A Second Season Story…
The Hitchhiker
by Lynn
It laid dormant for hundreds of years though it knew no passage of time; sleeping without knowledge of even its existence, left alone long after the Old Ones had come and gone. Even then it was an uninvited guest having “hitchhiked” its way across the galaxy in the food stores with the other seeds. Yes an uninvited guest to be sure, and most certainly an unwanted guest. It was a parasite and required a suitable host to live, move, and even articulate. It sought not just any host; but a sentient being; indeed only an intelligent sentient being would provide the environment for which it could thrive.
The Old Ones had traveled across several galaxies; a race of explorers who studied other planets and their life forces, seeking knowledge and nothing more. They conducted their research in the seclusion of a large underwater cave and studied the humans in an almost voyeuristic manner using their technology to produce holographic replays of life from 500 feet below the surface. Their work was cut short however when the “hitchhiker” having traveled dormant in the food supplies, found its wakefulness as the right time and conditions activated its passive suspension.
Even the Old Ones were hard pressed to deal with the Hitchhiker; the post was evacuated as they exterminated the parasite and carefully erased all traces of their earthly study. They retreated to the stars, limping their way back to their home planet a mere remnant of the once vibrant science unit that had arrived earlier, eager to study this fascinating planet. And so the Hitchhiker did what it always did in times of eminent extinction, it shut down; retreated to its infancy and slept. Slept until the time in which it could sense life calling to it once again; when an intelligent sentient being could once again host its existence and escape its dormant comatose state.
Once the seed was cultivated it would grow in strength and at the right time would seek its host, not in a symbiotic relationship but as its conqueror. It was nearly that time as the Hitchhiker felt the life forces of the humans around it, even as they tended its shoots and nurtured its growth. Once a suitable host was found, it would leave behind its existence of simply responding to the stimuli around it. Indeed, it would use its parasitical nature to command the intelligence of the host and become something greater than its current state. The time was nearly right, now all that remained was to choose its host.
* * * * *
Admiral Harriman Nelson rounded the spiral stairs descending into Seaview's Control Room and briefly perused the stations before heading to the Chart Table.
“How's our progress, Lee?” he asked casually, picking up the straight edge out of habit to check for himself even as Lee answered.
“We're right on schedule Sir. We should arrive at the Botanical Lab within the hour,” Captain Crane replied.
“Good, good. You know Lee, this experimental lab is one of the most promising and fascinating studies NASA has commissioned regarding viable sustainable biospheres,” Harry said while tilting his head for Lee to join him in the Nose.
Lee offered a relaxed smile turning to Chip as he spoke. “Steady as she goes, Mr. Morton.”
“Aye, aye Skipper,” Chip returned as he busied himself with his calculations.
Lee reached for the carafe pouring a cup of coffee first for Harry and then for himself as he spoke.
“I agree, Sir. Placing the Botanical Lab in an underwater location will certainly prove that the Biosphere can sustain not only human life, but plant life as well.”
“Well, after that last fiasco in the desert NASA is operating a bit on the cautious side,” Harry added as he took a sip.
Lee joined him at the conference table after quickly scanning the duty stations before taking a seat.
“That was shame. I understand the whole point of these Biospheres is to establish that a completely sustainable system is capable of launching into outer space, sustaining the astronauts for the journey and providing the catalyst for possible colonization on other worlds,” Lee replied, completely briefed on the matter.
Harry shook his head in agreement. “I just don’t understand the scientists involved,” he said disgustedly. “To hide the biosphere’s failure by supplementing the air filtration system with fresh air was bad enough, but to try and pass the experiment as a success was unforgivable. Can you imagine the lives it could have cost?”
Both Harry and Lee could appreciate the dangers of space travel as submariners had to overcome much of the same problems including pressure, oxygen, and air revitalization to name a few.
“So the reports coming from the Botanical Lab are promising then?” Lee inquired, finishing off his cup of coffee.
“Yes, I reviewed them myself. They’re using special grow lights to simulate the sun’s electromagnetic spectrum necessary for photosynthesis,” Harry said, enjoying the conversation and Lee’s ability to follow it.
Lee for his part was enjoying Harry’s natural curiosity and excitement for any new innovation or study.
Harry then went on to explain how the inverse-square law accounted for the use of grow lights as… “The intensity of light radiating from a point source, in this case a bulb, that reaches a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the surface's distance from the source. So if an object is twice as far away, it receives only a quarter the light, which is a serious hurdle for indoor growers,” he continued as Lee smiled, his need to know exceeding the detailed explanation he was currently receiving.*
“So the grow-lights will simulate the sun inside the space craft and just as likely once a colony is established, since plants from earth will require a different intensity of light than the indigenous plants on the new planet, if indeed there are any,” Harry finished, his excitement evident.
“I can see why NASA secured Seaview and your services for this voyage Sir,” Lee said offering a very real compliment for Harry’s many scientific interests.
Harry returned Lee’s smile and finished off his coffee. “Well I guess I better head to the lab and gather my supplies,” he said, rising and heading aft as Lee rejoined Chip at the Chart Table.
“I take it the Admiral is excited about visiting the Botanical Lab,” Chip deadpanned quietly.
“You could say that,” Lee offered with a twinkle in his eye. “But after some of the last cruises we’ve had lately, I think we could all do for a run-of-the-mill resupply and verify mission.”
Chip nodded in agreement as they both silently considered the unlikelihood of any eminent danger in visiting a Botanical Lab located 500 feet below sea level in a self-contained biosphere.
* * * * *
“Admiral Nelson!” Dr. Phineas Longstreet greeted with excitement as Harry deboarded FS1 wearing his leather flight jacket.
Harry smiled politely as he stepped from FS1's side cargo hatch where Lee beached the flying sub on the shore of the underwater cavern.
“Dr. Longstreet, I presume,” Harry said reaching for his outstretched hand.
“Yes. It’s so very good of you to come. I'm anxious to show you around,” he said just as Lee deboarded.
“I'm anxious to review your work here,” Harry said turning toward Lee. “May I present Captain Crane.”
“Ah yes, the master of Nelson's famous Seaview,” Longstreet said, shaking Lee's hand as well. “Well Gentlemen, once we enter the biosphere you can dispense of those jackets; the temperature is regulated... and a bit warm at that,” he added with a smile as Lee finished securing FS1.
They entered a small cave entrance that opened up to a rather large cavern where the Biosphere was built, accessed entirely through a small room with another door on the opposite side.
“This is how we isolate the plant life to ensure true biospheric conditions,” he explained as he keyed a code that vacuum locked the door behind them.
“This room acts a decontamination room; everything passes through this room, both in and out, even our supplies,” Longstreet continued.
“Then you're not actually living under true biospheric conditions?” Lee asked.
“No, the plants are just now reaching various stages of maturity and we're botanists, not astronauts,” he said with a grin. “We still receive supplies from the outside world, but not as often as my team would like. They're still trying to figure out how to order pizza delivery,” he added as the ultra-violet lights finished their decontamination cycle and he entered the code to release the second vacuum locked door.
The door opened with a swish as the vacuum released its hold gaining them access to the actual biosphere.
“Welcome to our garden,” Longstreet said sweeping his hand outward.
Harry sighed audibly at the plants growing healthily in heat and humidity reminiscent of a sub-tropical climate.
“Extraordinary Dr. Longstreet,” he complimented as the plants and even a few palm trees were exceedingly healthy.
There were rooms built along the sides, small modular buildings as Longstreet pointed out the Sleeping Quarters, Galley, Lab, Biosphere Control Center, and Supply Rooms, but the obvious center piece of the biosphere was the nursery.
“I'm amazed,” Harry continued. “But you've only been operating for fourteen months,” he noted incredulously. “Some of these plants look several years old.”
Longstreet nodded knowingly. “Yes, I know. A result of the grow-lamps operating nearly twenty-four hours a day, not unlike the extraordinary growth of certain plants in Alaska during the Midnight Sun season.
Harry nodded in agreement, having witnessed firsthand fifty pound cabbages growing in the twenty hours of sunlight.
“And we were helped along by the volcanic soil of our host cave,” Longstreet added as Harry's forehead furled in question.
“Doesn't that break the rules of the biospheric experiment?” Lee inquired.
“Not really, we will have to provide whatever soil they grow in as utilizing hydroponics in space presents its own problems to overcome. So it is up to us to develop the best growing soil for the long journey.”
Harry nodded. “I agree, as long as the resources used are so noted in your reports and are 100% reproducible.”
“Absolutely Admiral Nelson, we are all scientists dedicated to seeing the project succeed in space,” he assured Harry, then turned to Lee.
“You seem to be genuinely interested in our little garden, Captain,” he noted.
“I am Dr. Longstreet. Your work here is fascinating, especially in the time frame you've been here,” he added with a polite smile.
“Thank you Captain Crane. Now I'd like to introduce you to the rest of our team, they are more than anxious to visit with a new face,” he added lightly.
Both Harry and Lee chuckled appropriately as they walked toward a small group of botanists wearing white lab coats.
“Perhaps we can help,” Lee offered. “As submariners we know what it’s like to spend extended amounts of time in isolation and away from the comforts of home. I'll speak with our cook, perhaps he can whip up a few pizzas to go before we shove off.”
Dr. Longstreet's eyes widened in delight, “I can assure you that our team would be most appreciative,” he responded as introductions were made to the three man, one woman team waiting to greet them.
* * * * *
The Hitchhiker's awareness was returning as it grew and flourished. Its shoots produced bright neon pink and blue flowers to attract possible hosts. But even as it grew in strength it was a patient parasite, seeking the perfect host in an almost predatory manner, bypassing lesser, weaker specimens and waiting until it had sensed the electrical activity in the brain functions of all the possible hosts available. All it needed was for a subject to touch it and a non-evasive measurement of the ionic currents within the neurons of the brain would be measured. The process leaving the subject a bit dazed, but not usually to the point of concern and thereby the process of choosing its host was done quite stealthily.
It had previously sensed five potential hosts and was about to make its choice when the Hitchhiker felt the presence of two new subjects. It withdrew its intent against the female botanist to first examine all possibilities, reveling in the added brain waves it sensed as the Hitchhiker waited patiently to test the neuro activity of the new arrivals.
* * * * *
“The palm trees are certainly thriving here, but I'm not sure I understand their value to the project,” Lee noted as Dr. Jessica Ryan escorted Lee around the Botanical Lab.
