their kindness for the day. I sing for the tourist and buy my own food, I beg from no one. This is the job I do because it is all they will allow me, but... it also makes me quite able to find your friend and give him the message. Give me this job...” he implored, “...for just today let me be something beside a street entertainer singing for my pay. Let me step out of the shadows if only for a moment,” he asked with passion in his eyes.
“Santiago,” Harry said with strength in his voice despite his injuries. “Only a fool would underestimate you,” he noted as Lee nodded in agreement, knowing full well that without his help they would both be dead by now and the package would be in the hands of unscrupulous men who intended to sell the dangerous device to the highest bidder.
Santiago smiled.
“What do I do?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye and nearly bouncing
in delight as Lee laid out the plan.
* * * * *
Lee held his side as they finalized the plans, it was now
after seven and he was working on very little sleep and a gunshot wound to
“Any questions?" Lee asked as Santiago shook his head
in the negative.
“I can handle it, Lee.”
“I'm sure you can,” Lee affirmed, his first name already
out of the bag as Harry had addressed him by name when he was barely lucid,
even so Lee was still trying to keep Harry's identity secure.
“I guess the only thing left to do is arrange for your
extraction with Chip,” Lee said trying to slip his suggestion by Harry.
“I'm not going anywhere till this is through, besides... I
thought you said I should stay flat on my back,” Harry answered defiantly.
“Harold, you need a doctor... and since when have you ever taken my medical advice anyway?” he shot back half-joking but serious about getting Harry out, then sighed. “Harold don't fight me on this, you're hurt...”
“Fine thing coming from you. Just when were you going to tell me you were
shot?” Harry asked.
“It's not bad, a straight through in the side...”
“And just how much blood have you lost?” Harry asked
making his point that if Lee was well enough to be here, he was too.
“Enough, I'm pulling rank,” Harry said laying down the law
and taking back command control which Lee had so expertly garnered for a short
time as they discussed his condition.
Lee blew a resigned breath out and ran a tired hand through his hair.
“Alright... you win,” he returned as Harry smiled tightly
in an 'I'm still the Admiral and don't you forget it,' expression as Santiago
chuckled at their interplay.
“You two are a curious pair,” he said noting both the
respect and care the two had for one another even in their disagreement.
“I suppose we are,” Harry agreed feeling tired for the
heated discussion as Lee scoffed with a small smile escaping, pulling out his
transmitter and using the agreed upon code to call Chip to San Burro.
* * * * *
Chip Morton walked down Main Street as if he were window
shopping trying to look like a tourist and keeping his eyes open for Lee. The street was busy with shoppers,
businessmen, and plenty of tourists who enjoyed the Main Street feel of this
island get away.
He stopped at a sidewalk cafe and ordered a lemon-aid
knowing he could study the streets without anyone the wiser. A small crowd caught his attention as the
sounds of a tenor's voice filled the air, it was pleasant background music as
Chip watched for Lee. Upon completion of
the ballad the crowd dispersed leaving coins in the hat of a little man, a
dwarf. He collected his earnings and
went on his way as Chip left his tip and did the same; he hadn't spotted Lee
and decided he needed to get mobile so he left to do more window shopping.
He was admiring some obscure trinket through the window
when a small figure sided up next to him, his reflection visible in the glass
pane as they both admired the same item.
“Do you like boxing?” the little man asked starting a rather odd conversation as Chip raised an eyebrow. “Because I know a Contender you can count on,” he said as if he had a good tip for the next big fight.
Chip made contact with the eyes of the little man's
reflection recognizing both the code word and the reference to their last
conversation regarding 'counting' on each other.
“Go on,” Chip urged quietly acknowledging the recognition
code in as little words as possible.
“He says meet him in the Cathedral at ten o'clock,” the
dwarf said then immediately turned and went down the street, setting up his
crate for his next performance.
Chip went inside the store and bought the trinket he had
admired to strengthen his cover, then headed to the San Burro Cathedral smiling
inside at Lee's “creative” message.
* * * * *
As the tall blond walked he was unaware of one of
Santini's men tailing him, perhaps purely as a precaution for the striking man
who carried himself with authority, surely not an ordinary tourist. Or perhaps because Santini already had a line
on Chip Morton; he had after all, discovered who Harry and Lee were. At any rate, he would have to be neutralized
before Chip reached the Cathedral.
Lee stayed in the shadows of the buildings, a difficult
task as the morning sun brightly chased away such places. As expected, he wouldn't have been able to
get close enough to Chip on Main Street, not with this guy watching so he was
pleased to see Santiago make contact so effortlessly.
Santiago had pegged it right, though the tourists were
intrigued by the little man with stares, smiles and a few snap shots, the
town's people quite ignored him. Lee
watched Santini's man looking for a hint of recognition that Chip had been
contacted and had to smile as the bad guy simply over-looked Santiago as no
threat to his current shadow duties.
Lee waited until Chip made his way to the large Cathedral
and then made his move on Santini's man.
He took him from behind on the arbor path that led to the island's
premier attraction, a house of worship nearly five centuries old and still
partly in use.
Lee waited for the perfect time when no other tourists
were present and pulled his target into the wooded area off the path and behind
the well-trimmed hedges that offered a living fence to the walk way. He applied a choke hold even as his target
fought feverishly against his assailant.
Lee's side was protesting the effort but he held firm for a long minute
and half as Santini's man got desperate and planted an elbow deep into his
injured side, eliciting an unwanted grunt.
The pain threw him off balance as renewed fire seared through the bullet
wound not even a day old. Santini's man
took the advantage and dove forward with both hands aiming for Lee's
throat. Lee saw him coming and kicked
his legs throwing the bad guy over his shoulder and scrambling to his feet just
as Santini's man pulled a switch blade, pressing the button and flipping out
the dangerous knife. He wielded it at
Lee as the sunlight caught the glint of the stainless steel blade. The bad guy swiped the knife as Lee stepped
back barely missing the slicing movement with some fancy footwork. He swiped a few more times until Lee found
his opening and lunged for the hand wielding the knife as the two fought for
control of the weapon, falling and rolling to the ground. Lee found himself on the bottom as the bad
guy placed an unmerciful knee to his side expecting the move to incapacitate
him, but Lee threw all his weight into a shoulder roll as the bad guy was
somewhat off balance. They continued to
fight for the knife as they rolled end over end until the bad guy went limp,
his own knife finding itself deep inside his gut. Lee moved shakily, wiping the blood off his
hands on the dead man's jacket and headed to the Cathedral leaving the regret
of the encounter behind. He would have
liked to have left him unconscious and trussed up but he simply couldn't avoid
the use of lethal force. It wasn't
something he was proud of and he wished it could have been different but the
bad guy was working for a man who was willing to sell out the security of the
whole world. It wasn't something he
could afford to think about just now, he would report it on his After Action
Report later; right now he had a job to do.
With his target secured, Lee made his way to the back of
the Cathedral, it was definitely the long way around but there were no tourists
in the unkempt part of the Cathedral grounds.
He reached for the folded robe that Santiago stashed away for him and
emerged from the deserted grounds as a fully frocked priest complete with a
hood that effectively covered his face when he lowered his head as he made his
way to make contact with Chip...
Lee's dreams faded off as he moved from the lighter REM sleep into the deep restorative slumber his body so desperately needed, but even in his sleep he knew that Santiago was the real deal and someone he could trust. The soft conversation over the chess board offered a strange reassuring peace as the analgesics kicked in allowing the deeper sleep he would need before doing a little poking around in Santini's warehouse.
* * * * *
Chip held the message in his hands having read the order from Comsubpac to report their position and status of the mission.
“Maintain radio silence,” Chip said bucking Starke's order as Sparks nodded, holding back his questions in complete military deference.
“Aye Sir. Radio silence,” he said repeating his orders as Chip made another circuit around the Control Room floor. He was following Lee's orders to the “T” having put Seaview on the bottom at 700 feet about one hundred miles west of their previous position. The device was safely tucked away in the wall safe mounted in his cabin and Seaview had maintained radio silence. If he didn't hear from Lee in another thirty-six hours he would contact Admiral Johnson, until then he'd sit tight.
Chip's face effectively hid his concern as he satisfied himself that all was well and headed back up the staircase to Officer's Country.
* * * * *
General Walters picked up the phone in the visiting VIP quarters at Pearl and dialed a direct overseas phone number.
“SB Import and Exports,” the male voice answered gruffly and who was most definitely not the regular receptionist given the late hour; indeed with the thirteen hour time difference it was after 2300 hours in San Burro.
“This is Walters, get me Santini,” the General said tapping his fingers across the small desk in his bungalow.
“Santini,” the caller identified, the sound of the transmission indicating he was speaking over the intercom.
“Crane and Nelson haven't reported to ONI. Seaview is out of radio contact but I think we can assume they're still on San Burro with the device.”
“Good, I want a piece of both of them. The wire transfer was a fix, they've got the device and I've NOTHING!” Santini said emphasizing the last word distinctly as the wire transfer had been reversed only moments after it was verified, having obviously been a sting operation. “You should have known about the mission,” Santini accused.
“ONI had a tight lid on it, I only found out because of my role in the project. Even then the mission was already underway and I only had bits and pieces of information to work on. I got to you as soon as I verified that Crane and Nelson weren't aboard Seaview.”
Santini grumbled something unrecognizable on the other end as Walters continued.
“Besides, you sold it too cheaply. I know a source that will pay twenty-five million for the device. You should have waited for me,” he counter-accused. “Now get a grip Santini, we can still salvage this. You say Nelson and Crane are both injured?”
“Nelson was worked-over pretty heavily. I doubt he's much good right now and Crane took a bullet.”
“Good. Crane won't leave without Nelson. If you find one you'll find the other, one of them is bound to have the device. If not, forget trying to beat it out of Nelson. If you want him to talk go after Crane.”
“With pleasure,” Santini added. “And Walters... who's your buyer?”
“Forget it Santini. Don't you think I know you'd cut me out if you got a chance? When you get the device contact me, I'll come myself to broker the deal... and this time we'll use a Swiss bank account!” he added as he hung up the phone, disgusted at their ignorance.
“Amateurs,” Walters declared slamming the receiver down and then sitting back to contemplate the situation. He needed to leave for San Burro as soon as possible as his buyer didn't care who he dealt with. If Santini did a little checking around he might just get a handle on the buyer and then he'd be out of the entire deal. No the best thing to do was to get to San Burro and take control of the ballgame from there. He'd have to bow out of the situation from this end, which shouldn't be too hard. Starke had no idea he wasn't legit and ONI was just as clueless. The Naval intelligence agency had kept the operation under tight wraps but obviously didn't suspect him as he was informed of the mission in vague terms out of military courtesy; unfortunately he hadn't gotten the information in time to stop Nelson and Crane. No matter, he'd give Starke some excuse and high-tail it to San Burro before Santini cut him out the deal completely.
* * * * *
Jackpot, Lee said to himself as he heard the conversation using an electronic listening device attached with suction cups to the back wall of Santini's office. It was a tried and true device that some operatives had long since removed from their arsenal of spy gear in favor of the newer electronics, but Lee found the device small enough to stuff into his backpack and very reliable as it was really just an amplifier attached to ear buds.
Lee stuffed the listening apparatus back into his pocket and eased himself back out the men's room window silently, grateful that Santini's men assumed he had entered last night by the back door which was currently boarded shut until repairs were made from the explosion he had arranged upon his exit.
He moved along, finding himself a bit hampered by his side and not able to move as quickly as he would like. Still his movements were stealth and undetected as he cautiously returned to the Cathedral to plan his next move.
When he arrived both Harry and Santiago were awake and waiting for him. Great, Lee thought part joking but mostly serious, I've got another mother hen watching over me, he finished as he noted Santiago's clear worry etched on his face.
“How did it go?” Harry asked, elevated into a partial sitting position with pillows.
“It's confirmed. General Walters called Santini while I was there,” Lee said holding his side and crossing the room to sit on the crate next to Harry.
Harry let out a disgusted scoff as Lee continued, filling him in on what he heard. “Walters knows we haven't checked in with ONI and he hasn't been able to raise Seaview. He assumes we're still on the island and the device is with us.”
“That could work to our advantage,” Harry noted, looking much better, even though “better” was definitely relative as his ribs were still broken and his bruises even riper than yesterday.
“Walters doesn't trust Santini...”
“And well he shouldn't,” Harry added as Lee nodded his agreement.
“He plans on coming here to make the deal once Santini finds us.”
“Aye, he's got someone on the line ready to buy the device for twenty-five million.”
Santiago blew out an airy whistle summing up the sentiment for everyone in the room.
“He's that sure he can ferret us out?” Harry said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah... and I think we should help him along,” Lee added cryptically as one side of Harry's tight lipped smile upturned in a twitch.
“I have a feeling you've got something up your sleeve,” Harry said with a wry grin.
“Yeah... but I don't think you're going to like it,” Lee replied with his own wry grin.
* * * * *
Harry was sitting using a crate for a table and modifying Lee's transponder for the next phase of their plan. Lee was right, Harry wasn't thrilled with the Plan but agreed it would definitely flush Walters out into the open. Harry stopped and rubbed his forehead, he really wasn't up to sitting like this but he didn't want to let Lee in on that little piece of information; right now Lee was the one who needed the rest. Harry stole a glance over at his young captain asleep on the mat on the floor. He tried to persuade him to take the cot but Lee wouldn't hear of it, sure that Harry wouldn't last long in the upright position and need to lay down himself.
Blast it, Harry thought with an inward smile, I hate it when he's right, he thought in a humorous tone. He was really fighting the need to rest but was just stubborn enough to keep going.
“There,” he said out loud, looking at his handiwork and smiling.
“Is it done?” Santiago said sitting on the cot to get a better view as looking over Harry's shoulder posed some problems for his height.
“Yes,” Harry answered. “What do you think?” he asked as Santiago picked up the transponder and examined it.
“It looks just like the real one,” he said with a grin having had a good look at the secret device the first night.
An airy moan escaped as Harry reached for his broken ribs.
“And now my friend, I think it's time you rest. You know,” Santiago said, guiding Harry to the cot, “I'm a little worried about this plan of Lee's.”
“You and me both,” Harry said accepting the help of his “nurse maid” as Santiago had taken to getting a little assertive if not down-right bossy where the two operatives' health was concerned.
“I'm not worried about me,” Harry clarified. “But Lee's right. This is the best way we can make our capture believable.”
“I will do my part,” Santiago assured Harry.
“I'm quite sure of that... it's his part I'm mostly concerned about,” Harry said nodding toward Lee.
“And quite frankly Santiago, this whole affair may just upset your world as well,” Harry continued. “You may never be able to live here in the shadows again, you’ll be out in the open.”
“I realize that, Rojo,” Santiago replied understanding that if things didn't go as planned he would no longer be invisible to the bad guys and would very likely become a target himself. “But Padre taught me about the important things in life, and what could be more important than keeping the world from blowing itself up?” he replied quite reasonably.
“Well said,” Harry replied and settled down for that nap he was putting off.
* * * * *
Harry’s dream took him back to the warehouse where Santini's thugs used him as a boxing bag; each blow causing damage, each broken rib a vivid memory to “cherish”.
“Where is Crane?”
“You’ll get nothing
from me,” Harry yelled back defiantly.
Lee was more than an able officer or the best sub commander in the
Fleet... he had been for a long time. He
had moved from “best friend”; to “like brothers”; to what he always knew deep
down inside… “like a son”. But even if
it wasn’t Lee, he wouldn’t betray his country or the safety of the world for
his own comfort. So the blows kept
coming till he doubled over, each time two sets of strong arms pulled him back
up to receive more punishment. When they
were through softening him up by turning his face into raw meat, they started
with blows to his mid-section. Controlled
blows with the pipe, meant to do damage but carefully applied with the right
amount of pressure impact to keep him alive.
But each blow was devastating… almost too much.
“Where is Crane?”
Santini repeated as Harry drew strength knowing Lee must have gotten away for
them to continue. Lee was safe… the
device was safe… nothing else mattered as Harry began to shut down. He hardly heard the questions anymore
becoming almost a bystander to the beating though not to the pain, but as soon
as the gas filled the air he knew Lee had come for him.
Blast it! Why did he come back? Harry thought, afraid Lee would fall victim
to Santini as well but did his part holding his breath as long as he could
before Lee placed the breather over his face.
Even then his legs refused to work properly. Still, he'd take a thousand beatings like
this one to keep Lee safe…
Harry woke up as his dreams gave way to reality and the fact that he was being gently shaken awake.
Lee’s voice penetrated his dream instantly as he realized that the distress of his dream had most likely woken his friend from his sleep. Harry blinked and expelled a breath out.
“Are you okay?” Lee asked knowing full well the experience of reliving pain inflicted by bad guys through dreams.
“Not really,” Harry returned running a hand through his hair as Lee sighed, knowing Harry’s trepidation had nothing to do with the beating he took.
“I don’t like the plan,” Harry continued to which Lee smiled weakly.
“Not too fond of it myself,” Lee admitted. “Who was the guy who came up with it anyway?” he jested with a chuckle, evoking a smile from Harry as the plan had been Lee's brain-child all the way. Lee's smile faded as he sighed.
“You’re the strongest man I know, Sir,” Lee continued sincerely. “It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to convince them that it’s the real deal,” Lee said tilting his head toward the transponder Harry modified to look like the device everyone wanted. “We just need Walters here before we give them what they want, that way Santini doesn’t take the device and run. Twelve… fourteen hours tops.”
“You think I can hold out that long?” Harry scoffed in unbelief.
“I know you can Sir,” Lee replied, confident that Harry was up to the task.
“And how long can you hold out Lee?”
“I’ll do what I have to, but I don't think it will be that long. If Walters is smart, he’ll make his way over before we’re captured. He knows he can’t trust Santini, and my guess is he's already on his way... we’ll only be talking a few hours,” Lee predicted.
“If there was another way…”
“We’d take it, but there isn’t,” Lee finished for him. “Please Sir, I can do this.”
“I have no doubt of that Lee,” Harry replied confidently. “We’ll both do what we have to do.”
“Aye Sir,” Lee returned, his respect for Harry passed through their strong eye contact before Lee broke it with a pat to Harry’s shoulder and returned to his mat to get ready for the confrontation with Santini and his men.
* * * * *
Santiago listened from his own mat on the floor as Rojo and Lee discussed the plan. It wasn't just a plan... it was self-sacrifice.
“If you want Nelson to talk then go after Crane,” Walters had said and here lie the crux of Lee's plan.
They would allow themselves to be captured without the device; Santini would call Walters and in the meantime they would try and work the device location from the pair. Crane would take the punishment and Nelson would refuse to talk; then at the right time Nelson would give in, as if he couldn't take the younger man's abuse any longer and divulge the location. The whole convoluted plan giving Walters enough time to reach San Burro and discouraging Santini from skipping with the device, or just as bad discovering they had a fake.
Santiago realized that Nelson was sacrificing as much as Lee because his silence would in effect, be the catalyst for the violence against his friend. It was the type of self-sacrifice Padre had told him about, but had never witnessed personally. Oh he was sure the town's people had stories of heroism to tell, they weren't cowards, but he had never truly seen this virtue demonstrated so intimately.
He breathed deeply thinking of the role he had to play. Nelson and Crane had treated him as an equal in this plan as Lee explained to him that every effective cover had to believable. Santiago's cover was the man in the shadows, he had perfect accessibility and he knew the area. Lee was counting on Santiago not getting caught as his job was to “bring in the cavalry” as Lee put it. Santiago laughed having seen an American western a time or two on a matinée show, it was dubbed in Spanish and the acting was terrible, but he got the picture.
To be treated as an equal. To be useful. These were feelings Santiago enjoyed; it would be hard to let go and say goodbye when the time came. He closed his eyes on that thought; tomorrow was a going to be a busy day, an important day. He didn't have time for regrets, there would be plenty of time for that when he was all alone again. For right now he would revel in the fact that he had friends... and they needed him.
* * * * *
Santiago walked to the end of Main Street where Dr. Delgado both resided and operated his small practice; small because he was the “shady” doctor in town – the one certain people went to when they weren't necessarily sick but wanted “medication” anyway. He was also exclusively used by Santini when they needed a doctor who didn't ask questions.
Santiago entered the small office and approached the receptionist who was filing her nails at the desk, it was hardly sanitary but he figured Delgado's clientele weren't here because of the sterile surroundings.
“Yes,” she asked not bothering to stop her grooming.
“I need help. I must see Dr. Delgado.”
She looked him over head to toe and furled her forehead. “You don't look sick to me.”
“It's not for me but for my two friends.” Santiago leaned forward in a whisper. “One has a gunshot wound, the other was severely beaten.”
Her eyebrows rose as she considered his request to see the doctor. “You got money?”
“Si, look they gave me some,” he said pulling out a wad of cash Lee had given him. It was more money than Santiago had ever had in his life, as he held it crumbled in his small fists looking as if he had no money sense whatsoever.
The receptionist cleared her throat, the wad of hundred dollar bills indicated Santiago was holding a small fortune.
“Just a moment,” she said and left the room to presumably get the doctor. About ten minutes later Delgado exited with his medical bag in hand. He of course, took his payment up front, and followed Santiago out to the forest just outside of town.
Santiago lead Dr. Delgado to a grove with a small lean-to. It was one of his get-aways to throw off the children trying to follow him. Sometimes he would come here and eat his meal picnic style so he could enjoy the beauty of the forest, it was a quiet spot for introspective moments.
Delgado grumbled at having to walk so far, even though Santiago was working twice as hard having to take two to three steps for every one the doctor took. They arrived at the lean-to finding both men lying on the ground as it was apparent Santiago had tried to apply his meager first aid skills on the two, Delgado thought cruelly. He didn't however examine the two men but turned instead to greet Santini's men who were following at a distance.
Santiago's work was done for now, so he slipped away as Lee started to come to and tried to run away. The distraction worked as Santini's men cared nothing for the dwarf, if Santini wanted him they could always round him up later.
Santiago disappeared into the forest effectively hiding his current position as he heard Delgado complaining about the walk and demanding more money from Santini for his “services rendered”. The thugs ignored the doctor's rant and instead began tearing the lean-to apart looking for the device.
* * * * *
Santiago stopped along the way to make his call, never in all his life had he ever thought he'd be talking to the head of a spy agency. He dialed the special number Lee gave him and cleared his throat, ready to recite verbatim Lee's message.
“ONI Communications.”
“I have a message from Robin Hood, for Admiral Johnson's ears only,” he said as the Communication's officer looked over his code list.
“And who are you?” he replied, not for a moment believing the caller was Lee Crane.
“Little John,” Santiago said with a smile.
“Hold,” the officer replied as Santiago waited, he was standing on a crate and watching through the Plexiglas doors of the phone booth for any sign of Santini's men and was relieved to see it was all clear.
“This is Admiral Johnson.”
“The White Rhino charges in the desert heat,” Santiago recited and waited for the reply.
“Say again Little John,” the voice said.
“Negative ONI. Robin Hood said to give the message to King Richard only. I'll give the message to Admiral Johnson after the counter sign is given,” he said resolutely.
A few more minutes passed before the phone came to life once again.
“This is King Richard, I don't recall sending a merry man on this little adventure.”
Santiago ignored the chide and recited the pass code once again.
“The White Rhino charges in the desert heat.”
“But not as eloquently as the Leopard leaps,” Johnson finished as Santiago sighed in relief.
“Lee Crane sent this message: The device is secure but a high level leak was discovered. Laying trap for General Walters, need a cleanup team ASAP on San Burro. Little John will guide you.”
“Is that all?” Johnson asked.
“Yes Sir,” Santiago replied.
“Very well, I can have assets there from Europe in two hours. How do we find you?”
“I'll be the short guy, you can't miss me,” Santiago replied cryptically.
“Very well, Johnson out.”
Santiago couldn't help his smile as he hung up and jumped off the crate. A tourist was waiting a polite distance away to use the phone as Santiago shrugged his shoulders announcing, “Wrong number,” then headed for his next assignment.
* * * * *
Lee and Harry were escorted back to town and placed in a van for their final leg to the warehouse. Both were looking exceedingly done-in to hide the able care they had received from Santiago as they needed to appear vulnerable. A large door was rolled to the side as the van drove into the warehouse, followed by the sound of the rollers indicating the door was closed behind them.
“Move!” one of Santini's men ordered as Lee helped Harry out of the van. His efforts were met by a harsh push away from Harry as Lee held his injured side for effect.
“I said move!” the guard demanded as Harry and Lee made their way back to the office.
“So the two big buyers are back,” Santini said sarcastically. “The device?” he asked holding his hand out.
“We couldn't find it,” Santini's main henchman reported. “Not on them, not in their hide-out,” he explained.
Santini glared at the two men. “Now gentlemen, let's be reasonable,” he said though Harry and Lee both knew he had no intention of doing any such thing.
“I'll find it sooner or later,” Santini advised. “Now why don't you save us all some time and energy and tell me where you stashed it.”
“Go to H...” Harry started before Santini silenced him with a backhand.
“Wrong answer Nelson.” He composed himself and stood straight as the blood streamed down Harry's split lip.
“A friend of yours is already on his way,” Santini said cryptically as both Lee and Harry caught the reference to Walters. It was good news as that would cut down on the length of time Lee would be in Santini's hands and hopefully signaling his arrival in just a few hours as Lee predicted.
“And just who would that be?” Harry asked darkly. His question was answered by another backhand as Lee tried to move out of the strong arms holding him in place to help Harry.
“I'm the one asking questions here Nelson... now let's talk about the device.”
“You'll get nothing from me,” Harry said in a repeat of their earlier meeting.
“You said that before, but then we didn't use the right persuasion... did we?” Santini grinned evilly as he nodded to his man who landed a blow in the middle of Lee's gut.
Lee yelled and double over, though it wasn't directly over his wound it was close enough as his entire side was already on fire from the untreated gunshot. Lee reined in his pain to a grunt and heavy breathing as Santini turned toward Harry again.
“The device?”
Harry's tight lips offered no hope of talking; Santini barely nodded his response to which Lee received two blows to his jaws, whipping his head from one side to the next.
Santini remained calm as if discussing the weather and asked again, receiving no answer from Harry he let his men loose on Lee.
* * * * *
Lee lay on the floor in a heap trying to breathe shallowly for the pain. Santini's henchman had concentrated on his face and the opposite side of his wound, obviously making sure they didn't do Lee in before Harry broke, but now Santini was getting impatient.
Harry's face was dark as Lee was hauled back up again. He'd been watching the clock and figured that if Lee's estimation was correct Walters should be making the scene soon.
“You're a very callous man Nelson,” Santini observed viciously. “I don't think it bothers you one bit to watch your captain here suffer,” he baited, even though Harry was fighting the restraining hands that held him with every punch laid into Lee.
Lee was exhausted as Santini moved directly in front of him, taking the intimidation up another notch.
“They tell me you were shot,” Santini said in mock concern. “Let's see,” he said raising Lee's black knit shirt to examine the silver duct tape across Lee's side.
“Walters will be here in less than an hour and my credibility is in question without the device, so let's stop playing games,” he said, inadvertently giving Harry the information he needed. He'd give Santini one last blow on Lee then beg for him to stop. But instead of motioning for his henchman to continue Santini reached over and peeled the end of the tape away and tugged viciously as Lee screamed in pain. Whatever clot had formed was ripped off as Lee began bleeding again, Harry's screams were more real than playacting as he begged Santini to let him alone. One final blow in the side left Lee in so much pain he blacked out as Harry screamed.
“Stop it Santini! I'll tell you where it is,” Harry said, feigning shame for giving in. “I'll tell you,” he practically sobbed out, giving the performance of a life time. “Just leave him alone. Leave him alone...” he faded out as Santini delighted in breaking the great Admiral Nelson.
Santini turned his full attention to Harry as Lee was dropped to the floor.
“Where is the device?” he asked calmly.
“Near the lean-to, in a knot hole of a tree,” he sobbed out as Santini nodded for his men to allow Harry to attend to Lee. Harry immediately applied pressure to the bleeding wound as Santini dispatched his men to retrieve the device that would make him a very rich man.
* * * * *
Santiago watched as Santini's men made their way back, he took the transponder from his pocket and entered the code that Lee had instructed then placed the “Device” into the knot hole of the tree. With that part of his mission completed he scurried away undetected, heading for the coast to greet the cavalry.
* * * * *
It had been a long night of waiting and the morning was even longer as Chip kept watch over Seaview, his stoic face never giving away his deep concern for not hearing from Lee. So it was sweet relief to hear Sparks' excited voice calling him to the Radio Shack. Just by the smile on his face he knew Lee had made contact.
“What do you have Sparks?” Chip asked closing the distance in a quick trot.
“The Skipper's transponder frequency,” Sparks said handing the decoded message to Chip.
Chip read the message and nodded, then allowed a thin smile to penetrate his command face.
“Chief!” Chip ordered as Sharkey came running.
“Aye Sir, Mr. Morton,” Sharkey replied getting the feeling that the wait was over.
“I need three men to accompany me dressed in civvies and packing heat. Have them ready to launch in fifteen minutes.”
“Aye Sir!” Sharkey replied with a grin. It's about time, he thought silently as he pulled together Seaview's Go-To Team: Kowalski, Patterson, and of course... himself.
* * * * *
Santini greeted the General in the warehouse as Walters walked in with a few of his own dangerous looking men behind him. He was wearing civvies but still exuded the look and carry of military, as did his two men behind him.
“You have the device?” Walters asked.
“As good as,” Santini replied. “You were right. We went after Crane and Nelson broke like a baby. My men are retrieving it now.”
Walters laughed. “Good, I've always wanted to see Nelson pulled down a peg or two. Where are they?”
Santini tilted his head toward his office where Harry and Lee were still being guarded. Walters smiled thinly and followed his host in, finding Crane a bloody mess on the floor with Nelson trying to hold his life blood inside by applying pressure.
“Well, well, well,” Walters mocked. “It looks to me like you're out of your depth Nelson.”
“Walters,” Harry spat out, pretending he wasn't already privy to the knowledge that he was the traitor. “So you arranged for the device to be stolen, murdered the thief to hide your tracks, and killed twenty innocent men in the process. What's wrong, destabilizing the security of the world with the device not enough for you?”
“It's called retirement security,” Walters said as Harry rose to challenge him.
“No it's more than that,” Harry disagreed, knowing full well that the pension of a two star general was more than ample to supply a generous retirement, but before he could dig deeper one of Santini's men came running in with the device in his hand and smiling victoriously.
He handed it to Santini who took it and sat it down in the middle of his desk as Walters smiled, tabling his discussion with Nelson and followed him over to discuss the device.
Harry dropped back to his knees as Lee's eyes fluttered open, weak but still aware. Harry gave him a “stay put” look which Lee acknowledged silently, the bleeding now under control under Harry's care. They both listened and silently calculated how much time before their arranged help arrived and both wondering how long the transponder could pass as the Device.
* * * * *
Chip piloted FS1 to San Burro taking most of the trip in flight where the flying sub traveled faster. He dove and ran submerged for the last twenty miles to ensure a stealth arrival and entered by the same cove he had used earlier. Patterson was tagged to stay with FS1; though he was still working on getting his wings, he was dive certified and would be able to handle the craft underwater.
“Get her out of sight, Pat,” Chip ordered. “We'll call you when we've got the Admiral and the Skipper.”
“Aye Sir,” Patterson responded, ready to do his job but disappointed he couldn't go with the assault team. Though his baby face and sincere good honest nature suggested he was docile, nothing but the opposite could be true when his crew mates were in danger. The man was brave and able and never had a second thought about putting himself in danger when the situation warranted. This time however, Ski was needed for his skills as a field trained corpsman leaving Sharkey to pull his NCO rank which left Pat to babysit the flying sub as there was no way the XO was sitting this one out!
Chip, Ski and Sharkey all made their way from the beach to the path up ahead that lead to the Main Street, visible ahead about a mile in the distance. When they reached the well maintained path they were greeted by a small man sporting a very serious look on his face.
“Morton?” he said as Chip immediately recognized his “contact” from his previous visit.
“Yes, and you are?” Chip asked dropping to a knee and offering a handshake.
“Santiago, Juan Santiago but everyone just calls me Santiago.”
Chip nodded waiting for pertinent information from the man nearly three feet shorter than himself. “This is Kowalski and Sharkey. What have you got?”
Ski and Sharkey were somewhat surprised at the small stature of their contact but got over it quickly as he began his briefing. The dwarf had dark hair and the typical fairer olive toned skin of European Spaniards. Though his facial proportions indicated his dwarfism he still carried a pleasant handsome countenance, a young man of probably the late twenties to early thirties. His English was very good with only a slight accent and he seemed to be well educated, as his words were well spoken and delivered with confidence.
“Crane and Nelson have laid a trap for a traitor to your country. Unfortunately that trap involved allowing themselves to be captured.”
Chip's countenance sharpened.
“They were both already injured,” Chip noted with concern, though Lee never owned up to it he could tell his friend was in pain on their previous visit.
“Yes, Lee was shot and Rojo was severely beaten.”
Ski and Sharkey's eyebrows rose at the name Rojo, both connecting the dots to mean Admiral Nelson; though neither one spoke Spanish fluently you did learn a bit as a sailor hitting many ports over one's career.
“What's their plan?” Chip urged, feeling it was taking too long to get to the nitty gritty.
“They have drawn their man here by allowing themselves to be captured. In order to buy time for his arrival they hid the Device so that the information would have to be retrieved from them.”
“What Device?” Chip asked knowing he had the real one in his safe back aboard Seaview.
“The Admiral modified the transponder to resemble it. Santini was advised that if he wanted information from Nelson he should go after Crane.”
Chip expelled an audible breath of disapproval. “So Lee is the fall guy until the traitor shows up. Let me guess... General Walters?”
“Yes,” Santiago said. “Now gentlemen, we must get you to the warehouse and then I have another task to complete.”
Santiago turned and walked hastily forward with Chip on one side and Sharkey and Ski following behind.
* * * * *
Lee's consciousness returned in waves of pain and a hint of nauseousness, which he feared signaled the onset of shock. He was relieved when his stomach settled down as he listened to Harry confront Walters. Harry had done a good job of stopping the blood loss, though by the looks of the floor he had bled considerably. He was weak but since the beating had concentrated on his face, his ribs had escaped damage so... no broken ribs, no sign of concussion and a gunshot wound in the side meant he probably looked far worse than he actually was. His bruised and swollen face could work to his advantage because he could feign being totally incapacitated and still be of use when it counted later. Jamie would have a fit to hear his self-medical appraisal but to be frank... Jamie's opinion didn't matter right now. He was sure he'd need his services later, but for now his only concern was the mission.
Harry was just about to get to Walter's real motive behind selling his country out when Santini's man came in with the “Device”. There was no mention of Santiago so Lee took that as a good sign that he was still an active participant in this mission, which meant that Chip was on his way.
Harry dropped to his knee and passed a look of concern laced with orders to stay put which Lee acknowledged as he gathered his strength. They listened to Santini and Walters make their deal both realizing all too well that the entire deal would be a bust if Walters opened up the “Device”.
* * * * *
Santiago guided the trio to the warehouse instructing them along the way as Lee had laid out their entry point. They were the Backup, to keep the situation from spiraling out of control until ONI showed up. Their instructions were to gain access and monitor the situation and act only if imminent danger required their intervention. In addition, they'd been given direct orders to the effect that their first mission wasn't babysitting Lee and Harry but making sure that Walters didn't get away.
Chip listened and silently thought how he and Lee were going to have a serious talk about his cavalier attitude for his own well-being, but for right now he had his orders and would carry them out.
They entered from the men's room window which was apparently kept perpetually open and took up their position. Sharkey set up the sound amplifier which Lee had given to Santiago for this purpose and listened from the safety of the office back wall as Chip and Ski watched for any indication their presence was known.
Sharkey issued an “A-OK” sign indicating that the device was set and working as Chip took an ear bud and listened, surmising by the conversation that both Lee and Harry were inside and still alive. Whether they were alive and well was another thing, but at this point, alive was good.
* * * * *
Santiago made sure Seaview's men found their entry point and waited for any sign of their detection. When it appeared they were in the clear he left for his next assignment. He didn't have time to think about the dangerous game he was playing, all he knew was that his friends needed his help and he wasn't going to let them down. To that end he headed to the airport where King Richard was sending more “merry men” to Sherwood Forest.
* * * * *
Admiral Johnson hung up the phone satisfied with the results of his call. Though San Burro was an independent island nation they were by treaty under the “protection” of their nearby neighbor, Portugal. Good relations with the country, with the promise of their full participation and he had full clearance for the raid. The Commander in charge of the Operation was currently en route to San Burro in a joint operation with Portuguese Special Forces and with full approval of the San Burro government. All the bases were covered, now all they needed to do was to reel in their traitor.
With everything arranged Gerald had a little time to sit back and contemplate the mission. He folded his hands into a sharp point and thought about how Crane and Nelson had been able to obtain their first objective, the safe retrieval of the Device. The fact that Crane had used an unknown contact was troublesome and could only indicate that things had not gone well for the operatives. Still, he assumed that both Crane and Nelson were still active, though he had no contact with Peters. His thoughts turned to “Little John”, a new player in the game and obviously someone Crane trusted. He was curious about the man but had no more time to contemplate any longer. He had “pots” in many fires that all demanded his attention, so he noted the Assault Team's ETA in San Burro and returned to the files on his desk demanding attention from ONI's top man.
* * * * *
“Now,” Santini said looking at the Device sitting prominently in the middle of his desk, “tell me about the twenty-five million.”
“I've already called the buyer,” Walters said, obviously trying to keep the deal under his control. “He'll deal only with me.”
Santini bit the inside of his cheek in a sign of frustration but quickly hid it. “Fine, then let's talk my cut,” he said making the point that Walters wasn't technically in possession of the device yet.
The tension in the room etched up as both Santini's men and Walters' stood firm but shifted their stance demonstrating they were ready to fight at their leader's slightest whim.
Harry and Lee both caught the shift of tension in the room, realizing that the situation was very volatile.
“You'll get seven and half million for your trouble,” Walters declared.
“I brokered a deal for ten million without you,” Santini fired back.
“You brokered a deal with undercover agents,” Walters countered with a smirk. “I'm the one who got the Device out of the US and into your hands, I'm the one who took all the chances,” he countered. “Besides, I'll leave you Crane and Nelson to make up the difference.”
Santini's eyes narrowed in question. “Come on Santini, get creative here. They're both high level officers with top secret clearance. Nelson alone is worth millions to the right buyer, and I've heard that Crane here has ticked off plenty of people who would be more than happy to pay for a little retribution of their own. I have no doubt you'll be on the plus side of ten million when you're through putting them on the market.”
Santini nodded his understanding accompanied with a dangerous grin. “I guess I better get a doctor in here, can't have my meal ticket bleeding out can I?” he said with a laugh that Walters heartily joined in with.
“You got a deal Walters. Now let's make that call,” Santini said placing the phone in front of the General.
“First things first,” Walters said reaching for the Device. “I have to verify the Device hasn't been damaged, it was out of your possession for a time,” he reminded Santini knowing Nelson was fully capable of rendering the Device inoperable with the right sabotage.
Santini nodded approvingly as Walters reached for the back plate of the Device/Transponder.
* * * * *
Harry leaned over Lee feeling every bit of the broken ribs he sported. Lee said he counted two broken and two suspect, well he could affirm with all assuredness those suspect ribs were very broken. He wasn't planning on letting Lee in on that little secret any time soon besides, they were behaving and at present were staying put and not pressing against his lungs or some other vital organ he needed. Still, they hurt like the dickens, unfortunately that little bit of information hadn't gotten by Lee. Harry had the distinct feeling that his best friend could read it in his eyes.
The two were both ignoring their current physical conditions however as they listened to Santini and Walters negotiate. Their tension spiked when Walters announced he was going to inspect the Device as Harry and Lee passed concern in their eyes. The jig was up, as soon as Walters saw the insides of the transponder he would know, then the General would no doubt take up his own advice and attempt to force an answer out of Harry using Lee as the pawn.
Walters reached for the Device back panel and began removing the screw...
* * * * *
Santiago watched as two attack helicopters landed at the San Burro airport. The door slid open as a Commando dressed in black hopped out with his M-16 rifle cradled in his hands. Santiago swallowed hard... this was the big leagues. He stood tall as the Commando walked to him and then dropped to take a knee getting at eye level.
“Little John?” he asked without the hint of surprise, as if meeting a dwarf for a contact was an everyday occurrence.
“Yes, did King Richard send you?”
The Commando nodded and smiled slyly. “This way sir, we'll need you to show us where the target is.”
Santiago nodded and followed the Commando back to the helicopter, taking a boost up and before he knew it he was guiding the helicopters to the warehouse. Santiago had never in his life been on an airplane let alone a helicopter, but even from the air he knew the town he lived in. He knew every building and the SB Import/Export warehouse on the industrial side of town was easy to spot as he pointed out the warehouse.
“Robin Hood has three men inside as back-up,” Santiago explained through his mic'ed head phones as the commandos all donned their night vision goggles in preparation for the raid. “How will you be able to tell them apart?” he asked, fearing Morton and his men might get caught in the fray as the machine guns the commandos sported were big, bad, ugly and Santiago knew... very unforgiving.
“All our men are wearing these,” the Commander replied, pointing to his black vest. “They show up a different color through the night vision. We'll just have to raid the building very carefully,” the Commander said with a hint of his own concern that they might take out friendlies.
“If you give me three minutes, I can get them the vests,” Santiago suggested. “I know exactly where they are.”
“Then just tell us, there's no need to get you involved.”
“But if the raid starts and they don't know who you are they may mistake you for Santini's men,” Santiago reasoned.
“I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous to get a civilian involved.”
“It's a little too late for that Commander,” Santiago replied.
“Alright,” he said after considering his options. “You'll ride down with the Corporal. You have three minutes before the party begins,” he cautioned as Santiago was fitted with his own vest and extra night goggles slid up the length of his arm.
The Corporal fit a harness on Santiago, and connected him to his own gear pack.
“Hang on Little John,” the Corporal advised. “We're going down in style,” he said with a grin as the Corporal and the rest of the commando team rappelled down a fifty foot rope to the ground below. It only took seconds but Santiago found the ride exhilarating. Once on the ground the Corporal took a knee and disconnected his rider, then handed him the extra vests.
“Good luck Little John. T minus three minutes, now!”
Santiago headed straight for the same bathroom window he had led Morton and his men to earlier and climbed in with a boost from another commando as the rest of the team surrounded the building, each moving to their assigned positions.
* * * * *
Ski was keeping watch with his service revolver drawn when he heard a noise behind him. He turned sharply and recognized the small frame of Santiago scurrying forward.
“Mr. Morton,” Ski whispered drawing Chip's attention to Santiago.
Chip's eyebrows tightened in concern, This wasn't part of the plan.
“You must wear these so the commandos can tell you apart,” he whispered.
Chip nodded as all three men put on black vests and night goggles, courtesy of Santiago. “You stay close,” Chip ordered their little friend as Santiago nodded acquiescing to Morton's authority and knowing he had done all he could do. The rest was up to the commandos; as if on cue the lights were cut.
* * * * *
Walters reached for the Device back panel and began
removing the screw... but before he could look inside, everything went
totally black.
“What happened to the lights?” Santini yelled, but General Walters wasn't a fool; he could smell a commando raid a mile away. Quickly he shoved the Device into his pocket, he didn't need Santini anymore; he would slip out on his own and sell the Device later.
“Must be a fuse,” someone suggested.
That asinine thought was quickly put to rest as the sound of “poofs” was heard in the warehouse followed by a few rat-a-tat-tats.
“A raid!” someone yelled as Walters headed blindly for the office door, he was nearly there when he got tangled up in something. He kicked realizing that someone had grabbed his foot, the grunt he heard confirmed it was Nelson. His kick to Nelson's mid-section apparently did enough damage because the hold went limp as Walters took a few more steps to clear the door. Flashes of gunfire erupted in the warehouse temporarily lighting the way as Walters bolted for the back of the warehouse. His bolt was interrupted by a flying tackle as he fell hard on the ground.
“Going somewhere General?” a dark voice with a Coney Island accent inquired, as Walters' arm was bent uncomfortably behind his back and a knee applied to keep the General in place. Sharkey finished the move by placing his service revolver to Walters' temple and applying pressure as they stayed put riding out the raid while the commandos mopped up the bad guys.
Meanwhile, Chip and Kowalski headed straight to the office where Harry and Lee were being kept hoping to keep them from being eliminated by Santini in the fray. Through night vision goggles they spotted them on the floor.
“Lee, it's me,” Chip said taking a knee beside him as he and Ski guarded their downed men.
“We're okay Chip,” Lee answered.
Several long minutes later the gunfire slowed with only an occasional “pop” and then silence. When the lights came back up Santini and his men were standing with their hands in the air, with some on the ground holding wounds while other lay face down in a pool of blood.
Chip and Ski pulled off their goggles and looked down at their commanding officers. Lee was already moving into a sitting position as Chip helped position him against the wall while Ski checked Harry.
Harry waved off Ski's attention as he too settled against the wall holding his side.
“Make that four broken, one suspect,” Harry said with a one sided grin referring to his damaged ribs as Lee winced in a “that's gotta hurt” expression.
The Commando medic made his way followed by Santiago as he looked over his friends. He taped Lee up first, stabilizing his patient with pain medication and making sure the bleeding had stopped then turned toward Harry.
“Sir, you really should be flat on your back,” the medic suggested gingerly realizing he was treating a Four-Star Admiral.
Lee couldn't quite hold back the smirk that came out in an “I told you so” scoff as Harry glared at him.
“Son,” Harry replied to the medic, “You don't get to be a Four-Star Admiral lying flat on your back. Now tape it up so I can get going.”
Lee turned his face the other direction to avoid any inadvertent disrespect but the pain meds had him pain free for the first time since he was shot and he was feeling slightly euphoric at the moment.
With the medic doing his thing Chip thought it best to send Sharkey and Ski back to retrieve FS1 and bring her to the airport as Patterson couldn't fly her. Chip hung around discussing the evacuation plan with the Commando Commander as Lee and Harry got their first chance to talk with Santiago.
“You both look much worse for the wear,” Santiago replied sadly.
“It's not as bad as it looks,” Lee said but moved on quickly, always uncomfortable discussing his own health. “And you my friend, were a very busy Operative,” he complimented knowing he had given Santiago many jobs to do.
“Little John,” the Commander called, addressing Santiago with all the respect of any Operative, “I need a little information for my report.”
Santiago nodded taking in a respect he had never before in his life obtained. He shrugged his shoulders and patted both Lee and Harry's legs then headed out of the office to speak with the Commander.
The medic finished his ministrations and wrapped blankets around his patient's shoulders as each had pulled rank and declined the use of a stretcher. They were aided to their feet and walked out of the office just as General Walters was cuffed and readied to be transported with the rest of the bad guys.
A commando brought the “Device” over to Harry, “We found this on him.” Harry took the Device and smiled.
“You almost had it all, didn't you Walters?” Harry said holding up the Device.
“I'm not saying a word Nelson,” he answered defiantly.
“All for what? Money?” Harry asked. “Somehow I don't think so. How long have you been working for the other side Walters?”
General Walters glared but kept quiet as Harry continued. “You pushed this project along, convinced the Pentagon we needed to know if it could be built, let the US put millions of dollars into its development and then stole it to sell. You were planning it all along, weren't you Walters?”
“My friends are bigger than you,” Walters threatened vaguely.
“Then you should be grateful I spared you from disappointing them,” Harry replied as he removed the back panel of the Device to reveal the inside workings of a standard Transponder, tilting it Walters' way for him to see.
Walters' eyes grew big as he realized he had been lured to the island with a fake device.
“You're out of business Walters,” Harry said darkly. “Get him out of here,” he ordered disgustedly as Lee watched with satisfaction.
Walters was led away as Harry blew a cleansing breath out then turned toward Lee and smiled freely.
“Now that was fun,” he admitted as Lee chuckled while medics urged them onward.
* * * * *
At the front of the warehouse the Commander was taking Santiago's statement as Harry and Lee approached.
“It's been good working with you Little John.”
“Thank you Commander,” Santiago replied as the Commander fired off an unexpected salute and headed out the door. Santiago swallowed the lump in his throat and turned toward Harry and Lee.
“I meant to ask you,” Lee said, “Where did your call sign come from?”
“Oh,” Santiago said with a chuckle. “It just sort of came out when I gave them your call sign and they asked who I was. You see, Santiago is my sur name. My first name is Juan and well, since you were Robin Hood...”
Lee and Harry chuckled with him. “I think it's fitting. You know, Little John wasn't little at all, he was ironically a very strong and big man... just like you Santiago,” Lee complimented sincerely and then offered his hand for a shake.
“Thanks for everything,” he finished.
“Thank you. Thank you both. When I asked for a chance to come out of the shadows I never thought I'd be involved in something like this.”
“What will you do now?” Harry asked as Santiago just shrugged his shoulders.
“I've had my time in the sun, I guess I'll go back to the shadows,” he said without regret, accepting his “place” in the island society.
“You could do that,” Harry replied then turned and tilted his head for Santiago to follow. “But I have something I'd like for you to consider,” Harry said as Santiago walked between Harry and Lee talking as they went along. They spoke for several minutes more, then Santiago nodded and hurried away as Harry and Lee were guided to a car waiting to take them to the airport to meet FS1.
* * * * *
Harry and Lee finished up with the Commando Commander, who saluted and then boarded the last attack helicopter to depart the island as the pair headed to the tarmac where FS1 was waiting. Ski stood by trying not to hover as the Admiral walked around as if he hadn't been beaten to a bloody pulp and the Skipper was just as bad; acting as if he didn't have two holes in him that still needed to be sewed up.
“Ah Sirs,” Ski said gingerly. “If I could just get the two of you to sit down,” he coaxed as gently as possible.
Harry waved him off, “In a minute Kowalski, I'm waiting for...”
Just then an official government car pulled up as the driver hopped out and opened the door for an equally official looking man who was followed by Santiago carrying a box under his arm.
“Admiral Nelson, my name is Senor Consuelos. I've arranged for a passport for Senor Santiago,” he said with a smile.
“Excellent Senor Consuelos. I'll have my State Department finalize the Visa from our end, and thank you for your haste,” Harry replied with a handshake.
The diplomat smiled politely and then took his leave as Lee looked over Santiago's belongings.
“You travel lightly,” Lee noted, recognizing the box containing the chess game.
“This is all I need from my life here in the shadows,” Santiago replied with a relaxed smile. “San Burro will always be my home, but where ever I go... Padre will always be close,” he said patting the box lovingly as he spoke.
“Then let's start that new life Santiago,” Harry said waving an arm forward as Santiago boarded the flying sub, ready to take the adventure of a lifetime; starting with a fantastic ride in FS1 and then a voyage on the world famous windowed submarine, the Seaview.
* * * * *
Chip berthed the flying sub flawlessly and then followed Harry and Lee up the ladder into Seaview's Control Room. Both took the ladder gingerly taking each rung with care and ignoring both their aches and their CMO's “orders” to head straight to Sickbay, settling instead in front of the Nose video monitor ready to make a preliminary report to ONI.
“Chip, have Mr. Santiago assigned to guest quarters,” Lee ordered while closing the crash doors.
“Aye aye, Skipper,” Chip said picking up the mic and calling the quartermaster then motioning Santiago to follow him up the spiral staircase where Chip intended to settle their guest in personally.
“Sparks, put me through to Admiral Johnson at ONI,” Lee ordered through the Com system.
“Aye Sir,” Sparks replied efficiently, followed a few minutes later by the connection to the Office of Naval Intelligence.
They greeted Johnson who by now had preliminary reports from the Commander of the Commando team in Europe.
“Harriman... Commander, you did an excellent job of both retrieving the Device and bringing Walters in,” the Admiral complimented. “Now Gentlemen, just give me the facts and then I'll await your full report in a few days,” Johnson ordered needing something to report back to the State Department and to collaborate the reports given by the Commando Team.
The facts were given, including Peters' death and Santiago's part and a few key questions were answered, but Johnson noted the exhaustion in Lee's eyes and the side he was holding as his pain meds wore off. He was well aware of both Harry and Lee's injuries and had what he needed for now, including the task of bringing Gary Peters' body home.
“Very well Gentlemen, I’ll look forward to your reports in a few days,” he said, deciding to call the debriefing complete for the time being.
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied, always professional and full of decorum.
“Very well Gerald,” Harry replied as Johnson signed off.
Harry reached for the controls of the crash doors as Lee blew a breath out, done in and ready for his rack. As the doors opened they were greeted to the very cross look of Dr. William Jamieson who was standing with this arms folded across his chest. Jamie didn't say a word, just turned around and headed aft fully expecting Harry and Lee to follow.
Lee glanced at Harry and smiled knowing it was time to pay the piper as they couldn't pull rank like they did with the commando medic. Lee swept his hand out for Harry to precede him as the Admiral rolled his eyes and the two headed for Sickbay and Jamie's domain.
* * * * *
Gerald sat back contemplating the role Santiago played in the mission. He was well aware of each phase the little man had taken part in, each carried out with precision. He could think of a number of times a man of his small stature could have come in handy, as well the fact that though the dwarf would be noticed where ever he went he would no doubt be summarily dismissed, giving him the ultimate cover. It was something to think about.
* * * * *
Life aboard the submarine was fantastic for Santiago as he got his sea legs. The last three weeks passed in a blur with all the new experiences he was partaking in. He was a little uncomfortable at first, his only friends the Admiral and the Captain of the boat were confined to Sickbay the first week, but he was allowed to visit and the crew had warmed up to him as well. He wasn't bored either as Admiral Nelson had been busy assigning temporary duties for him.
“With your intellect and that photogenic memory of yours,” Harry explained, “I'm sure we can find the place to begin your training.”
Harry explained that life aboard a submarine did have a height requirement, but he had a plethora of jobs to offer Santiago at the Institute. However, their task now was to discover where Santiago's interests lay and so Harry arranged for Chip to place Santiago in a number of Seaview positions as a trainee, shadowing ratings to get his feet wet in a number of disciplines. Once Harry was up and about, Santiago spent time with him in the lab where he found his true passion in research.
“A job,” Santiago said with eyes that glistened. “A real job,” he repeated. “Never in all my days did I ever dream of this possibility, Admiral,” Santiago declared. “I never even prayed for it!”
“You're a natural Juan,” Harry returned complimenting Santiago's skills in the lab, especially when everything was brand new.
“I have much to learn,” Santiago said with a sigh.
“And that's where the fun begins,” Harry replied with a twinkle in his eye.
* * * * *
“Are you ready to go?” Lee asked Santiago as the last of the crew disembarked. Captain Crane was back in the Control Room though Jamie had placed him on limited duty for six weeks, threatening more if he bucked his orders. The gunshot wound was healing, but his recuperation had been hampered by a fever for the wound going untreated for several days as well a general weakness due to loss of blood. The beating hadn't helped and by the time Jamie was finished putting him back together he decided to play nice and be a model patient. Jamie rewarded his good behavior with an early parole and Lee was back in the Control Room a week later.
“It's almost scary, starting this new life,” Santiago said, staring out Seaview's window and admiring the busyness of the underground sub pen. “I want you to know that I have no disillusionments about my new life; I know people will still stare at me and see me as a freak of nature,” he said.
“You're right,” Lee replied honestly. “The first thing they'll always notice is your height, it's up to you to break free of the box they put you in and live in the strength and integrity I know is in you,” he encouraged.
Santiago nodded his understanding.
“I am surrounded by fine men to demonstrate those virtues,” Santiago said as he turned to include Harry who had come down the spiral staircase, still favoring his healing ribs and Chip who had signed off his last crewman at the main hatch ladder.
“Then let's go,” Lee replied guiding Santiago to the hatch.
* * * * *
Juan was still staying in the beach side hotel in Santa Barbara, but Admiral Nelson had purchased a home that was currently being renovated for his height. He of course, wasn't able to purchase the home himself having no credit history, but Harry had employed some creative financing of his own and offered Santiago the opportunity to lease with an option to purchase. Nelson said it made good business sense to diversify in real estate, but Santiago knew full well that Rojo was giving him every opportunity to succeed in his new life.
He rode the elevator up to his room after a long day at the office and smiled. He was no longer just “Santiago” the little troubadour of San Burro, now he was “Mister Santiago” a Marine Researcher at the Nelson Institute. He was taking correspondence courses with a local college as his photogenic memory allowed him to learn at a quicker pace enabling him to proceed faster than the typical classroom lecture scenario. He had a lot to learn and was enjoying every bit of it.
As he entered his hotel room he noticed the maid had drawn the shades. It was dark so he reached for the light surprised to see a Four-Star Admiral sitting at the table like an invited guest.
“King Richard I presume,” Santiago correctly assumed having never met Johnson.
“Come in Little John,” Admiral Johnson replied with a tight lipped smile and piercing blue eyes. “I've got a proposition for you...”
The End
In the Shadows
*The island of San Burro, the
Cathedral and its legend were created for my story.
Author's Note: Tourists wearing suits?!!! The reader should remember that my stories are written in the time frame of the original series which were aired in the late sixties and dated as late 70's to early 80's; providing the answer as to why the off boat excursions into a tourist town were done so in suits. : )
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen