Commemorative (unofficial)Certificates or 'Firsts' that have been presented to the Officers, Crew, and friends of SSRN Seaview. Blue Nose aka Northern Domain of the Polar Bear Crossing the Arctic Circle 66-32 N. Latitude *Frostbitten* for our purposes denotes a special Blue Nose for crossing under the ice as well. By series end, certainly all hands earned their initiation certificate! Seaview might as well have a mail box at the North Pole. Maybe Santa will grant Captain Crane's wish for a new paint job for Seaview. Corvette Red, of course!.
Unscheduled parachute jump from a disabled aircraft. Crane certainly qualifies for this, jumping from the disabled Flying Sub. Killers of the Deep. Nelson was going to jump after him, but ended up trying to get the controls back. In spite of his valiant effort, he ended up in the drink himself. Speaking of drinks, bet they both had a little libation after safely back aboard Seaview some time later. Much later as Crane had been captive aboard an enemy sub and Nelson had had to ram it with a destroyer. Is there nothing that man can't do?
First Dives/Last Dives/Special Dives While our guys are too experienced for the normal 'first' of a Deep Dive Certificate, they do qualify for certain other Special Deep Dives what with Braddock's atmosphere-Man Beast, and various denizens of the deep sending them to non plumed depths. For Voyage fans, well, we all qualify as we certainly enjoyed our initiation to Deep Dives with Seaview!
Crossing the Int'l. Dateline (180th Meridian) "Gee, Lee, why is yesterday tomorrow in the Control Room, today only in the Reactor Room, and tomorrow yesterday in Sick Bay? Ah, well that explains it." Not really, probably depends on just where the dateline crosses the sub.
Going around the Horn No doubt Seaview did so now and then.
Circumnavigating the globe Well, we've all done this thanks to Seaview. No wonder I aced Geography! Being an Air Force 'brat' had nothing to do with it.
Going through the Panama Canal No doubt Nelson saved time betwixt one ocean and the next using the Panama Canal when cruisng under the Arctic ice cap wasn't convenient. * Order of the Rock Crusing through the Straits of Gibraltar Definitely Crane had already 'sailed these waters before' before Seaview's quest to destroy the City Beneath the Sea.
Sailing the Persian Gulf Shouts of Long Live the King still echo along the shore as Seaview heads home after returning the boy king to his homeland in his unamed Near East country.
Service aboard a vessel from her commissioning. In a great deal of fan fiction, Lt. Cmdr. Morton is cited as a plank owner, but never referred to as such in the aired series. Nelson, however, may certainly be termed a plank owner without hesitation as he designed, built (well, he is a hands on kind of Admiral though I'm sure he used a professional contractor such as the Electric Boat Company at times) and owned her. Very doubtful he missed the commissioning ceremony either. For Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea fans, a Plank Owner is anyone who enjoyed the original airing of the series between 1964-1968. Knarled Plank Owner "Knarled' coined here by Seaview Stories for anyone who enjoyed the original 1961 screening of the film version Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
Sailing the Black Sea While Seaview is in the Black Sea for Nelson's covert action, Crane has to rescue or stop the Time Bomb that Nelson's become unawares.
Crossing the Antarctic Circle 66-32 S. Latitude There's a mailbox down here for our intrepid sub and crew too!
Accidentally firing at a whale while mistaking it for a submarine. Yes there is such a certificate, but our boys aboard Seaview don't qualify. For any whales that have been fired upon, it's been strictly on purpose! Ghost of Moby Dick, Jonah and the Whale,etc. Need I go on?
Traversing the Suez Canal Well, they had to get to The Magnus Beam somehow. And to return a none too cooperative Mummy to his Mommy in Cairo.
Taking to the water and spending more than 24 hours on a life raft. Admiral Nelson qualifies for this twice, once in Mutiny, again in The Exile if you can count on air filled wetsuits contrived as a life raft. Works for me!
Crossing the Equator aka Crossing the Line Golden=crossing at the Int'l Dateline Emerald=crossing at the Greenwich Meridian We see one of these ceremonies in Doomsday though no doubt they experienced other such crossings.
Sailing the Caribbean Who can deliver Seaview from the numerous haunting and ghosties and goulies that she's experienced? Certainly not Blackbeard seeking a little Revenge.
While certainly there are other companies which draft, design and emboss many such unofficial documents, Tiffany Publishing is currently the most popular and offers most of these mentioned. While blank certificates are available, I purchased these complete with the embossing of names, rank, or in most cases yours truly, in order to present them for your enjoyment online. I also made sure to purchase the 'modestly clad' mermaid versions instead of the 'au natural'sirens, the latter which are, in my humble opinion, better from an artistic point of view, but which might cause a raised eyebrow or two from some quarters.
Dr. Fred Wilson-'Frostbitten' Blue Nose Certificate
Lt. Frank O'Brien-'Frostbitten' Blue Nose Cerfificate
Cmdr. Lee Crane- Caterpillar Club pin
Unofficial* Deep Dive Certificate *See the discrepancy in that 'black fish' is used instead of the requested 'blue fish'. Oh well, mistakes happen.
Unofficial* Order of Magellan Certificate
Unofficial* Order of the Rock Certificate
Unofficial* Persian Excursian Certificate
VTTBOTS Plank Owner Certificate* presented to R. L. Keller for her continued encouragement and support of Seaview Stories. Shown here with permission.
Unofficial* Realm of the Czars Certificate
Admiral Harriman Nelson- Red Nose Certificate
Lt. Cmdr. Chip Morton- Red Nose Certificate
Lt. Cmdr. Will Jamison- Red Nose Certificate
Unofficial* Safari to Suez Certificate
Unofficial* Shellback Certificate
Unofficial* Order of the Spanish Main Certificate