“Oh but they are a wealth of opportunity for any potential colony,” Dr. Ryan countered politely if not excitedly. “They are a source of potable water, they produce coconut milk and oils for cooking, the flesh of the coconut is edible, not to mention the soaps and cosmetics that can be derived from it. Add on top of that the fact that the coconut husks can be used for thatch...”
Lee raised his hands in surrender. “You're right Dr. Ryan, I was certainly wrong about its usefulness,” he chuckled.
Dr. Ryan chuckled back. “I'm sorry, I just get so excited about this project, and please, call me Jessica. We all dropped our titles and suffixes long ago,” she added with her own smile.
“Fair enough,” he returned. “If you'll call me Lee,” he offered with a soft smile.
Jessica nodded, returning her own smile and then swung her hand outward to continue the tour. Her light brown hair was pulled into a pony tail that would have reached to her shoulders if unfettered, while strands of errant hair framed her face casually. She was very pleasant to look at, but it was her bubbly personality that drew Lee to enjoy her company. It was a nice diversion that they were both enjoying.
“I don't claim to be a botanist,” Lee admitted. “But I don't think I've ever seen a plant like this one before,” he noted. “The colors on the blooms are fantastic, almost neon,” he said incredulously.
“That,” Jessica said, holding her clip board causally in front of her with both hands. “…is our mystery plant.”
Lee raised an eyebrow as he touched the neon pink and blue flowers. “Mystery?”
“Well it wasn't brought in on purpose; very likely it hitchhiked its way here with the other tropical varieties. I still haven't identified it and we almost pulled it from the project, but the beautiful blooms brighten up the place. I think its value is purely its beauty, but it has lifted many a dull mood since it started blooming,” she explained.
Lee blinked and then shook his head as if to clear his mind.
“Something wrong, Lee?”
“No, I guess the humidity just caught me off guard,” he said fully recovering from a slight dizzy feeling.
“Where are my manners? Let's head to the galley for a cool drink. We can continue this later.”
“No need, I'm fine,” he assured her.
“Ah but you haven't had one of my specialty teas, it's quite refreshing. I smuggled in raspberry syrup and it makes a wonderful raspberry iced tea,” she coaxed with a smile that he couldn't refuse.
“Very well Jessica, that sounds nice,” he relented as the two headed for the galley.
* * * * *
The Hitchhiker felt the approach of its chosen subject as it basked in satisfaction at the eminent conquering of the soon to be host. It was trapped in its current state of being; its basic innate instincts driving it to take a host so it could move to the next level in its metamorphosis; like a butterfly leaving its cocoon. It felt the female human approach and noted the compatible ionic currents signaling her intelligence would provide an exciting existence.
The Hitchhiker operated on its parasitical instinct with a drive for survival at any cost, without regard for the host. But even as anxious as the Hitchhiker was to conquer its chosen host it held back, sensing a tantalizing new subject to choose from. As the human male touched the blooms the Hitchhiker reacted immediately sensing a stimulating possibility. It probed the ionic currents in his brain and reveled in response sending fascinating shivers of interest to its understanding. The male's intelligence was comparable to the female's but there was something else here that intrigued the Hitchhiker; his tactical genius, his will to live, his command authority, all of which would belong to the Hitchhiker upon its subjugation of the host.
The Hitchhiker redirected its intention, switching to the male subject and nearly made the final connection but held back as it sensed yet another subject to probe. This subject also elicited a tantalizing electrical current that caused the Hitchhiker to delay its parasitical takeover, at least until it sampled all the possibilities. So it marked its new chosen one, sending an extra electrical burst; a connection to call his subject to him when it was time to vanquish it in utter defeat and thereby take the host's resources as its own.
Patience. Patience. Just one more subject to probe before the Hitchhiker would command its host and complete its metamorphosis.
* * * * *
Harry was briefed on the Botanical Lab's current progress and then left to examine the lab on his own in order to verify the team's findings. He was quite impressed with the scientific method that had been employed thus far, as well as Dr. Longstreet's methodical approach making his job all the easier. He worked through the paper audit satisfied with his findings thus far and headed to the lab with clip board in hand.
He stopped to review the position of the plants as so noted on the lab map as Lee and Dr. Ryan approached. Harry noted Lee's relaxed state and was inwardly pleased that the visit could provide a bit of diversion to the daily running of the sub, though he suspected that his captain was enjoying the diversion of the pretty scientist the most. He held back an outward smile and continued to study the map. The rest of Longstreet's team were gathered together in a relaxed jovial mood, no doubt being briefed on Lee's offer to order up pizza for the team; leaving Harry free to work on his own.
He methodically reviewed the plants' identification and growth progress as the team had experimented with the exact amount of light spectrum to use to benefit the entire garden. The plants were healthy and strong and were growing well, thanks to the artificial indoor sunlight the grow-lights were producing.
Harry was well acquainted with many of the plant varieties, having been well traveled over his years as a scientist, an explorer and even his naval service, so he was a bit perplexed as he reached the plant bearing bright pink and blue flowers. It was an intriguing plant to be sure. He flipped the pages on his clip board and found the species listed as “Unknown” and the explanation of “Seed Dispersal” as the reason for its unexpected inclusion in the project. Indeed, any number of explanations of seed transportation could have resulted in an errant seed finding its way into the project seeds including wind, gravity, or even being carried by unknowing hosts such as an animal or human, resulting in relocation miles from its source.
The plant was noted as non-edible, carrying a high toxicity level of many beautiful flowing plants, and was listed as “Mood Lifter” under its value to the project. Harry smiled tightly, understanding how the bright neon colored blooms were especially pleasing and though it would likely not make the cut of seeds aboard a colony-bound space craft he couldn't fault the team for continuing to tend the plant. Indeed, perhaps the beauty of the plant was indeed a mood lifter and as such could be valuable for morale he noted, as he leaned over to smell the blooms. The soft velvet like pedals carried a pleasing scent as Harry turned his attention to the foliage noting the deep rich green leaves, the plant no doubt thriving under the photosynthesis the grow-lights were enabling. He was about to withdraw his hand to note his observations when he felt an electrifying jolt that nearly took his breath away, and then breathed deeply trying to understand what just happened. He shook the cobwebs from his head as his mind sharpened and reasoned that the grow-lights may need adjusting, perhaps emitting an unusual spectrum of light. Harry made a note to study the settings on the grow-lights and continued his audit.
* * * * *
The Hitchhiker probed the last subject, reacting in utter rapture at the possibilities of commanding such a host. Its intelligence was sharply higher while also carrying the same command authority and tactical genius of the last subject he probed, but the Hitchhiker was especially drawn to the reasoning powers of its subject. It sensed that this new subject was a problem solver, inventor and creator of new innovations; these would be invaluable survival skills to harness for its own existence.
It sent a strong electrical current with its own special pattern to distinguish it from the other two subjects it marked. The Hitchhiker's resolve was fueled by its instinctive lust for its own metamorphosis and as such marked its chosen host more sharply than necessary. The marking producing a satisfying response back to the plant as the Hitchhiker's metamorphosis promised to move to the next level. As in times past, it would wait until the life forms slumbered, then it would call to its prey, for indeed it was a predatory parasite as it relished the eminent conquering of its chosen host.
* * * * *
The sounds of laughter echoed in the nursery as Harry continued his assessment of the Botanical Lab.
“Are you coming to dinner Admiral?” Lee asked, catching up with Harry amidst the plush green plants.
“Not for a while yet, Lee. I'd like to complete this assessment.”
“Would you like some help?”
“Not necessary, besides the Team doesn't get to visit with outsiders very often. Just enjoy yourself.”
“I hate to do that while you're working Sir.”
“Nonsense,” Harry said lowering his clip board for a moment. “It's very peaceful here and I'm thoroughly enjoying this project.”
Lee caught the twinkle in his eyes and relented, knowing that Harry always did have a hard time pulling himself away for little details like eating.
“Very well, Admiral. I'll save you a plate. Cookie really out did himself with the pizza, not to mention the salad and dessert,” Lee offered as Harry waved him on.
“Fine Lee,” he said without too much thought and retreated to his work as Lee returned to the mess hall where the scientists were enjoying a little bit of home thanks to Seaview's hospitality.
* * * * *
Harry was deep into his work when he heard the “Call”. He raised his head as his eyes glossed over, the drive to answer moving him toward the mystery plant with the blue and pink flowers. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew something was wrong and fought distantly to understand why he was being drawn to the plant. Still, his body obeyed the Call as he reached his destination. He stood in front of the plant in a zombie like state as a vine reached up and wrapped around his wrist pulling him into the midst of the plant. He didn't fight the plant's pull, his will being pushed aside as another vine wrapped around his neck. The body's natural fight for oxygen brought him out of his zombie like state as he struggled with the plant until the vine struck him in the back of the neck and then released its hold.
Harry blinked rubbing his neck and coming to his senses sitting on the deck. He rubbed his eyes with shaky hands and struggled to remember what happened, deciding that a grow-light spectrum analysis was definitely next on his list. As he stood he was unaware of the barb-like thorn embedding itself under his skin or the fact that the barb had attached itself to his spinal cord at the base of his neck.
Harry picked up his clip board and considered that perhaps he would join the group. There was more work to be done and it wouldn't be completed tonight so he decided to join the others before he and Lee returned to Seaview in the flying sub.
He headed to the mess hall as the incident faded from his memory with every step he took.
* * * * *
The Hitchhiker was ready to take its host and sensed the other humans were occupied elsewhere. Its patience had waxed thin so it called to its chosen host and reveled in the power as the human answered the Call. The human's brain activity was intoxicating as the Hitchhiker sought to leave behind its cocoon wrapped in the confines of the plant and emerge as the creature within. A creature as different from its plant form as the butterfly is from the caterpillar. It embedded its probe into the human and now it had what it needed to complete its metamorphosis, the next stage in its life cycle.
Awareness began to replace innate instinct and drive as the Hitchhiker took what it needed from Nelson; his intellect, his will, his command skills, and his ability to reason and create. But the probe was selective, choosing not to take Nelson's personality as it conflicted with its own parasitical nature. The essence of Harriman Nelson would be left in the shell of his body while the Hitchhiker took what it wanted. By morning the Hitchhiker's metamorphosis would be complete even as the transference of Nelson’s intellect continued, then it would be free to hunt for its sustenance.
* * * * *
“You look a little tired, Sir,” Lee noted as they walked to Officer's Country back aboard Seaview.
“Do I? I'm sure a good night's sleep will take care of that,” he answered a bit distractedly as Lee nodded his agreement.
“See you in the morning, Sir,” Lee offered, reaching his cabin first.
“Very well, Lee. Let's get an early start tomorrow morning. I have some questions for Dr. Longstreet.”
“Aye Sir. 0700 hours?”
“Fine,” Harry replied and headed to the next corridor to his own cabin.
Harry entered his quarters and looked around in a daze, momentarily forgetting his bedtime routine. He blinked again and rubbed the back of his neck reasoning that he really needed to hit the rack and reached for his pajamas, bypassing the shower.
He pulled the blanket up to his shoulders feeling chilled and shuddered as an uncomfortable feeling fell over him; a feeling of dread and darkness. He ignored it, chiding himself and feeling like a child who needed to check under the bed for the boogie man and willed himself to sleep.
Sleep found Harry quickly as the Hitchhiker continued to draw from him what it desired in its quest for its own existence with Harry's rights not even a second thought, even as the plant grew in size. Four large leaves encased the Hitchhiker in its cocoon, now drawing its intelligence from Harriman Nelson. It no longer acted on instinct alone, but was now reasoning even during its own metamorphosis. Strand by strand it tugged from the Admiral’s brain, borrowing and making the resources unavailable to Harry, intending to leave only enough for his host to function and conceal the deception until the transference was complete. The metamorphosis would be complete by morning, but the transference needed more time and energy; energy that required a food source. Even now, inside its leafy cocoon the Hitchhiker relished the taste of its first hunt in hundreds of years.
Harry's head tossed back and forth as the transference continued, a painful process as he instinctively tried to hold onto what was his. He was unable to wake, as if in a bad dream as pictures of an existence not his own flooded his mind; scenes of violence and mayhem, destruction and evil. He tossed back and forth trying to shake the images from his mind until his eyes popped open as if awakened by the alarm he hadn't set the night before.
Harry sat in bed rubbing his neck again and wondering what flu must have besieged him to feel so tired and worn. He shook it off to shower and shave; perhaps after a cup of coffee he'd feel better.
* * * * *
Harry forgoed breakfast and was waiting for Lee in the flying sub, going through the pre-flight checklist and sitting in the left seat when he arrived.
“Good morning Admiral,” Lee greeted pleasantly as he descended the ladder into FS1's cockpit.
“Good morning Lee. You know it's not necessary for you to interrupt your day to shuttle me over. I could take Kowalski or Sharkey as my co-pilot,” he added with a small smirky smile knowing that Lee had his own reasons for visiting the lab.
“No problem Sir. I'm enjoying the lab.” Lee suppressed his own small smile as he knew Harry was well aware that his interest wasn't as much in the Botanical Lab as interesting as it was, but a 5'6”, brown haired scientist of the female persuasion.
Harry rubbed his neck unconsciously and grabbed both the throttles then blinked in a moment of confusion.
“Uh Lee, how about you pilot FS1? I've got some questions for Dr. Longstreet I'd like to consider,” Harry offered, trying to hide the fact that he momentarily forgot the launching process.
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied, not missing Harry's tired hand across his neck and concerned for the weary look in his eyes.
“How is the audit coming along?” Lee asked in easy conversation.
“Fine,” Harry answered and then scratched his forehead. “Lee, did you feel any uncomfortableness under the grow-lights?”
Lee nodded as they approached the cave. “I have to admit I had a bit of vertigo at one point, but I've felt fine ever since. Is there some reason you ask?”
“No, I'm just wondering if the light spectrum they chose is calibrated optimally for both plants and humans,” Harry explained as Lee accepted his explanation but wondering what spurned such a thought; Harry was very methodical but he wouldn't question the settings without due cause.
“Did you notice something wrong?”
“Nothing I'm ready to discuss yet, just covering my bases,” Harry said with a familiar grin that Lee was happy to see.
Lee beached the flying sub and secured her with tie-downs as Harry gathered his notes, by the time they were through Dr. Longstreet was waiting for them.
“Good morning Gentlemen,” he said with a grin, still in a good mood from their impromptu party the night before.
“Good morning Dr. Longstreet,” Lee replied as Harry nodded politely.
“We've had an interesting development in our Mystery Plant,” Longstreet informed them as they headed for the decontamination room.
“Development?” Harry queried.
“Yes, an extraordinary growth spurt. Dr. Ryan is busy cataloging its progress as we speak; she's fast becoming our Mystery Plant expert.”
“Very well. I'm most interested in seeing the growth spurt,” Harry replied.
* * * * *
“That's extraordinary!” Lee observed, noting the five foot leaves closed around presumably a bulb of some kind.
“Yes it is isn't it?” Jessica returned with the smile of a curious scientist.
“What do you think Admiral Nelson?” she said turning toward Harry.
Harry studied the plant, hiding the fact that he was at a loss for what the next step of studying the unexpected growth should be. Lee noticed and stepped in with his observance.
“Admiral, you asked me about any odd feelings under the grow-lamps,” he reminded Harry. “This area was where I had a touch of vertigo yesterday.” Lee waited for a moment for Harry to chime in as his internal alarms were sounding at the Admiral's seemingly indecision in the matter.
“Didn't you say something about the grow-lights?” Lee prodded as Harry nodded apparently overcoming his indecision as he spoke up.
“Yes. I need more information to guess, but I'd venture to say that the grow-lights have spurned an unusual growth in the species,” Harry offered. “Perhaps we can adjust the calibration and note the changes,” Harry suggested.
“For a few days perhaps,” Longstreet conceded. “But this plant is not vital to the project, we must make sure the recalibration doesn't derail the rest of the plants' growth. They are all reacting as expected with the conditions we've created,” he cautioned.
“Let's make some methodical calibration changes and gather another set of data,” Harry said returning to his usual sharp attention to detail.
“You also questioned whether the grow-lights were calibrated correctly for humans. Perhaps we should have Dr. Jamieson take some vital readings and compare them to the medical files of the Team’s last physicals,” Lee suggested.
“I think that would be prudent,” Harry agreed. “This biosphere isn't just about how the plants will grow, it has to be compatible with the future colonists as well,” Harry reminded the Botanists.
Longstreet relented as Harry asked Lee to arrange for Jamie's transport. As Lee headed for FS1 he considered Harry's apparent indecision, even momentarily it was disconcerting and decided to add the Admiral and his own physicals into Jamie's examinations.
* * * * *
His name was Thallium. He was no longer just an “it”, or a “Hitchhiker” but a sentient being; even so, only because he commanded resources from his host, for though sentient he was still a parasite. Indeed an evil parasite in both nature and deed, for Thallium had no morals, principals or honor. He sought only to feed his own existence; his evil lay not in the fact that he had no morals but that he chose to ignore all sense of right and wrong. Fair play, mercy, and grace were characteristics that disgusted him, so much so that he specifically chose to leave behind the personalities of those he conquered as their sense of right and wrong was bothersome to his existence. If he was hungry, he fed. If his host expired, he sought another. When it was time to procreate, he took what he wanted. Survival was his greatest drive, not because he was a dumb animal that knew no better but because he chose to exist without any principles to govern him as he relished the feel of the conquer and basked in the fear he invoked in his prey.
Thallium's metamorphosis was complete, though the transference of the host's brain resources was moving slowly. Nelson was a complex being and rushing the process would be detrimental to the parasite's final goals, so he remained patient as he commandeered his host slowly. Even so, Crane was becoming bothersome. He had already ascertained Crane's usefulness, having nearly chosen him before finding Nelson. Thallium sensed Crane's ability to discern danger, Something that could be problematic; he schemed as he decided his next course of action.
The probe in Nelson's neck allowed for complete access into Nelson's experiences, both current and past, as he noted the strong emotional connection between Nelson and Crane. There was deep trust in Crane's abilities as well as respect that Nelson perceived ran both ways, though that respect hadn't kept Crane from questioning his decisions from time to time. With this added information Thallium reasoned that Crane was capable of using his command authority to interfere. So he suspended the transference process reasoning that Nelson's slow responses were uncharacteristic and invoking Crane's suspicion. He would be patient. Tonight, when Nelson slept he would continue the transference... then seek his first meal.
* * * * *
Harry sighed in relief. It was like a vise had been removed from his head, a vise he hadn't even been aware he was wearing. The weariness fell off as he breathed deeply, feeling much better and able to reason without so much effort. He shook his head as he looked over the data on his clip board and continued his work, unaware that Thallium's probe was sapping his resources and taking them as his own as he settled into solving the mystery of the new plant's sudden growth.
* * * * *
“Hmmm? Oh, yes Lee.”
“Jamie's nearly finished with the other scientists, we're the only two left.”
“Really Lee. Do you think this is necessary? We've only been exposed to the light spectrum for two days,” Harry responded, clearly irritated with stopping his research.
“Well since I did experience an unexplained vertigo attack, I think it's wise,” Lee answered, laying the blame at his own feet, even though he was much more concerned with the inconsistencies he had observed in Harry.
“Oh very well. You know this plant is fascinating,” he said, shifting directions in thought as they walked to the small infirmary.
“I put a leaf sample under the microscope and its cell structures are quite unusual. I also obtained a sample from a sucker shoot, I'll do a cross-section cut and conduct a chemical analysis but I think we're looking at a previously undiscovered species here,” Harry finished, the scientific discovery fueling his enthusiasm.
“I'm a little concerned with its sudden growth...”
“Well, since this is a newly discovered plant we're not sure that the sudden growth isn't completely natural for the plant,” he countered as Lee noted that Harry's earlier indecisiveness was definitely absent. He seemed rather normal which should have eased Lee's concerns, but something just didn't seem right.
* * * * *
“Well both of your vitals are quite normal, exceedingly healthy in fact,” Jamie noted happily. “I'll take the blood samples to Seaview and analyze them there. I should have a report for you later this evening.”
“Very well Jamie. Kowalski will shuttle you back,” Lee said, grateful that he tagged Ski for the extra duty as he doubled as Jamie's assistant as well as a pilot.
Jamie and Ski took their leave as Lee looked out across the nursery. Harry was busy working, having moved to the project's assessments and intending to return to the Mystery Plant later. Harry seemed to be back on track, but something was still nagging at the back of Lee’s mind. He couldn't just let it go, there were too many red flags; Harry's tiredness the day before, the fact that Harry turned FS1 over to Lee when he was fully capable of dividing his attention, in fact the Admiral did some of his best problem solving while piloting the flying sub, then the strange lack of direction Harry seemed to have this morning. Lee pursed his lips determined to be vigilant.
* * * * *
Lee joined the Team in the mess hall as Kowalski shuttled over Cookie's dinner offerings from Seaview. The scientists were clearly enjoying home cooked meals as opposed to the freeze dried variety and were in good spirits as they enjoyed a good old fashioned meatloaf dinner.
Harry opted to work in the small lab, having finally had the opportunity to begin his chemical analysis of the Mystery Plant. Though he was excited to continue his research he was again hampered by weariness as he rubbed the back of his neck again. The sound of the Team’s laughter was a bit irritating as Harry struggled to concentrate on the next step. He pushed forward determined to work through whatever was ailing him as he was sure it was nothing more than a passing bug.
Harry blinked, the pen still in his hand sat motionless as he realized that he didn't know what to think of the enzyme he had identified. Somehow he knew it was important so he forced himself to transfer his findings from his head to his hand and scribbled out his conclusion working one letter at a time until he dropped the pen and reached for his head. He stood up, knocking his stool over in the process as the uncomfortable headache etched up in intensity. A moan escaped as he reached both hands to his head and fell to the floor heavily.
“Lee...” he groaned out before his eyes fluttered shut and his head tossed side to side.
* * * * *
Thallium's patience wore thin so he took advantage of the fact that Nelson was alone and began the transference once again. The process was invigorating as Thallium reveled in the attack, taking from his host viciously and subjugating him in the process even as Harry fought the transference. The struggle for Harry's mind fueled Thallium's desire to hunt as he called one of the scientists having previously marked him as prey.
One by one the long leaves unfolded as Thallium stood to his full height. He was over six feet tall and was as dark green as the leaves of his cocoon. His eyes were neon blue, rivaling the color of the blossoms on his plant. Small ridges and bumps covered his body as his humanoid physique sported four appendages, of which two were vine like arms and two were legs on which he walked upright.
He stepped out of his cocoon and moved behind another plant like a tiger in wait as Thorton walked toward him completely in a daze. As the scientist approached Thallium released his hold causing Thorton to shake his head in confusion. He recovered from his disorientation as his eyes widened, catching sight of the horrific creature springing out from behind the other plants, but before he could scream Thallium wrapped his vine like arms around his throat and looked into his victim's eyes. Thorton's terror was soaked in by the beast as Thallium used his barb like claws to strike, injecting a neurotoxin into his prey. The scientist struggled in pain for thirty long seconds then dropped lifeless in Thallium's grasp as the poison killed him, snuffing his life out.
Thallium blew out a satisfied eerie moan and dragged Thorton's body back into his cocoon, where the leaves covered both the predator and its prey, wrapping themselves back one leaf at a time until all traces of the intruder were hidden from sight. Inside, Thallium continued Nelson's transference as he feasted.
* * * * *
Lee left the mess hall to find Harry. It wouldn't be the first time he had to nudge the Admiral away from his research and smiled at Harry's child-like curiosity that drove his genius. He opened the lab door and spotted Harry's legs extending out from behind the table as Lee moved quickly to his side.
Harry's head tossed side to side as he moaned, obviously in pain and equally disturbed.
“Can you hear me Admiral?” Lee said trying to coax Harry's awareness to find out what happened.
When he got no response he ran back to the Mess Hall.
“Kowalski, the Admiral's collapsed. Get Doc here now!”
Ski jumped up with no other further explanation needed and headed to FS1 as Lee ran back to the lab with the other scientists following behind.
Dr. Longstreet perused the situation and looked around at his fellow scientists, not finding who he was looking for.
“Someone get Bart!” he ordered as the other two scientists took off to look for Bart Thorton, who was trained in Advanced First Aid and Response.
Jessica knelt down and felt the side of Harry's face.
“He's shivering, I'll get a blanket.”
Lee nodded distantly as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder trying to calm his inward trepidation at the Admiral's sudden collapse.
“Hang in there Admiral. Jamie will be here soon,” Lee comforted calmly as Harry's head continued to rock back and forth until his eyes opened into small slits.
“Lee?” he whispered out. “It's awful Lee... awful,” Harry said as a small tear slid down his cheek and he lost consciousness.
“Admiral,” Lee called, trying to bring Harry back. His voice sounded so mournful with an eerie tint of fear. No one could have known that the probe responsible for the mind transference was also responsible for the horrid violent images Harry witnessed as Thallium consumed the dead scientist.
Jessica returned with a blanket and pillows, raising Harry's feet and treating him for shock.
“Do you know what happened?” she asked quietly.
Lee shook his head. “No. I knew something was wrong, but his vital signs were normal earlier. I don't know what's wrong,” he finished, not bothering to conceal his very real concern.
“How much longer before your doctor arrives?” Longstreet asked.
“About fifteen minutes,” Lee estimated, bringing his feelings into control as the other team members returned, out of breath from running.
“We can't find Bart anywhere,” Reynolds reported.
“What do you mean? This is a self-contained biosphere,” Longstreet questioned.
“We know Phineas,” Wilkins chimed in. “But he's not anywhere. Not in any of the buildings or the nursery.”
Longstreet's forehead furled sharply. “Check and see if he's waiting in the cave for the Doctor.”
“I'll get it,” Reynolds offered running out the door.
“How about the lavatory?” Longstreet asked covering his bases.
Wilkins shook his head. “He's not there either.”
Lee raised his head, diverting his attention from Harry who was still in obvious discomfort.
“I don't like the sound of this,” Lee said rising as he spoke. “Jessica, watch over him until Dr. Jamieson arrives,” Lee directed as Jessica nodded. “Dr. Longstreet, I need to use your radio,” he stated in obvious command mode.
“Absolutely, right this way.”
Longstreet headed to the control center where Lee contacted Seaview and ordered a Security Team to accompany Jamie, then walked through the nursery himself looking for any clue of the missing scientist and wondering how it could possibly relate to Harry's illness.
* * * * *
Jamie arrived and after checking Harry's condition, moved him to the Infirmary.
“How is he, Doc?” Lee asked, now wearing a hip holster and sidearm.
“Unchanged,” Jamie reported, rubbing his eyes. “His vitals were normal earlier, but I hadn't gotten to his blood work yet. I brought the sample with me,” he added. “And there's something else,” Jamie reported reaching for Harry's hand.
Lee spotted the light green tint at the bottom of Harry's finger nails and furled his forehead in question.
“I don't know Skipper. It's not a dye; the cubicles aren't affected. It may be a fungus of some sort,” he said shaking his head. “I've just never seen anything like it before,” he admitted as he laid Harry's hand on the gurney.
“He still looks uncomfortable,” Lee noted watching Harry's head twitch with lines of pain etched on his face.
“I know. He's heavily sedated; he shouldn't be feeling a thing, much less dreaming.”
“Stay on it Jamie. Let me know what you need,” Lee ordered as he left the Infirmary to check with his Security Team.
“Anything Chief?” Lee asked, scanning the nursery as he spoke.
“Nothing Sir, and we've looked under every bush and in every closet,” Sharkey answered.
“What about the ventilation shafts?”
“We checked Sir, they're too small.”
“He couldn't have just disappeared,” Lee said in frustration. “Very well Chief, keep patrolling and have your team report anything out of the ordinary.”
“Aye Skipper.”
Lee started walking away as Sharkey’s radio came to life.
“Chief, we found something!”
Lee turned as Sharkey answered, “Where are you Patterson?”
“Sector B.”
“Got it, we’ll be right there.”
Lee and Sharkey ran, working through the nursery until they reached Patterson who was squatting down examining the floor.
“Skid marks, Sir,” Patterson said pointing to rubber left on the deck as if something had been dragged.
Lee followed the skid marks which faded out and then picked back up the trail until it led him back to the area of the Mystery Plant.
“Why does everything come back to this plant?” he asked himself out loud. “Chief, put a guard on this Sector, I want this area under constant patrol.”
“Aye Sir,” Sharkey answered assigning Patterson to take first watch as Lee headed to the lab where Jamie was working on the Admiral's blood sample; when he got there he found Jamie hunched over the microscope.
Jamieson rose answering Lee's unvoiced question. “Kowalski's with the Admiral; no change,” he said. “I’m just now starting his blood work. It will take a few hours.”
“Very well,” Lee replied, walking away as Jamie spoke up.
“How are you doing Skipper?”
Lee breathed deeply and answered evenly. “The Admiral is down with an unknown illness and I've got a missing man in a self-contained biosphere. I've got a mystery here, Jamie... and I don't like mysteries,” he said and turned without further explanation.
* * * * *
Lee relieved Ski for some much needed rest as he sat by Harry's gurney with his elbows on his knees watching him sleep and sighed.
“What am I missing Admiral?” he pondered when the door opened as Jessica entered carrying two mugs of steaming brew.
“I thought you might like a little coffee,” she said offering him a cup.
“Thanks,” he said reaching for the cup gratefully. “It's late... I thought you'd be asleep already.”
“I couldn't sleep,” she answered taking a sip of her own coffee. “What do you think happened to Bart, I mean if you had to guess?”
“Not a clue, the only thing we have to go on are the skid marks around that Mystery Plant. Except for the Admiral incapacitated in the lab, we were all accounted for in the Mess Hall; even so I still can't rule out foul play,” he said with a sigh.
“But who?”
“Maybe the question isn't who, but what?” Lee answered. Jessica's eyebrows tightened as she sought to follow Lee's reasoning.
“What do you mean?”
Lee blew out a breath. “I really don't know Jessica,” he said leaning over onto his knees again holding the empty cup in both hands.
“Lee you're exhausted. Maybe you should grab some sleep...”
“I'm fine. Stay with him, will you Jessica? I'm going to check in with the Security Team.”
Jessica nodded. “Sure Lee.”
She watched him leave then moved into his chair as the Admiral turned his head, blowing out an airy breath in his asleep.
* * * * *
Thallium rested, taking in the energy of his meal and growing in strength as he pulled more intellect from his host. Nelson was fighting hard, which only ignited Thallium's quest for power and dominance. He craved another hunt, not for food but for the thrill of taking his prey, however to do that he would have to stop the Transference. A real hunt would require more of his attention and he wanted the full experience of hunting his terrified quarry. There were more humans in the biosphere now and his insatiable lust for stalking the kill was driving him, despite the intellectual genius he hijacked from Nelson.
Yes, it was worth suspending the Transference to frolic in the pursuit of the game.
But before he hunted he would make sure that the humans had nowhere to go, no escape until Thallium was ready to leave the Biosphere.
* * * * *
Lee walked the nursery finding Sharkey checking with his sentries.
“How's it going Chief?”
“All quiet Sir. We just had a shift change. Rodriguez and Riley just came on duty, Pat is headed for a bit of shut eye. I'm headed there myself Sir.”
“Very well. I'm going to take a little walk and check in with the men. Get some rest Sharkey.”
“Aye Sir.”
* * * * *
The leaves silently parted as Thallium stepped out of his cocoon and hid himself in the nearby plants watching the leaves close back up.
Stu Riley turned around having a strange feeling that something moved behind him. He turned but saw nothing under the green hue of the grow-lights. The place was really spooky so he chalked it up to nerves as he continued his sentry post of Sector B. He stopped in front of the large Mystery Plant and raised his eyebrows.
“Man oh man,” he thought whimsically. “That is one big celery stalk.” He nodded to himself and continued his sentry, unaware that he was being watched.
Thallium smiled an evil grin. This one will make for a fine hunt. He is young and strong and will not succumb easily, he reasoned not intending to use the neurotoxin until he had fully satisfied his predatory lust, but first he had something important to attend to.
Thallium moved silently through the plants, camouflaged well in its movements and at home in the flora and vegetation about him. He bypassed the young one for now and headed for his objective utilizing the shadows until he reached his destination. He completed his task and made his way back to begin his hunt.
* * * * *
“How's it going Ron?” Lee asked as he met Ron Rodriguez making his rounds.
“All quiet Sir.”
“Good. Keep a sharp eye out,” Lee admonished the hefty rating as he nodded and “Aye Sir'd” before moving along.
Lee continued his walk looking for anything out of the ordinary, but not having a clue what that might be, until he heard a rustling in the plants ahead of him.
* * * * *
Riley walked his post, stopping to rub the back of his neck tiredly. He sighed and took another step when he heard something behind him. He turned sharply and looked through the plants, thinking he may have seen a shadow.
“Is that you Ron?”
The shadow moved but didn't answer. The next thing he knew the sound was on the other side of him as he turned sharply to the rustling of the leaves.
“Chief?” Riley called, catching a silhouette that definitely looked like a person.
When no one answered he figured that that Thorton guy had finally come out of hiding. He shouldered his rifle to report but the radio was batted out of his hand from the opposite direction from where he heard the last noise.
“Hey!” Stu started but found himself face to face with a green monster with neon blue eyes. Stu’s eyes widened with terror and tried to raise his gun just as he was batted across the floor with his rifle sliding out of reach.
In a flash the green monstrosity was on top of him, raising him in the air by a vine-y hand to his throat. Stu struggled to breathe as he reached up to take the pressure off his neck, pulling frantically at the green hands to release him.
The creature reveled in his power, shaking Stu like a rag doll when all of the sudden it dropped him like a rock.
* * * * *
Harry felt Thallium release him as the vise on his head eased, offering instant relief. He was sedated but the images of violence still assaulted him, images of strange beings, alien to earth, and the mayhem poured out against them right here in this very cave. Those images were interrupted as the probe in his neck still connected him with the parasite and Harry realized that Thallium was going to kill again. He had no way to stop or influence Thallium as the creature wasn't interested in conversing with its host, making Harry a helpless bystander to Riley's attack.
His head swayed side to side as he tried desperately to swim back to consciousness to warn the others, when someone else joined the fray. He gasped out loud when he realized it was Lee and watched as Thallium assaulted his best friend.
His eyes popped open as he yelled, “Lee!”
“Admiral,” Jessica said standing over him as his eyes found her.
“They need help, he's going to kill them.”
“Going to kill who? Who's in danger?”
“Lee and Riley,” Harry breathed out with a heavy moan.
“Who's going to kill them?” she probed not fully convinced that Harry was lucid, but he was unable to answer as he suddenly cried out.
Harry fought to stay with Dr. Ryan as Thallium began his Transference process once again.
“Tha...lli...um...” he breathed out in a long airy breath and then lost consciousness in an uncomfortable sleep.
Jessica held his hand trying to comfort him as she called out for Dr. Jamieson. Jamie came running having been working on the blood sample in the lab, finding Dr. Ryan pushing auburn locks from Harry's forehead.
“He just woke up,” she explained. “He was frantic, said something was going to kill Lee and Riley.”
Jamie's eyes widened knowing that while it was possible that Harry was delirious he couldn't ignore the possible threat.
“Hurry! Get Chief Sharkey, Dr. Ryan. I'll stay with the Admiral,” he directed taking over Harry's care.
* * * * *
Lee was making his rounds, checking along the perimeter of the nursery when he heard a sound. He drew his sidearm and walked toward the noise slowly until he heard a muffled struggle. He hurried his pace rounding a palm tree in time to see a green creature holding Stu Riley by the throat and shaking him violently.
Lee drew a bead, aiming but not able to get a clear shot. Riley was struggling for air and Lee knew he needed to act fast, so he ran at full force issuing a blindsided tackle to the creature.
Riley rolled away with the inertia of being dropped as Thallium recovered and turned on his attacker. He hovered over Lee, connecting his dreadful neon eyes with Lee's and raised his vine arm extending his barbed claws ready to administer the neurotoxin when he realized it was Crane. He retracted his claws and swung with power swiping Lee across the face and then picking him up and throwing him across the nursery.
Crane was his next option after Nelson expired, the intellect he stole only “borrowed” and of no use once his host died but Thallium's anger burned strong, the adrenalin of the hunt and his predatory nature barely under his control. He advanced on Crane who rolled onto his feet and recovered taking a defensive position having lost his sidearm. Thallium wheeled back and swung his arm but Lee blocked what would have been a devastating blow to his side, taking the brunt of the impact on his arm. The battle both invigorated and enraged Thallium as he swung again, this time connecting with Lee’s other side as he gasped in pain. He raised Crane by the throat and growled, then threw him across the room where he fell with a thud as his head connected with a planter box.
Thallium was pleased to have taught the human a lesson, he was saving Crane for a possible host but he couldn't allow the human’s attack to go unpunished. With Crane subdued he turned toward the young one who was coming around, he extended his barb claws ready to strike him dead when shots rang out from across the nursery.
Working on the stolen tactical genius of Nelson, he immediately gauged his need to retreat and disappeared into the shadows. His cocoon opened to receive him as Thallium was once again hidden in their midst, ready to strike again. The hunt had not produced a kill, but it was invigorating just the same as Thallium calmed himself to continue his parasitical takeover of Nelson's intellect. Soon he would command Nelson's genius and coupled with his own natural malevolence he would be a force to contend with.
* * * * *
“Skipper!” Sharkey yelled as he and Ron Rodriguez made their way over to the two downed men.
Ron attended to Riley as Sharkey knelt beside Lee who was curled on his side. He started coming around as Sharkey aided his attempt to roll on his back. Lee blinked and breathed deeply, pushing the pain of his bruised body aside.
“He's coming around, Ron's with him now,” Sharkey reported as Lee gathered his strength and attempted to sit up.
“Better wait for Doc, Skipper. That thing did a number on you.”
“I'm fine. Help me up Sharkey,” he said conceding the fact that moving just now was a bit hard as Sharkey complied.
“What about the creature?” Lee asked, standing with a slight sway and then finding his sure footing as he scanned the nursery.
“The creature, or whatever that green thing was, has disappeared Skipper. We lost track of it when we found you.”
Lee nodded in understanding as he reached to cradle his side. “Let's move Riley, I don't think it’s safe to bring Doc here. Put security on Red Alert Chief,” he ordered losing the breathy sound to his voice. “I'm afraid we now know what happened to Thorton.”
“Aye Sir,” Sharkey said as he took up Riley's other side and helped Ron walk him out. Lee looked around retrieving his sidearm and taking an appraising view of the nursery, then followed his men to the Infirmary.
* * * * *
Riley was ushered into the Infirmary with his arms wrapped around Sharkey and Rodriguez' shoulders as Jamie directed him to the only other cot in the room to start his evaluation. Sharkey and Ron left Riley to Jamie's care and moved outside where Lee was already setting up additional patrols.
“We'll work in teams of two. Establish that the perimeter is secure and then we'll set guards to protect the living quarters. Sharkey, take-over the Detail and stay in contact.”
“Aye Sir.”
Lee turned and entered the Infirmary just as Jamie was positioning a blanket over Riley.
“How is he Jamie?”
“A bit worse for the wear. Deep bruises on his throat, other than that minor contusions and bruises. He'll be okay.”
Lee nodded in relief. “Can I talk to him?”
“Aye Sir, but I just gave him some pain meds, he'll be dropping off to sleep in a few minutes.”
“It won't take long,” Lee assured him as he leaned over Stu’s cot.
Stu opened his eyes, weary for the experience but grateful to be safe at the moment.
“What was that thing Skipper?”
“I’m not sure. Can you tell me what happened?”
“I heard a noise and turned, then it came again from another direction. Then it attacked me from the opposite side, it moved sleek and quiet Sir. It was big and green and those eyes…,” he said effectively holding back what would have been a whimper.
“Easy there. We've got patrols out, you're safe now,” Lee assured him with a soft smile as Stu settled down and succumbed to the medication in complete trust of his Skipper's words.
Lee turned his attention to Harry just as Jessica returned to the Infirmary.
“Any change Jamie?” he asked.
“He woke for a minute.”
Lee's face reflected his interest.
“Dr. Ryan was here at the time.”
Jessica stepped closer. “He woke up frantic, saying that something was going to kill you and Riley.”
Lee's eyebrows tightened deeper. “How would he know Riley and I were in danger?”
“I don't know. His exact words were, 'They need help. He's going to kill them,' when I questioned who was in danger he told me. When I asked who was going to kill you he screamed in pain and said thallium.”
“Thallium?” Lee repeated, knowing that there was no scientist or Seaview crewman by such a name.
“I thought he was delirious. Thallium is an element, number 81 on the periodic table,” she recited from memory.
Lee paced away from the gurney and then turned around to face Jessica and Jamie.
“But he didn't say 'It' was going to kill us...” he thought out loud.
“No, he definitely said 'He'.”
“What did you find out there Lee?” Jamie asked curiously.
“A creature,” Lee started. “About six feet tall, green with neon blue eyes; very strong and very deadly.”
“Green?” Jessica asked incredulously, “As in a plant?” Lee nodded as Jessica raised a curled hand to her chin in thought.
“What are you thinking Jessica?”
“It can't be. I'm sure it's just a coincidence...”
“I learned a long time ago not to discount something just because it’s bizarre. Now tell me what's on your mind,” he probed a bit strongly.
“Thallium is an element as I mentioned. It's derived from the Greek word thallos and means 'green twig'. Like I said, it probably doesn't mean a thing,” she relented, almost embarrassed to bring it up.
Lee paced again. “The Admiral is very methodical, even when he's compromised. He was careful to choose his words, I'm sure of it. What attacked us wasn't human, its arms looked more like vines...”
Lee wheeled back around to face them. “Everything started with that Mystery Plant, from my vertigo to Thorton's disappearance. I think this Thallium is somehow related.”
“What do we do next?” Jessica asked a bit shaken but still functioning.
“Jessica, I'd like you to look over the Admiral's notes. See if he was onto something he didn't have time to report. Jamie, how's the blood work coming?”
“I'm afraid I found traces of something I can't identify. I'd like Dr. Ryan to take a look before she starts on the Admiral's notes.”
“Very well. I'll pull Kowalski off patrol to stay with your patients,” Lee said starting for the door.
“Skipper?” Jamie called as Lee turned. “Can I take a look at you first?”
Lee had an impressive bruise on his cheek to counter the red scuff mark on his forehead above his left eye and from time to time reached for his side, something Jamie hadn't missed.
“I'm fine Jamie. Just got banged up a bit,” he said leaving the Infirmary without giving the doctor a chance to object.
* * * * *
Thallium groaned in satisfaction. He now commanded all of Nelson's intellect and skill with the transference complete, though the parasite still required his host to retain the transferred knowledge.
“Parasite is such a loathsome term,” Thallium thought to himself having all of Harry's learned experiences. “I am a Conqueror. I simply use what I need,” he justified as he monitored the humans in the biosphere. He smiled, knowing that with Nelson's genius he would eventually be able to overcome the problem of the decontamination room. Until then the humans were at his mercy to serve as his sustenance or to simply satisfy his need for violence and destruction; he had made sure of that.
* * * * *
Lee found Dr. Longstreet and his Team and quickly briefed them on the happenings of the night.
“Then it's likely Bart is dead,” Longstreet stated as his head dropped in sorrow.
“We won't know for sure until we find the creature's hiding place, but I'm afraid I'm not very optimistic based on what happened tonight,” Lee replied honestly.
“What can we do to help?”
“I've already got Dr. Ryan tasked on going through the Admiral's notes. My men are securing a perimeter for the living quarters; perhaps your team could do a quick assessment on the biosphere and give me a status report.”
“We'll do, Captain Crane,” Longstreet agreed noting Lee's battle scars. “I hate to sound self-serving, but I'm glad you and your men were here to help.”
Lee nodded in understanding as Longstreet, Wilkins and Reynolds left to conduct a System's Check.
* * * * *
Thallium's thoughts turned to problem solving, as he was still working on neutralizing the decontamination room. Since Nelson wasn't privy to the biosphere blueprints Thallium would have to examine the circuitry himself. He would need to neutralize the ultra-violet lights without harming the environmental controls of the nursery, then he would eliminate the humans and take Nelson to the flying sub. He had the knowledge necessary to operate the craft and could easily fly to land but was more interested in Nelson's creation, the Seaview. With the biosphere's perfect conditions he could procreate and bring forth an army, together they would commandeer the submarine and choose their first invasion point.
His plans brought a devious grin to his face as he contemplated his next move. Though he himself had spawned asexually from the seed of its plant's flowers, those seeds were only dispersed in the event of the creature's eminent death; an innate survival tool, a last ditch effort to continue its species. In his current state of metamorphosis, however, he was capable of meiosis, a special type of cell division producing both male and female gametes. The gametes carried his DNA and the ability for fertilization, all of which he would inject into the human female through one of his barbs. Her transformation would produce a suitable mate and together they would build his army.
He breathed deeply at the thought, soaking in a different hunt; a new and exciting quest for his mate.
* * * * *
Lee was called to the lab where Jamie and Jessica sat at the microscope.
“Do you have something?” he asked as soon as he entered the small room.
“We think so, although we don't know what to think of it,” Jamie replied as Lee nodded for him to continue.
“Dr. Ryan has identified the trace chemicals as chlorophyll. We all consume it from eating plants but the Admiral has a concentrated amount in his bloodstream, which is why his finger nails are turning green,” Jamie surmised.
Lee reached to his forehead trying to rub away his headache as he assimilated this new information.
“It all goes back to the Mystery Plant somehow,” he said in frustration. “Very well Jamie. Head back to the Infirmary, perhaps Jessica will be able to glean something from the Admiral's notes that might be of value,” he ordered as Jamie complied even though his first thought was to order the Skipper to bed, but the emergency situation demanded Captain Crane be unfettered by any medical orders he might want to give.
“Aye Skipper,” he said, knowing the best thing he could do was to stay out of Lee's way so he could solve the mystery of a missing man, a very ill Admiral, and a creature running amok in the Biosphere.
“Captain Crane, may I speak with you?” Dr. Longstreet asked standing in the doorway.
“I'll be right there,” he said then turned to Jessica. “How are you holding out?” he asked gently, leaving behind his command mode for just a moment.
“I'm okay. These assignments are keeping me busy; the more I can help the better off I'll be,” she answered adding a smile that said 'thank you for asking'.
Lee returned her smile then nodded and left, resuming his command mode as he met with Dr. Longstreet and his Team outside.
“Dr. Longstreet?” Lee addressed, inviting him to report and realizing that the head of the Biosphere had relinquished command of the situation over to him.
“The vacuum door to the decontamination room has been sabotaged.”
“Sabotaged?” Lee replied incredulously.
Longstreet blew out a breath, “Yes, and very skillfully I might add. Captain, we're all botanist, not electricians. It wasn't my team,” he defended proactively.
“No I wouldn't think it would be, Doctor. I can also vouch for my men. My guess is the creature is intelligent.”
“And you know what this means Captain?” Longstreet asked almost rhetorically as Lee nodded in the affirmative.
“That we're trapped here, cut-off from escape or even Seaview's help,” Lee returned as the three botanists nodded in agreement.
“Very well Dr. Longstreet, I'll have my man Patterson take a look, there's a good chance he can do something with it,” he said as hope seemed to return to the scientists. “In the meantime, get some rest we may need your team to help with the patrols.”
* * * * *
Lee’s next stop was the radio as he contacted Seaview to update Chip on their status.
“No rescue attempt Chip, not until I know what I'm dealing with. This creature is six feet tall, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it's hiding. I don't want it to make itself aboard Seaview.”
“Aye Sir. Take care Lee.”
“I will. Crane out.”
Lee sat back and took a deep breath as he shipped the mic. He was tired and achy but mostly he was worried for Harry. Somehow the plant was affecting him, but how it or the creature was involved mystified him. He tapped the table trying to work out scenarios in his mind when he was interrupted by Kowalski.
“Skipper? Doc says the Admiral may be coming around.”
Lee rose immediately leaving his thoughts behind and followed Ski to the Infirmary. When he arrived he found Harry more uncomfortable than previously.
“The pain meds and sedation I administered are wearing off,” Jamie explained. “I thought you might want to try and talk to him before I administer more.”
“Thanks Jamie.”
“I'll be standing by with my hypo if his pain spikes,” Jamie warned as Lee nodded his understanding and leaned over Harry.
“Admiral, it's Lee. Can you hear me?”
Harry let out an airy pained moan and swallowed hard.
“Lee?” he whispered.
“I'm here Sir. What's happening to you Admiral?”
“The creature,” Lee interjected so that Harry wouldn't have to labor on what they already knew.
“He's in my mind...” Harry’s forehead furled tightly in pain as he worked desperately to speak.
“Doc...tor...Ry...an,” he breathed out. “He... wants her...” his words were cut off with a scream of pain that went beyond any pain he previously displayed as Jamie stepped in and administered the hypo, their conversation having unknowingly been cut short by Thallium’s intervention.
“Does the Admiral want Dr. Ryan here?” Jamie asked a bit perplexed as Lee headed out the door in a hurry.
“No it was warning!” he yelled over his shoulder as he ran for the lab.
* * * * *
Jessica read the Admiral's notes seeing a strange pattern. At times his observations were vague and loosely put together, other times they were the sharp, coherent and detailed observations she would have expected from the famed scientist. She reasoned his illness had been affecting him off and on... her current line of thought interrupted as she dropped her pencil and raised her head in a lost state as her eyes glossed over. She responded to Thallium's Call as he had previously marked her for a possible host and moved to obey without any will of her own.
She moved slowly but with purpose toward the door, stopping to make sure the way was clear of the roaming patrols and then proceeded onward. She reached the cover of the nursery plants and walked toward Thallium who was standing near a palm tree. All she could hear was his woo, his Call; totally missing the sound of her name echoing behind her.
* * * * *
Lee reached the lab and found it empty. He rushed back out and called to her, barely catching her white lab jacket in the rich foliage ahead.
“Jessica!” he yelled across the nursery. “Jessica!” he repeated taking off in a dead run as his yell attracted the attention of the patrols.
He poured on the steam continuing to call for her as she walked in a zombie-like trance. Her eyes made contact with Thallium's as his neon eyes reinforced her need to submit to his woo. She moved without understanding the danger of the fact that he intended to transform her into a creature like himself in order to mate.
Lee spotted Thallium ahead and made a running tackle for Jessica, bringing her down and stopping her forward motion as the green creature roared his displeasure in a primal scream that sent shivers up the spines of Seaview's men. He started to advance upon Lee when shots were fired, seemingly ineffectual till he retreated into the shadows once again.
“Are you okay Sir?” Ski called as Lee rose to tend to Jessica.
“Yeah I'm good,” he answered scooping Jessica into his arms as her lost glossy eyes sharpened and she screamed in terror with the knowledge of what almost happened.
Lee held her close and hushed into her ear comfortingly. “I've got you, Jessica,” he whispered. “I won't let go,” he promised then picked her up and carried her, cradled in his arms as she wrapped her hands tightly around his neck and sobbed into his chest.
“Track it Ski,” Lee ordered over his shoulder and carried her to the safety of the Infirmary.
She was still sobbing when they reached the Infirmary as he took a chair rocking her gently while Jamie arranged for another cot in the small room.
Her tears were fueled by images of Thallium's other copulations of times past and the transformation he intended for her.
A cot was brought in but she held tightly to Lee's neck, unwilling to let go of her anchor.
“It's alright, Jessica,” Lee comforted in her ear as Jamie prepared a sedative and administered it.
“Don't let it have me, Lee. Please,” she pleaded. “He wants to...” her voice trailed off in the disgusting thought and was lost in a new round of sobs.
“Look at me Jessica,” he coaxed as she slowly responded connecting with the sincerity of his expressive hazel eyes.
“I'm not going to let it near you. I promise,” he said holding her tight as the sedative took hold and she relaxed in his arms.
He held her longer than necessary as it was evident that she was completely out and then placed her in the cot as Jamie arranged blankets to cover her.
“How long will she be out?” Lee asked.
“I gave her a strong dose, eight hours at least,” Jamie replied.
“I'm posting a guard at the door. She's not to be left alone for any reason,” Lee ordered. “I'll check on her later,” he said leaving the Infirmary to check on his men currently trailing Thallium.
Lee could only guess what Thallium wanted with her, but the insinuations were clear enough to have a pretty good guess. He had to find this creature and put an end to this once and for all, he thought walking with determination.
* * * * *
Thallium retreated to his cocoon nursing a bullet wound. Green blood flowed from his leg as he tended his injury. The trunk of his body was well armored but a bullet had found a vulnerable spot in his appendage. The bullet passed straight through but it was only a minor setback as he began the process of self-healing. As the cocoon provided the necessary ointment he felt relief from his pain and focused on the thwarted calling of his chosen mate.
Crane was becoming bothersome, he reasoned and considered whether it was worth keeping him alive. His thoughts ran dark against Seaview's Captain as he closed his eyes to rejuvenate his strength and allow the appendage to heal.
* * * * *
The trail lead back to the vicinity of the Mystery Plant but unfortunately falling short of the actual plant, although Lee was sure it had something to do with Thallium's arrival. No one had a clue that Thallium was actually inside the plant, tucked into a tight ball as he rejuvenated. The plant leaves though large, weren't tall enough to conceal the six foot creature and the idea that the leaves opened and closed for him wasn't even considered. Still, Lee was suspicious and posted a guard on the plant.
Back at the lab, Lee enlisted Dr. Longstreet's aid as he and the botanists dove into Harry's notebook while Lee checked with Patterson on his progress with the vacuum doors, their only exit.
“There's nothing I can do Skipper, short of setting a charge and blowing it wide open,” Pat reported.
“We haven't got any charges anyway,” Lee observed with a tired hand across his neck.
“What about Seaview? Divers could enter the cave and blow it from the outside?”
“Not until I contain the creature. It's done too much damage here, I can't allow for the possibility of it making its way on board Seaview,” Lee explained as Patterson nodded.
“Thanks anyway Pat. Check in with Sharkey, he'll give you your next duty assignment.”
“Sure thing Skipper.”
Lee headed for the lab seeking another report before checking in on the Infirmary.
“Captain Crane, I think we may have something for you,” Dr. Longstreet said greeting Lee as soon as he entered the lab.
“It appears Admiral Nelson was on to something, but clearly his illness deterred his final assessment.”
Lee nodded for Longstreet to continue.
“The Admiral conducted tests on a cross section from a sucker plant, growing alongside the main plant. Suckers rarely progress to maturity and usually just steal nutrients from the main plant. In any event, he found an interesting enzyme, very similar to the degradative enzymes in the venus fly trap.”
Lee sighed. “Then the plant is...”
“Carnivores,” Longstreet finished for him as Lee tracked his hand through his hair turning as he thought.
“The question is how does Thallium play into this?” Lee asked thinking out loud. “Is he part of the plant or is the plant part of him?”
No one had a clue of course, but the information was sobering as the hope of finding Thorton alive dwindled with this last revelation.
“Thank you Dr. Longstreet. We're going to do what we can to capture or kill the creature, but I'm going to need for you come up with the best way of destroying the plant.”
“But it’s a new discovery!” Longstreet chimed in. “It's only doing what it does to survive,” he added.
“I'm not buying that argument,” Lee returned sharply and then blew a breath out. “As I said, we'll try and capture the creature but I won't risk my men's lives over a scientific discovery. If we can save the plant we will, but not at the risk of any more lives,” he said laying it on the line and leaving before the next argument could be rendered.
Lee walked past Kowalski standing at his post outside the Infirmary, acknowledging him with a nod and entered the room.
“How are they Jamie?” he asked looking over Riley and Jessica sleeping soundly on their cots and Harry who was still sleeping uncomfortably, moaning and tossing his head from side to side.
“They're all stable, no change.”
“Why don't you grab some coffee and take a break, I'll stay with them,” Lee offered as Jamie considered Lee's tired look and reasoned that sitting in a chair next to Harry was as close as the Captain was going to get to resting himself and relented.
“Thank you Skipper. I'll be back in say... half hour?”
“That's fine Jamie.”
Lee moved to Harry's side noting the green creeping up his finger nails as the plant's hold on him continued while Jamie left, taking one last glance over his shoulder before heading for the Mess Hall.
Once alone, Lee let down his command mode and dipped his head, sighing and taking a circuit around the small Infirmary. He stopped at Riley’s cot first who was obviously floating happily on his pain meds sporting a small smile as Lee figured he was riding a killer wave in his happy dream. Then he stopped at Jessica’s cot, reaching down to finger a strand of hair from her face and grateful that she’d been spared from Thallium’s plans. He adjusted her blanket higher and then turned toward the Admiral. He picked up Harry's hand and examined the odd color of his fingernails, giving it a squeeze before laying it carefully down. He felt Harry's forehead then placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke softly.
“We found your notes Admiral. We know the plant is carnivorous, I can only guess that Thorton is dead. Thallium sabotaged the vacuum lock, apparently he doesn't want anyone leaving the Biosphere. I got your message; Dr. Ryan is safe now, but it was close.” Lee breathed deeply and continued. “Am I right Admiral? Is Thallium part of the plant or just some sort of guardian? I don't know where it hides, but I'm guessing inside the large leaves. I don't know if it's even possible, am I just grasping at straws?” he asked staring off to nowhere when he suddenly felt a soft hand on his as it rested on Harry's shoulder.
Lee looked down to see Harry awake; still in pain but awake.
“Admiral?” Lee said, relieved to see Harry’s blue eyes looking back at him.
“It's hard to think Lee,” Harry admitted softly as Lee listened carefully. “Thallium is a parasite...,” he said, swallowing hard.
“Are you the host?” Lee asked holding Harry's hand in a clasp.
Harry nodded. “Brain…”
“Your brain? It’s using your brain to function?”
Harry nodded ever so slightly as some things fell into place for Lee, including the expert sabotage job on the vacuum door.
“Then the only way to free the host…” Lee said to himself fading off as he thought then looked back at Harry.
“I know what to do Admiral,” Lee assured him as Harry cracked a small tight lipped smile grateful that with the transference complete and the sedative wearing off he was finally able to communicate with Lee.
Harry squeezed once more and then allowed himself to drift back off as the conversation had been taxing to his exhausted body.
Lee felt Harry’s grip loosen but kept his hold pulling a chair closer to sit and rest until Jamie returned.
* * * * *
Thallium completed his healing cycle as the cocoon fed the nutrients he needed. He had spent his restorative period thinking about his next step. His naturally aggressive predatory ego was sorely bruised while his unchecked anger was fueled by his drive to procreate, his mating delayed because of Crane. Though Crane was his second choice as a host he was fast becoming a liability. But indeed, it was much more basic than that, something much more primal; Crane was his rival for the female human.
Thallium rubbed his leg, feeling it strong once again and smiled at the thought of another hunt.
* * * * *
“But it’s a new species!” Longstreet argued. “And an intelligent one at that,” he added as Lee addressed the need to destroy the plant which he believed harbored Thallium.
“He’s a parasite, feeding off of Admiral Nelson’s brain,” Lee countered. “He’s already killed one of your men and nearly killed Riley, he would have if I hadn’t interrupted him, and he nearly got Dr. Ryan. I’m not sure what it will take to convince you Dr. Longstreet, but I’m not willing to wait for it to strike again.”
“You forget Captain Crane, this project belongs to NASA and as such seeking out new life is a high priority. Why we didn’t even have to go to another world to find it!”
“I’m going to stop that thing before it kills again,” Lee said standing and ending the discussion as he added one last comment. “I suggest you speak with Dr. Ryan, find out what it wanted with her,” Lee said with a glare as Longstreet fumed having lost control of the project's destiny.
* * * * *
Thallium waited for a clear moment and slipped out the back as one single leaf parted for his stealth exit, using the shadows and his green body to move freely among the nursery plants. He moved to the back of the Biosphere, far away from his Cocoon where the others had concentrated their patrols, then called to his prey.
* * * * *
Lee left the Mess Hall where he just briefed the Botanists and checked in with Sharkey, then headed to the circuitry panel to see if he could figure a way to bypass the sabotaged wire and enable the vacuum lock. As he worked he thought about what Longstreet said, knowing that blind curiosity would cost more lives and even more sure of the need to destroy the plant. But with the scientists unwilling to help, he’d have to wait for Jessica to wake to confer with her on the best means. The last thing he wanted was to spread the plant by disposing of it incorrectly. He abandoned his futile work on the vacuum lock about an hour later and headed for the nursery, intending to study the plant and knowing that he had guards posted there; he was walking among the plants when he received the Call.
Thallium tapped into the electrical neuron he marked in Lee’s brain and sent a message that he couldn’t ignore. The Call felt like an out of body experience as Lee could almost see himself compelled to move forward but without emotion of any kind. He somehow knew where he was going, and who was waiting but all his self-preservation skills were turned off as he walked helplessly forward. The trance-like state drew him deep in the biosphere, out of view of the others as Thallium waited sensing his prey’s approach and salivating for the impending carnage. His satisfaction was growing; as soon as he was through feasting on Crane’s flesh he would call the female and continue his plans to mate, a drive that was fast becoming his greatest need.
Thallium’s neon blue eyes exhumed pure evil as he watched Lee approach walking aimlessly forward in complete submission. He waited until Crane was directly in front of him then released the Call, freeing Crane's mind. Thallium wanted Crane to feel the fear and terror of the slaughter, indeed he craved those emotions as part of the kill.
Lee blinked, taking in his surroundings and Thallium all at once, but not having any time to react as Thallium wheeled back with a blow sending Lee across the floor slamming him into the biosphere wall. He reached for his sidearm but found it batted from his hand by the green creature’s viney arm. Another blow sent Lee flying across the floor sliding to a stop after hitting a planting box. Lee searched for anything to use as a weapon but found nothing as he struggled to rise and fight back. He double fisted Thallium’s side only to be met with an armor like middle.
“She will be mine Crane,” Thallium gloated in a deep guttural voice oozing with primal lust of the copulation he sought, as Lee realized he had to overcome the creature, not just for himself but for Jessica as well. Lee lunged for Thallium catching him off guard as the two fell to the ground and rolled with Lee ending up on bottom. Thallium lashed another blow whipping Lee’s head to one side as Lee kicked up his feet with all his might sending the creature over his shoulder.
Thallium’s anger burned, his aggression fueled by Crane’s resistance as he rose to his feet. The combat produced a deep-seated murderous savagery within Thallium as his instinctive predatory essence took over. Lee found his way to his feet but the creature was upon him, weary of playing with the human and driven to dominate his rival as he wielded back his arm. Lee watched barb like claws extend and struck in one swift motion as Thallium dug his claws into Lee’s arm. He screamed in pain and struggled to free himself as Thallium raised his other arm and extended his claws, this time he triggered the neurotoxin that once injected into Crane’s flesh would kill him in slow agonizing seconds.
Thallium hesitated as Crane tried to squirm out of his grasp, the claws puncturing deep and holding him in place. The green creature wanted Crane to suffer longer than this, but consoled himself with the fact that he would be dining on his prey soon. He started to strike as Crane’s pained scream reverberated in the Biosphere, then without warning Thallium released his prey and let out an evil primal scream, leaving Lee and bolting forward.
* * * * *
Thallium reached his Cocoon only to find it in flames, it turned to strike but found no humans. Immediately the grow-light spectrum was changed as the entire nursery was flooded with ultraviolet rays releasing a chemical harmful to plants, something Thallium was especially susceptible to. He screamed a primal roar as he spotted Crane being assisted across the floor and started to lunge for his nemesis when he was greeted with fire power from three sides as Seaview’s Security Detail plummeted the beast with bullets.
Weakened by the ultraviolet rays and no longer having the cocoon to heal him, Thallium diverted his attention from everything under his control; releasing Nelson and withdrawing his parasitical hold so that it could revert back to its pure animalistic barbarism to survive. No longer was he the creature known as Thallium as he lost his host’s intellect, but regressed back to being the Hitchhiker. A cruel mean beast with no intelligence of its own, simply a predator driven to kill. It lunged toward Kowalski, pushed back by the onslaught of bullets, then moved toward Patterson finding the same barrage and finally turned toward Sharkey who laid into the creature with everything he had. The Hitchhiker howled its last breath and then fell to the ground where the ultraviolet rays continued to beat down on it until it began to shrivel back into the lifeless plant of its origin.
“Burn it,” Lee said, standing behind his men with the aid of Rodriguez and Dr. Longstreet.
Sharkey was only too happy to comply as he doused the dead creature and threw a match on it, ensuring the creature could never rise again.
Lee watched it burn until his knees buckled with the pain of his arm punctured by the creature’s barbed claws taking its toll.
* * * * *
Lee was walked back to the Infirmary where Jessica met him as he shrugged off the helping hands holding him up and took her into his arms holding her tight.
“Is it gone?” she asked as silent tears fell down her cheeks.
“It’s dead, it won’t ever hurt you again,” he promised as Jamie wrapped a blanket around Lee and nudged him into the Infirmary.
* * * * *
Lee woke the next day to find the other cots in the Infirmary empty; he was in fact the only one there. He pushed the blankets back and sat up, letting his equilibrium catch up with his new position. He reached for his arm; it was wrapped and no doubt treated with every antibiotic Jamie could think of. He was bruised and sore but not in too bad a shape for fighting a duel with a man-eating plant. Lee reached for the uniform shirt hanging on a hook and shrugged it on carefully, painfully working the buttons and then tucking in before following the sounds of a carefree gathering in the Mess Hall.
“Glad you could join us Lee,” Harry said, sitting with a piece of pizza in front of him and looking quite well.
Lee smiled in relief at seeing Harry up and about. “You’re looking good for being so ill yesterday, Admiral.”
“Not yesterday, Lee. You’ve been asleep for two days.”
Lee glared at Jamie, “That must have been some sedative you gave me.”
Jamie raised his hands in surrender. “Not me Skipper. That was your own body demanding some rest.”
“Have a seat Lee, we’ll tell you all about it,” Harry said, knowing that Lee missed out on most of what happened.
It seemed that Dr. Longstreet had a change of heart once Jessica woke and explained what Thallium’s intentions were toward her. Longstreet laid out a plan based on the assumption that Thallium’s DNA was a hybrid of plant and animal and reasoned that ultraviolet rays would at least incapacitate it. Jessica’s description of the copulation process, which she witnessed through the images thrust upon her suggested that the cocoon was necessary, so they burned it in the hopes of at least sparing her that fate if all else failed. Sharkey had chimed in with the O-K Corral shoot-out as a back-up if the UV Rays fell short.
It was all just a plan until Lee’s scream permeated the Biosphere, at which point Longstreet knew he couldn't allow someone else to die without doing his part to stop it. Apparently Thallium abandoned Lee at the precise moment his cocoon was set on fire.
“That’s an incredible show of team-work,” Lee complimented reaching for his own piece of pizza and sending a grateful nod toward Longstreet for making the right decision.
“What about you Admiral?”
“Once Thallium broke the connection the barb in my neck dissolved,” Harry said raising his hands to show that even the chlorophyll had been absorbed as he no longer sported green finger nails.
“As soon as it released me I was in full control of my mind again,” Harry explained. “Oh and sorry about the sabotage job. Since Thallium utilized my knowledge I was able to bypass the necessary circuits and correct the problem. We now have full access to Seaview.”
“That’s good news.” Lee stole an appraising glance at Jessica, he wanted to know how she was doing but decided to wait until they could talk in private. His glance wasn’t missed however, as she smiled softly sending him an “ask me later” reply with her eyes.
“So the project is proceeding?” Lee asked, not sure what to think of continuing with the shadow of Thallium hanging over the place.
“Yes,” Dr. Longstreet answered, “Just not here. We could never be sure that the plant hasn’t re-seeded, and even though we know what to look for, what if another team takes over and misses the signs?” he explained.
“Then there’s still a chance another plant will grow and produce another creature?” Lee asked.
“I’m afraid so,” Harry jumped in. “While connected with Thallium I saw images deep within his own mind, though we never conversed I saw his nature through these images. The plant enters a self-preservation phase as soon as it becomes apparent that the creature is facing eminent death, not unlike certain pine trees whose serotinous cones hold their seed until something as catastrophic as a forest fire heats it enough to open, allowing new trees to rise from the ashes. If the Mystery Plant did indeed drops seeds that survived the fire they will lay dormant until the right conditions bring forth the next phase in its metamorphosis, its life cycle if you will,” Harry finished.
“So we are abandoning this location,” Longstreet joined in. “We’ve been packing for the last two days; everything is running through decontamination with an extra-long exposure to the UV Rays. Since Admiral Nelson’s visions of the plant indicate that the seed was present here when we came and activated when we cultivated the volcanic soil, then we can be reasonably sure that another seed won’t hitchhike its way out with our gear.”
“That’s good to know,” Lee said reaching for a mug of coffee while avoiding the use of his injured arm.
“I guess the next question is ‘how did the seed get here, 500 feet under the surface’?” Lee asked taking a drink and sitting back for the debriefing.
“I saw that as well. The answer is quite simple; ‘seed dispersal’ only this seed had quite a journey. It was unknowingly brought here by an alien race, quite peaceful I might add. They were explorers and came to investigate life here on Earth, their mission was cut short when a creature nearly decimated their own research team. They thought they had exterminated the parasite. That’s why we have to make sure the cave is sealed after we leave, to make sure there is no chance of another creature growing.”
“I agree. How did NASA take the news?”
“Very seriously, which is why this entire incident has been deemed Top Secret and sealed by order of the President.”
Lee nodded his understanding and then stood. “Well I think I need to check in with Seaview and find out what else I’ve missed these last few days,” Lee offered with a polite smile.
Lee made his radio call, checking in with Chip and getting a run-down on the evacuation effort then signed off, leaving the Control Center and catching sight of the nursery. The UV Rays and the fact that the garden was no longer being tended produced the expected result as the plants began to wilt. He heard someone approaching and turned to see Jessica walking up and settling in beside him.
“I wanted to see how you were doing?” Lee inquired, speaking first and trying to be gentle in his approach to a situation that was very likely a traumatic memory for her.
“I’ll be alright. The images I saw are really the worst of it, like some horror movie,” she explained as the two walked casually toward the nursery.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“I know. I want to thank you Lee, for taking care of me and protecting me. I’ve never been hysterical before,” she said almost ashamedly.
“You had every right to be, you held up well,” he assured her.
“Thank you,” she returned with an easy smile, grateful for his understanding as the two rounded the corner of the last building.
“I suppose everything is just about wrapped up here,” Lee said stopping and taking one last appraising look around.
“Not quite,” she said as Lee turned toward her with a raised eyebrow in question. She smiled then took a step toward him, sliding her hands around his neck and rising on her tip toes to offer a kiss.
Lee received the kiss distractedly, looking around to make sure the moment was private then deepening his response when he verified they were alone. He gently pulled her closer as the two kissed longingly and then parted sharing a small smile accompanied with a slight chuckle.
“Come on Dr. Ryan, I'll escort you back,” he said as his grin widened.
“Why thank you Captain Crane,” she replied as the two mimicked proper decorum playfully, enjoying their walk and their stolen intimate moment.
Behind them lay the charred remnants of the Hitchhiker's Cocoon; deep inside the layers of burned leaves lay a protected seed bearing all the past experiences of Thallium inside its DNA and awaiting its opportunity to spring forth once again. A day later the chances of that opportunity were drastically reduced when Seaview sealed the cave with laser blasts to bar any entrance or exit under tons of volcanic rock.
* * * * *
Inside, the cave was completely dark negating all possibility of photosynthesis as the seed waited patiently in its dormant state.
The End
The Hitchhiker
*Harry’s discussion on Grow-lights quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grow_light
Credits: Please note that as usual I list my sources not to validate my understanding of the sciences involved but to give credit for my buzz words. The authority at which my discussions are presented are based out of limited understanding and are created to add plausibility to my science fiction world. For the real stuff visit the links below:
Plant reproduction discussion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_reproduction and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_division
Brain waves research: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroencephalography
Chlorophyll: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorophyll
Serotinous Cones: http://techalive.mtu.edu/meec/module11/FireandJackPine.htm
Author’s Notes: I hope you enjoyed my little Monster of the Week story. I wrote this tale in the spirit of the monster movies I used to watch as a kid every Saturday afternoon, including the monster always seeking to steal the heroine for his dastardly purposes. Thanks to Pauline for the great Challenge Picture; as soon as I saw it I thought of a plant beast running amok in an underwater laboratory. Also thanks to all the contributors of the Story Picture Challenges as they help to feed my creative juices while giving the reader a great visual to accompany the story. Lynn : )
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen